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Your Morning Routine

What’s your perfect morning routine?

Write down your perfect routine and ask each other about what they would
like to do each morning.

Time Activity
06:00 am Wake up
06:30 am Brush my teeth
07:00 am Have a bath
07:30 am Eat my breakfast
08:00 am Go to work
08:30 am Start Work
12:30 pm Have lunch
03:00 pm Have a cup of coffee
07:30 pm Have dinner
08:00 pm Family time
10:30 pm Go to sleep

I wake up at 6 am and at 6:30 am I brush my teeth. After brushing my teeth, I

take a shower at 7 am and then I get dressed. After getting dressed I eat my
breakfast at 07:30 am. So, I go to work at 8 am and start my work at 08:30 am.
I have lunch at 12:30 pm with my family. then at 3 pm I have a cup of coffee
and finish my work. at 07:30 pm I have dinner and enjoy family time, finally I
go to sleep at 10:30 pm.

Manuel Alejandro Zapata Ortiz

Ficha: 2340645
Reparación de maquinaria agrícola
Transversal INGLES


 Do you eat breakfast?

R/ Yes, I do.
 Do you shower in the morning?
R/ Yes, I do.
 Do you drink coffee?
R/ Yes, I do drink coffee.

Manuel Alejandro Zapata Ortiz

Ficha: 2340645
Reparación de maquinaria agrícola

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