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L E T ’ S L O V E O U R S E L V E S A G A I N

I’ve had enough of you YES YOU. Why aren’t you loving yourself ? Why are you losing your

damn mind over a sp ? Why are you putting yourself last then expecting Queen/King

treatment ? NOT ON MY WATCH ! We are loving & cherishing ourselves once and for all. Self

love/self concept is the key to everything let’s unlock all your manifestations in less than

two weeks if you simply do what I advise. I want you to focus on you & YOU ONLY before you

ask no you can not affirm for anything else but your self concept. I want you to put yourself

first for once I promise you I won’t guide you down the wrong road God/Goddess. Self

concept is all about how you feel about yourself and how others view you in your reality if

your constantly getting treated like shit then sweetheart unfortunately a aspect about

yourself is shitty but look on the bright side you can revise it and get a fresh start once and

for all. All I ask is Two weeks to commit to this amazing challenge I will provide everything

you need in this quick, easy ebook including activities & more that I will want you to do

everyday for the next 14 days. Are you ready to finally take your power back & remember

who the fuck you are ?

Benefits on self concept

- Achieve faster manifestations

- Everyone in your reality will treat you like GOLD

- Less likely to react & spiral

- A instant boost of confidence within 24 hours

- A better sight at what you truly want in life

- And much more

Week #2

Self concept & selfishness

Welcome to week #2 this will be self concept & selfish

week. I want you all to be very selfish this week don’t let

anything get you off your pedestal I want you to really focus

on yourself, decrease your usage on social media or any

other distraction. I want you to be very selfish with your

time & life this week put yourself first, tell people ‘ no ‘, get

more rest etc. I want everyone reading this to know if your

not on a pedestal don’t expect others to put you on one. Stop

selling yourself short and be SELFISH for once you’ve done

enough for others now give yourself the same love your

looking for.
Activity #1

Everyday this week I want you to pick 3 things to do

for self care whether that’s reading a book, going to

get a facial or massage, sun bathing etc pick 3 things

everyday that makes yourself happy. Continue to do

your letters, mirror work and anything else that has

brought you joy. I am very proud of you already &

everything you have accomplished remember to be

selfish this week.

Activity #2

Go on a virtual shopping spree literally add all the

things you want or have ever wanted in your cart or

look for your dream house or car. It doesn’t matter do

all of it if you want to I want you to this is a form of

self care by wanting the best for yourself and

knowing you deserve the best of the best. Just picture

yourself happy with no limit on your black card go

shop, sight see get into the action of being wealthy or

well off. Call up your manifestation buddy and have a

week of ‘ luxury shopping ‘.


Do this self concept challenge all month long

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