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1. A lack of job(A) opportunities for recent graduates restricts their(B) independence, often forcing them(C) to
remain at home or else they move(D) back home. No error(E)

2. Before you can make a fresh fruit salad, you must buy oranges, bananas, pineapples and peaches are necessary.

A) you must buy oranges, bananas, pineapples and peaches are necessary

B) you must buy oranges and bananas and pineapples and peaches

C) vou must buy oranges and bananas. And other fruit such as pineapples and peaches

D) you must buy oranges and bananas and other fruit. Such as pineapples and peaches

E) you must buy oranges, bananas, pineapples, and peaches

3. The price of gold has been influenced by continued inflation and because people have lost faith in the dollar.

A) Because people have lost faith

B) Because of the loss of faith

C) By people which have lost faith

D) Losing faith

E) Loss of faith

4. He bought some bread, butter, cheese and decided not to eat them until the evening.

A) some bread, butter, cheese and decided

B) some bread, butter, cheese and then decided

C) a little bread, butter, cheese and decided

D) some bread, butter, cheese, deciding

E) some bread, butter, and cheese and decided

5. The things the children liked best were swimming in the river and to watch the horses being groomed by the

A) swimming in the river and to watch the horses being groomed by the trainer

B) swimming in the river and to watch the trainer grooming the horses

C) that they liked to swim in the river and watch the horses being groomed by the trainer

D) swimming in the river and watching the horses being groomed by the trainer

E) to swim in the river and watching the horses being groomed by the trainer
6. The speaker was praised for his organization, choice of subject, and because he was brief

A) for his organization, choice of subject, and because he was brief

B) for his organization, his choice of subject and the speech having brevity

C) on account of his organization and his choice of subject and the brevity of his speech

D) for the organization of his speech, for his choice of subject, and because he was brief

E) for his organization, his choice of subject, and his brevity

7. Jawwad's favorite summer supper includes barbecued chicken, grilled corn on the cob, sliced tomatoes and he
likes green salad.

A) and he likes green salad

B) in addition to green salad

C) adding green salad

D) including green salad

E) and green salad

8. The wife of the new leader is tough, single-minded, and tries to be independent.

A) tries to be independent

B) acting independent

C) independent

D) an independent person

E) an independent

9. Passing the written(A) test that(B) is required for a driver's license is usually easier(C) than to pass(D) the driving
test. No error(E)

10. Even in apparently peaceful neighborhoods, one often finds conflict between parents and officials over such
issues as wanting smaller classes, curriculum, and the importance of nonacademic Subjects like art, music, and
physical education.

A) wanting smaller classes, curriculum, and the importance of nonacademic subjects

B) class size, curriculum, and that nonacademic subjects are not important

C) class size, curriculum, and the importance of nonacademic subjects

D) how many children are in a class, what they read, and the importance of nonacademic subjects

E) class size, curriculum, and nonacademic subjects

11. The presentation of Edwardian England as a period of romance lets the viewer forget the poverty and squalor in
which the majority lived and inspire him to laugh at the foolish mores of the rich and fashionable.

A) and inspire

B) and inspires

C) which inspires

D) inspiring

E) and this inspires

12. At the end of the game everybody rushed out of the stadium, running to their cars, and then sat, waiting for the
traffic to move.

A) running to their cars, and then sat

B) ran to their cars, and then sat

C) running to his car, and then sat

D) ran to his car, and then sat

E) running to his car, and then sitting

13. The process of making chocolate bars(A) involves(B) melting the cocoa beans, adding(C) milk, and the
refrigeration(D) of the candy. No error(E)

14. The police began to solve(A) the crime by taking fingerprints(B), canvassing(C) the neighborhood for witnesses,
and to talk(D) with the victims. No error(E)

15. I was horrified to hear her terrible language, to feel her extreme animosity, and also seeing her horrible

A) to hear her terrible language, to feel her extreme animosity, and also seeing her horrible manners.

B) to hear her terrible language, to feel her extreme animosity, and also to see her horrible manners.

C) to hear her terrible language, feeling her extreme animosity, and also seeing her horrible manners.

D) to hear her terrible language, to feel her extreme animosity, and seeing her horrible manners.

E) to hear her terrible language, seeing her horrible manners, and also to feel her extreme animosity.

16. It is far easier (A) to ride a bicycle than explaining(B) in words exactly how(C) a bicycle is ridden(D). No
17. Toni Morrison was honored by Harvard University not only as a great novelist but also she wrote eloquently of
the history of African American culture.

A) she wrote eloquently of the history

B) having written an eloquent history

C) writing eloquently about the history

D) being an eloquent historian

E) as an eloquent historian

18. Journalists should present a balanced view of the news but with their goal to stir discussion and unsettle
complacent thinkers.

A) with their goal to stir

B) should also stir

C) aiming at the same time to stir

D) also trying to stir

E) its goal should also be in stirring

19. Many colleges are adopting work-study programs, which offer practical advantages to both the students and the

A) programs, which offer practical advantages to both the students and

B) programs, which offers practical advantages to both the students and

C) programs, which offer both practical advantages to the students plus

D) programs; it offers practical advantages to both the students as well as

E) programs; this offers practical advantages both to the students and

20. Walt Disney's first success was his third Mickey Mouse film, in which Disney produced a cartoon with sound,
and Mickey was made to talk.

A) sound, and Mickey was made to talk

B) sound and making Mickey talk

C) sound, with the result being Mickey talking

D) sound in where Mickey talks

E) sound and made Mickey talk

Answers and Explanations of Parallelism Exercise:

1. D (or to move back home)

2. E (The phrase "are necessary' causes redundancy. This can be removed to make the sentence proper and also, the
items ingredients are given in list form so, there should be a “, and" before peaches. This is given in the choice E.
Option B uses "and" repeatedly. C and D change the structure of the sentence.)

3. E (It avoids the error of the original by following the conjunction "and" with a noun phrase (loss o faith") to
parallel the earlier noun phrase.)

4. E (The items are given in list form. So the phrase ", and" has to be used before cheese. This is only available in
option E.)

5. D (The Phrase "to watch the horses" is not parallel with the phrase "swimming in the river". The only option that
presents a parallel choice is D. Hence, the phrase "swimming in the river" gets parallel with "watching the horses
being groomed".)

6. E (The phrase "because he was brief" is not parallel with “organization" and "choice of subject". This is corrected
in B C, and E. B is not grammatically correct while D changers the structure of the sentence. Hence E is the most
appropriate choice.)

7. E (The phrase ", and he likes green salad” is not parallel with the items given in the sentence. This is corrected
only in option E.)

8. C (The phrase "tries to be independent" is not parallel with the items. This is corrected only in option C.)

9. D (The word "Pass” does not make the sentence parallel. It is the error. It should be “passing".)

10. E ("Wanting smaller classes, curriculum, and the importance of nonacademic subjects" is not parallel. B, C, and
D have the same error. Only E has the best option and is also brief.)

11. B (The phrase "inspire" is not for the singular noun “presentation". This has to be "inspires”. Only B and C have
this option. C is incorrect because "which" is not appropriate in this context.) 12. D (The phrase "running is not
parallel with “rushed". This is corrected in B and D. Due to "everybody", the pronoun should be "his". This is only
available in option D.)

13. D (Refrigeration is not parallel with " adding” and “melting".)

14. D ("to talk" is not parallel with "taking” and “ canvassing”.)

15. B ("seeing" isn't parallel with "to feel" and "to hear". This is only parallel in B.)

16. B ("Than explaining is not parallel with "to ride”. Hence B is the error.)

17. E (“She wrote eloquently of the history" isn't parallel with “as a great novelist". This is corrected in E.)

18. B ("With their goal to stir" isn't parallel with “present a balanced view". This is corrected in B, which is the best

19. A (Sentence is correct)

20. E ("Mickey was made to talk" isn't parallel with produced a cartoon with sound”. This is corrected in E.)

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