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Range To assign to a particular category; classify.

account to consider or reckon he accounts himself poor

offset To counterbalance, counteract, or compensate for: fringe benefits designed to offset low

dare To challenge (someone) to do something requiring boldness: They dared me to dive off
the high board.

estimate A judgment based on one's impressions; an opinion.

eventually At an unspecified future time: eventually rose to the position of vice president.

quite in actuality; truly he thought the bag was heavy, but it was quite light

literacy The condition or quality of being knowledgeable in a particular subject or field: cultural
literacy; biblical literacy.

youngster A young person; a child or youth.

dubious marked by or causing doubt a dubious reply

attitude A state of mind or a feeling; disposition: had a positive attitude about work.

inescapable incapable of being escaped or avoided

widespread Occurring or accepted widely: a widespread misunderstanding.

mainly For the most part; chiefly.

breakdown The condition resulting from this: a breakdown in communication.

outstanding Still in existence; not settled or resolved: outstanding debts; a long outstanding

exploits An act or deed, especially a brilliant or heroic one. their exploits helped with our

plain Free from obstructions; open; clear: in plain view.

dynamics Variation in force or intensity, especially in musical sound.

censorship the act or system of censoring


brainwashing Intensive, forcible indoctrination, usually political or religious, aimed at

destroying a person's basic convictions and attitudes and replacing them with an alternative set
of fixed beliefs.

to break the ice

to account for To provide an explanation or justification for: The suspect couldn't account for
his time that night.

to break the ice

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