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repair To restore to sound condition after damage or injury; fix: repaired the broken watch.

prevent To keep from happening: took steps to prevent the strike.

resign To submit (oneself) passively; accept as inevitable: I resigned myself to a long wait in

provide To furnish; supply: provide food and shelter for a family.

waste To fail to take advantage of or use for profit; lose: waste an opportunity.

obsolete Outmoded in design, style, or construction: an obsolete locomotive

consumers One that consumes

consumption The act or process of consuming

goods Being positive or desirable in nature; not bad or poor: a good experience; good news
from the hospital.

adequate Barely satisfactory or sufficient: The skater's technique was only adequate.

humiliation The act of humiliating; degradation.

recycling To use again, especially to reprocess: recycle aluminum cans; recycle old jokes.

disposable Designed to be disposed of after use: disposable diapers; disposable razors.

packaging The act, process, industry, art, or style of packing.

charcoal A black, porous, carbonaceous material, 85 to 98 percent carbon, produced by the

destructive distillation of wood and used as a fuel, filter, and absorbent

sauce A flavorful seasoning or relish served as an accompaniment to food, especially a liquid

dressing or topping for food.

patty A small pie; a pasty a hamburger patty; a peppermint patty.

recyclable capable of being used again

dignity The quality or state of being worthy of esteem or respect. the dignity of honest labor.

to throw away também: to clean up, to bin, to dump, to chuck away)

jogar fora {v.}


picture perfect


nick of time bem a tempo {adv.} na hora H {adv.} no momento oportuno

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