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The Oracle and the Necromancer Songs & Themes

Side 1)

Track 1: Overture (~1:30)


Track 2: The Mage's Quest (~11:30)

A story of a young mage, running away from her unhappy life in her home
village, who is searching for a long lost tower
filled with spellbooks, magic tomes, and knowledge buried in sands from a
curse long ago. Upon finding it, the curse
awakens, but this time is put to rest forever, from newly learned spells and
abilities lost long ago. Upon defeat, the
desert was returned to its original, lush jungle-like conditions, and the
rediscovered knowledge of the ancient texts is
spread wide and used for a true good and to help the people prosper once

About how knowledge is a gift which allows us to understand the world better
and can be used for good or for bad, a
choice held within our own hands. Hate and evil energies will try and destroy
knowledge, or manipulate it for their use,
but the inherent good and truth in wisdom will lead to the undoing of such
actions. Good prevails, and with it does
information, prosperity, and peace.

Track 3: The Prince & The Harlot (~9:00)

A story of a prince of royal blood, blood which glows golden. He lives a life
in luxury, not knowing that he is one of
a set of twins, only known by his father, the king, and the sage of the
kingdom. They abandoned the other twin, a girl,
in the woods, due to a curse which dooms the death of royal twins. Many years
later, a harlot living in the city is
forced to live a promiscuous life to avoid extreme poverty. She is caught by
guards of the kingdom, and brought to be
executed in front of the royal family. Upon beheading, the family watches in
shock as, from her neck, spills out glowing
golden blood: the twin, and the prince drops dead.

About how we are all humans, living in the same world and hoping to face
acceptance. Some need to do things they do not
enjoy to get through life, but others cannot be angry at them for doing those
things when the others themselves are the
ones who set those conditions and who decided it was wrong. Everyone is
human, and deserves human care and treatment,
no matter their actions, forced or intentional, and these actions are always
ok so long as they bear no harm to others.

Side 2)

Track 4: Another Earth/Trials Of The City (~22:00)

part i) The River/Birth of the City (~2:30)
A river is found long ago, and a society begins to grow around it.
Soon, a kingdom is built and progression
part ii) The Darkest Era/Reign of Tyranny (~3:30)
A tyrannic reign by a mysterious, now believed to be demonic lord puts
the city into an age of grief. The waters
of the river slow, the wind dies, and the soil becomes infertile as
dark knights are controlling, and the plague
kills off many. As nature succumbs to the will of the Dark, so does
humanity, and the advancement and living
conditions slow down in the city, and diminish.
part iii) The Council/Freedom from Chains (~3:00)
Soon, a band of people, led by three, one with the mind of a mage, one
the Dark Prince, rebelling against the
tyranny of his family, and the last a person of no talent, but of
courage. Their seemingly fated alliance
crumbles the integrity of the Dark Lord's reign, and with it crumbles
the castle. Upon freedom, the Dark Lord
warns of a doom for each hero that destroyed his power. The heroes
elect a council to rule the city more fairly
& mercifully.
part iv) The Three Beasts/Manticore, Tarasque, and Salasag (~4:30)
7 years have passed, and the new kingdom is thriving, led by magic to
aid new technology, living in an almost
utopian state. This is interrupted when three beasts from outside enter
their realm, each hoping to kill one of
the three heroes. In success, the beasts feel pride for their actions,
but are soon in their self-concern struck
down by a magnificent bolt of lightning, cast from the sky answering
the prayers of the people. A temple of
worship is built with the resting places of the heroes inside.
part v) The Focus/Heresy on her Land (~3:00)
The land is brought to a similar situation, eerily familiar to the
reign of the Dark Lord. This time, the ideals
and fundamentals built by the church, born around the power in the sky
and the three heroes, oppresses the
civilians of the town, and leads to mass paranoia to kill "heretics,"
and "betrayers." The souls of the three
heroes look down from above, disappointed at the hate people let be
created from their love.
part vi) The Warrior and the Rogue/Unified Enemies (~4:00)
A warrior born into the new religion and brought into their holy army
is headed as the lead of a platoon, and
faces several run-ins with rebel and rogue groups, and they frequently
encounter a specific rogue of red hair.
The warrior continues to work for the church, but continues to see the
situations of the peasants and of the
rebels who fight, and discovers the true intentions of the church. The
church discovers this, and the warrior
must fend themselves from the others in their ranks, only to see the
rogue join in to save them, and the rogue's
friends help along his and their side.
part vii) Peaceful Soil/Curtains (~1:00)
The church is brought down, and the people of the city form a new life
again, vowing never to fall down to the
hate and blindness of before.
part viii) Epilogue/Not Forgotten (~0:30)
A short poem read semi-musically to recap the story of the city and
what it faces.

I can't think of a theme for this other than "we live in a society."

Side 3)

Track 5: The Druid's Pact With Nature (~15:30)

Track 6: The Barbarian (~5:30)

Side 4)

Track 7: Waltz of The Nymph (~4:30)

Track 8: Battle of The Ice Lich (~6:00)

Track 9: The Oracle & The Necromancer (~12:30)

An oppressed group of people call to action within their city, on the verge
of a cliff, to revolt against their
oppressors. Many people had died before of these problems, and they claim
there is no way to get out of their state
without violence. As the anger from the actions of their oppressors and the
deaths of their friends, a necromancer
appears, and offers to aid them in their actions, as this necromancer lives
off of the energy of hate after those who
died. As the memories of the dead spark hate, giving new life of anger within
the oppressed, so are the dead raised to
kill the oppressors: a metaphor. Meanwhile, an oracle in the city is seeing a
vision of a bleak world plagued by eternal
war, and advances in life only used to aid warfare. They see the crying
suffering souls, passed from one generation to
the other, tired of endless years of only fighting, fighting so long that it
is too late to change anything when they
realize that the universe will soon die. The oracle begs the people to never
resort to violence, and that holding on to
the hate from what happened can only make the hate stay longer and breed
more, as tensions rise between her and the
necromancer. The story ends suddenly on desperate calls from those of the
future, leaving an unresolved tension.

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