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Childhood Autism Rating Scale – Second Edition (CARS-2)

Evaluator: Date:

The CARS-2 is a diagnostic assessment method designed to help identify

children who may be on the Autism Spectrum. The scale rates children on 15
items ranging from normal to severe, and yields a composite score ranging from
Minimal, Mild to Moderate, or Severe Symptoms of an Autism Spectrum
Disorder. Parents or Caregivers complete Questionnaire and this information
along with direct observations are used to complete the ratings.
Areas of strength (age appropriate) included:

Skills that were rated to be mild to moderately impaired were:

Behaviors rated in the severely impaired range were:

Overall, _________total score fell in the minimal to no/Mild/Moderate, Severe

range of symptoms of ASD indicating that in the school setting, his behaviors and
skills are most like a student on the Autism Spectrum.

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