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At around 4 to 10 months old, your baby’s first set of teeth will start growing through their gums.

process, called ‘teething’, can be uncomfortable for your tot and cause irritation, red cheeks, drooling,
frequent crying, and problems sleeping. Each individual tooth may cause fussiness for a few days.
Generally, the full process will be completed between baby’s 2 nd and 3rd birthday.

Teething Timeline

It is typical for the lower central incisors (the two front teeth on the bottom jaw) to erupt first. This is
then followed by the upper central incisors and the upper lateral incisors a few months later. The baby’s
lower lateral incisors then grow in at around 10-16 months old. The molars erupt last, usually appearing
between 13-20 months for the top molars and 14-18 months for the bottom.

Signs of Teething

Apart from the symptoms listed above, you may also examine the inside of your baby’s mouth. Gently
pull back your baby’s lips with (clean) hands and carefully examine their gums.

Bulging pink gums around the molars or small white buds are the typical signs that a new tooth is about
to erupt. Bluish fluid buildup called ‘teething blisters’ or ‘eruption cysts’ may also be present. These are
normal and usually go away without any treatment, although you should avoid touching it. If these signs
persist after the tooth has grown in, contact your dentist.

Soothing a Teething Baby

Hearing your baby in distress can be hard, but there are ways that you can help soothe your infant while
they grow in their first smile.

 Wash your hands and gently massage the sore areas of the gums in a circular motion
 Give your baby a teething toy, such as a chilled (not frozen) silicone-based ring to help relieve
 Chill a damp washcloth in the fridge and allow your child to gnaw on it. Ensure that the
washcloth is cleaned with unscented detergent.
 For >6 months: Allow frequent, small sips of cold water throughout the day. Other cold liquids
such as fruit puree or plain yogurt may also soothe their gums.

When Should I Contact a Dentist About My Baby Teething?

If you’re worried about something atypical happening in your baby during the teething period, it is best
to set an appointment with your dentist. It is also recommended to schedule your first dental visit when
the first tooth erupts to make sure the baby is developing properly. The dentist will also be able to guide
you on the best dental practices.

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