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05/12/22 Vivid Paints The supervisor was not in the office, we were given contacts

Waste Plastics The responsible person was busy and we were asked to leave
the company documents
Associated Tyres Saw Emily who asked for the company profile
Blackboot Security Said most employees are contract workers though medical aid
is expensive.
Power Coupled The responsible person was not in the office, there was need to
batteries book for an appointment.
Uncle Tom Garage The manager was not in the office, requested us to talk to him
via whatsapp
06/12/22 Beams and Rays Company does not cover, employees to review and update Peter
their spouses.
FT Joinery They advised that they were already covered by Cimas
Broad equipment Management not available, to share documents so that all
employees can see
Green Shopfitters Spoke with the manager who said its best to come next year
Destiny Colors Supervisor was not available, they said we are to revisit
Ultimate Protection The responsible person was not in the office, we were given
contact details
07/12/22 Fatling Stones The branch we visited was a distribution centre only.
Winter Tools They highlighted they are covered under CIMAS
Lupane Woods Already covered. They will do a review of all their service
providers, HR promised to consider us in the new Funders if
there is need for change
Coastal Motors They said they are already covered and not interested in
hearing of other medical aid providers
DonaldsonTech Said they are not interested and are unable to entertain us
08/12/22 Haste Properties Employer does not cover, one employee interested, took details Peter
and wanted to consider it with their spouse
Engineers with Power Covered under Cimas, will engage when looking to switch
Passion Services Promised to contact us if interested
Prison Motors They were not interested. Left brochures they promised to get
in touch
Shades Ahead Covered under Cimas, they highlighted they are satisfied
09/12/22 Spectro-Metals Not interested in medical aid because of previous bad
experience with medical aids
Energy Prime Boss can only be seen with an appointment
Admiral Shades The owner to discuss with employees and provide feedback
when its less busy
Destine engineers Covered under EMF, not interested in other medical aids

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