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The bar chart shows the percentage of small , medium, large companies which used social

media for business purposes between 2012 to 2016.

Presented is the bar chart illustrating the proportion of enterprises according to different
sizes regarding their social media usage from 2012 to 2016.

Overall, it is clear that companies witnessed an upward trend in terms of their social media
presence despite a drop in 2015. It’s also noticeable that the percentage of large businesses
accounted for the lion’s share during the researched timescale, while the opposite was true
for the small-sized ones.

In 2012, the majority of large companies used social media , at approximately 80% , which
was significantly higher than the equivalent figures for small and medium enterprise ,
averaging at around 30%. After that, while the former’s media participation fell slightly to
just around 79 % 2 years later, the latter experienced an increased tendency, from merely
about 30 % to over 35 % during the same period.

Subsequently, both types of business underwent a significant drop in the year 2015 . When
the figure for the large-sized enterprise fell rapidly by a third to just above 50%, the
medium-sized and the smaller ones withstood the similar movements, both declined to 30
%. However, these rising trends reinstated really fast in 2016, which is the final year,
respectively, resulting in the peak of nearly 80 % for the former and around 50 % for the
medium and smaller ones.

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