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Aptis grammar Sample Test con re...



1º Idiomas


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Aptis grammar
1. We see each other ______.
a. Often
b. Twice a week
c. Sometimes
2. My brother _______ our grandparents next week.
a. Will visiting
b. Will be visiting
c. Will be visit

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3. She’ll _______ tennis tomorrow morning.
a. Play
b. Plays
c. Playing
4. The weather was horrible that day. I _______ anywhere if I had known it would
rain all day.
a. Wouldn’t have gone
b. Wouldn’t go
c. Would have gone
5. I couldn’t sleep _____ tired.
a. Despite I was
b. Although I was
c. In spite being
6. I’d _______ invite you to my birthday party this Saturday.
a. Want to
b. Want
c. Like to
7. Will you ______ by 8 pm on Friday?
a. Have arrived
b. Be arrived
c. Have arriving

8. Let’s take the bus, it’s much _____.
a. Cheap
b. More cheaper
c. Cheaper
9. She hardly ______ goes to the cinema.
a. Sometimes

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b. Ever
c. Any
10. I guess you _____ talk to your boss about your holidays.
a. Ought
b. Should to
c. Should
11. This place is amazing! If I ______ a camera with me, I would take some

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a. Would have
b. Had
c. Have
12. Tom lives in a small town on the coast, ______?
a. Doesn’t he
b. Isn’t he
c. Isn’t it
13. What ______ to do this weekend?
a. Will you
b. You going
c. Are you going
14. What ______ yesterday at 10?
a. You were doing
b. Were you
c. Were you doing
15. By May I will ______ here for 5 years!
a. Have been working
b. Be working
c. Work

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16. If you want to lose weight, don’t ______ chocolate.
a. Eat
b. To eat
c. Eating
17. I’m sorry, I ______ leave earlier today.

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a. Haven’t
b. Has to
c. Have to
18. Laura speaks ______. She’s really good at languages.
a. English perfect
b. Perfectly English
c. English perfectly
19. I’d rather stay at home ______. It’s hot to go out today.

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a. Very
b. Too
c. So
20. How ______ money have you spent?
a. Much
b. Many
c. Little
21. If you ______ harder, you wouldn’t be so worried now?
a. Studied
b. Had studied
c. Would study
22. I’m vegetarian, so I never eat ______.
a. Some meat
b. Meat
c. The meat
23. It was my day off yesterday so I ______ wake up early.
a. Needn’t
b. Didn’t need
c. Didn’t have to

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24. This story ______ true, but I don’t think so.
a. Might be
b. Must be
c. Can be
25. I ______ when you called me yesterday.
a. Slept

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b. Have been sleeping
c. Was sleeping
26. This is the city _____ I was born and grew up.
a. Where
b. Which
c. That
27. Can you help me carry these bags? - ______, give them to me
a. Certainly

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b. Surely
c. Course
28. He has always believed that ______ love is more important than anything.
a. A
b. The
c. (-)
29. He takes the train to work ______ day.
a. Every
b. Nearly
c. All
30. I’ll send you a message when I ______ to Stockholm.
a. Get
b. Going to get
c. ‘ll get
31. I ate lunch and _____ I took an afternoon nap.
a. Since
b. Then
c. Than

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32. We were having a picnic in the park when suddenly it _____ to rain.

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a. Started
b. Had started
c. Was starting
33. We’re _______ in my parents beach house at the moment
a. Stay
b. Staying
c. Stayed
34. Travelling from London to Madrid by plane ______ to be more expensive a few
years ago.

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a. Used
b. Would
c. Was
35. I’m not sure what to study at university. ______ I will study philosophy.
a. Perhaps
b. Might
c. Should
36. She watched a film on her tablet while she ______ travelling on a train to
a. Were
b. Was
c. is
37. You came alone, ______ you?
a. Haven’t
b. Didn’t
c. Don’t
38. If the house ______ been so expensive, they would have bought it.
a. Couldn’t
b. Hadn’t
c. Weren’t

39. Where are you all going? – We’re going for a coffee, ______ the meeting’s been
a. After
b. Before
c. Since
40. The children really ______ to clear up the mess they’ve made themselves. Why

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are you doing it?
a. Should
b. Ought
c. Must
41. I saw Jean yesterday and she _____ if you were still single.
a. Asked
b. Said
c. Told

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42. When we go to Paris, we could _____ the Palace of Versailles.
a. Visited
b. Visit
c. To visit
43. These cakes _____ be sugar free, they taste really sweet and delicious.
a. Could
b. Can
c. Can’t
44. It was cold and snowing when we _____ at the old haunted house.
a. Arrived
b. Was arriving
c. Arriving
45. If I had studied to be a doctor, I _____ be so poor now.
a. Won’t
b. Wouldn’t
c. Hadn’t
46. I _____ like tomatoes, but now I absolutely love them.
a. Usually
b. Didn’t use to
c. Wouldn’t

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47. The weekly magazine The Economist ______ published for over 170 year.
a. Was being
b. Has been
c. Is being
48. He’s not the most ______ person you’ll ever meet.
a. Interest

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b. Interesting
c. Interested
49. My mother ______ is a doctor told me not to smoke cigarettes or take drugs.
a. That
b. Who
c. Which
50. ______ memory of the day I first met my wife is very special to me.
a. A

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b. (-)
c. The
51. The man ______ sells books isn’t here today.
a. What
b. Which
c. That
52. He is going to work today. – He ______ be working today, it’s Sunday!
a. Mustn’t
b. Can’t
c. Needn’t
53. What is ______ name of that song you like?
a. The
b. A
c. (-)
54. They shook ______ hands.
a. They
b. The
c. Each other’s

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55. If she wins the race, she ______ a prize
a. Will get
b. Get
c. Would get
56. He wanted to be healthier, so he stopped ______.
a. Smoke

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b. Smoking
c. Smoked
57. She has been working ______ a teacher for 10 years.
a. (-)
b. As
c. Like
58. It _____. Take an umbrella.
a. Rains

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b. Was raining
c. Is raining
59. When I was a child, I _____ football on the street every day.
a. Was playing
b. Used to play
c. Had played
60. We were eating dinner when the door bell ______.
a. Had rung
b. Was ringing
c. Rang
61. I would ______ go shopping than go to the cinema.
a. Rather
b. (-)
c. Prefer
62. You _____ not drink and drive
a. Should
b. Must
c. Could

Respuesta Coca-Cola Zero Azúcar. Demasiado bueno para explicarlo con palabras
63. If you don’t know something, you can ______ on the internet.

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a. Look up it
b. Look it up
c. Search it up
64. She told me the letter ______ the next day.
a. Will arrive
b. To arrive
c. Would arrive
65. We ______ go hiking this weekend. It depends on the weather.
a. Must

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b. Can
c. Might
66. If we _____ studied more we would have passed the exam.
a. Had
b. Would
c. (-)
67. He has _____ for hours. His legs must be tired.
a. Running
b. Been running
c. Been run
68. The building, _____ is next to our school, will be demolished next week.
a. Who
b. What
c. Which
69. An apple _____ day keeps the doctor away.
a. (-)
b. A
c. The
70. You _____ wear sunscreen, but it is a good idea.
a. Don’t have to
b. Mustn’t
c. Can’t

71. They have _____ their car since 2008.
a. Been having
b. Had
c. (-)
72. There aren’t _____ flavours to choose from.
a. Many

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b. Much
c. A lot
73. George is from Scotland, _____?
a. Is he
b. He is
c. Isn’t he
74. Michelle has _____ money that she doesn’t know what to do with it.
a. Such

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b. Too much
c. So much
75. I am delighted _____ it is Friday.
a. Because
b. Due to
c. Such as
76. The bus _____ arrives very late.
a. Often
b. Does
c. Very
77. What year _____ this castle built in?
a. Was
b. Is
c. When
78. Shall we get something to eat? – We ate one hour ago, are you _____ hungry
a. Yet
b. Still
c. Already

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79. I will meet _____ tomorrow as I am busy today.
a. Him
b. His
c. He
80. I can’t use my phone because I _____ right now.

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a. Drive
b. Am driving
c. Will drive
81. I haven’t ridden a bike _____ I was a child.
a. From
b. During
c. Since
82. I _____ a peaceful walk when a dog attacked me.

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a. Was enjoying
b. Enjoyed
c. Enjoy
83. It’s really hot in here. _____ I open the window?
a. Might
b. Will
c. Shall
84. As a child, I _____ often spend hours watching my favourite cartoons.
a. Would
b. Had
c. Was
85. I _____ the museum twice already so it was a bit boring for me this time.
a. Used to visit
b. Had visited
c. Was visiting
86. They live together, _____ they?
a. Aren’t
b. Don’t
c. Haven’t

A todos nos cuesta un poco arrancar. Bueno, a él no ¡Consigue tu ordenador MSI!

87. I was brought _____ by my grandparents, not my parents.
a. Down
b. Over
c. Up
88. He said he _____ come over as soon as he finished work.
a. Will

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b. Had
c. Would
89. According to the weather forecast, it may _____ this afternoon.
a. Rain
b. To rain
c. Raining
90. The boat pulled into the harbour while the sun _____
a. Was setting

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b. Had set
c. Set
91. If I _____ eaten so much chocolate, I wouldn’t feel sick now
a. Hadn’t
b. Wouldn’t
c. Didn’t
92. I _____ listen to jazz music, but now I can’t get enough of it.
a. Couldn’t
b. Didn’t use to
c. Wouldn’t
93. The machine _____ we use to fix glasses is not working at the moment.
a. Who
b. What
c. That
94. We _____ got married by this time next year.
a. Have
b. Will have
c. Have been

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95. The suspect said that he had never visited _____ shop, even though he was seen

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there on video.
a. The
b. (-)
c. A
96. The police station _____ to be behind the town hall before they built a new one.
a. Used
b. Had
c. Would
97. I _____ believe it is already time to leave. We’ve had such a great time.

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a. Can’t
b. Mustn’t
c. Couldn’t
98. I have _____ up and down the stairs all day
a. Been running
b. Run
c. Running
99. If the car _____ broken down, we would have arrived by now.
a. Isn’t
b. Hadn’t
c. Didn’t
100. Who are you _____ to?
a. Speak
b. Spoken
c. Speaking

1. B 33. B 65. C
2. B 34. A 66. A
3. A 35. A 67. B
4. A 36. B 68. C
5. B 37. B 69. B

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6. C 38. B 70. A
7. A 39. C 71. B
8. C 40. B 72. A
9. B 41. A 73. C
10. C 42. B 74. C
11. B 43. C 75. A
12. A 44. A 76. A
13. C 45. B 77. A

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14. C 46. B 78. C
15. A 47. B 79. A
16. A 48. B 80. B
17. C 49. B 81. C
18. C 50. C 82. A
19. B 51. C 83. C
20. A 52. B 84. A
21. B 53. A 85. B
22. B 54. C 86. B
23. C 55. A 87. C
24. A 56. B 88. C
25. C 57. B 89. A
26. A 58. C 90. A
27. A 59. B 91. A
28. C 60. C 92. B
29. A 61. A 93. C
30. A 62. A 94. B
31. B 63. B 95. A
32. A 64. C 96. A

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98. A
97. A
99. B
100. C

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