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Keynotes on the signs

Reference: Alan Oken and others (see Books, Films and Music)

The signs of the zodiac are seen in the twelve constellations, looking from the point of
view of the earth. The sun ª takes approximately one year to move through the
twelve signs and the sun sign columns in the newspapers are based on the position of
the sun at the time of year that you were born. In drawing up an astrological chart,
each of the planets is calculated (more often by computer these days than by hand!)
and becomes part of your natal ‘blueprint’. You may find in working with your own
chart that your sun sign isn’t the most important energy in your life.

The keynotes below are very basic and I encourage you to read about the signs in your
own way. There are suggestions from texts I’ve used in the ‘Books, Films and Music’
section, but feel free to read around – there’s lots of amazing stuff out there!

Aries Á (ruled by Mars ®): Cardinal/Fire/Masculine. Head/eyebrows/nose.

Principle = Beginnings. “I am, therefore I am.” POSITIVELY: courageous, inspiring,
trailblazing, life-initiating. NEGATIVELY: rash and foolhardy, over-bearing,
opportunistic, egotistical.

Taurus  (ruled by Venus -): Fixed/Earth/Feminine. Shoulders/neck/throat.

Principle = Stability. “I have, therefore I am.” POSITIVELY: preserving, self-sustaining,
nurturing, loyal. NEGATIVELY: acquisitive, greedy, selfish, possessive.

Gemini à (ruled by Mercury ¬): Mutable/Air/Masculine. Shoulders/

lungs/arms/thorax. Principle = Communication. “I think, therefore I am.”
POSITIVELY: diverse, intellectual, original. NEGATIVELY: superficial, intuition blocked
by verbal amplification, imitative.

Cancer Ä (ruled by the moon «): Cardinal/Water/Feminine. Breasts/stomach.

Principle = Foundations. “I feel, therefore I am.” POSITIVELY: providing, sensitive,
mediumistic, dependable, motherly. NEGATIVELY: possessive, over-emotional, given
to hallucinations, flighty, smothering.

Leo Å (ruled by the sun ª): Fixed/Fire/Masculine. Heart/spine. Principle =

Integration. “I create, therefore I am.” POSITIVELY: noble, generous, praiseworthy,
warm. NEGATIVELY: snobbish, eccentric, boastful, overpowering.

Helen Tremeer – Astrology & Healing – – – skype

name = zodiachealing – tel: 01539 736444 – mob: 07988 799728

Virgo Æ (ruled by Mercury ¬): Mutable/Earth/Feminine. Intestines. Principle =

Discrimination and Synthesis. “I select, therefore I am.” POSITIVELY: detailed,
organised, helpful, efficient. NEGATIVELY: nit-picking, messy, critical, worrisome,

Libra Ç (ruled by Venus -): Cardinal/Air/Masculine. Diaphragm/ navel/kidneys.

Principle = Harmony or Shared Activity. “We are, therefore I am.” POSITIVELY:
helpful and charming, unifying, ‘how may we best work together’, easy-going but
inspiring. NEGATIVELY: manipulative and false, dependent, ‘be co-operative, do things
my way’, lazy and parasitical.

Scorpio È (ruled by Pluto ³ - previously Mars ®): Fixed/Water/Feminine. Male sex

organ/orgasm/rectum. Principle = Regeneration. “I desire, therefore I am.”
POSTIVELY: loyal, urge to (re)create, intricate, responsible. NEGATIVELY: possessive,
destructive, scheming, power-hungry.

Sagittarius É (ruled by Jupiter ¯): Mutable/Fire/Masculine. Upper leg. Principle =

Philosophical mind. “I seek, therefore I am.” POSITIVELY: generous, truthful, direct,
knowledgeable. NEGATIVELY: wasteful, dogmatic, tactless, opinionated.

Capricorn Ê (ruled by Saturn °): Cardinal/Earth/Feminine. Knee/shin/skeletal/skin.

Principle = Structure. “I build, therefore I am.” POSITIVELY: ambitious, realistic,
constructive, hard-working. NEGATIVELY: self-seeking, depressive, unimaginative,
sticking to routine.

Aquarius Ë (ruled by Uranus ± - previously Saturn °): Fixed/ Air/ Masculine.

Ankles. Principle = Humanitarianism. “I envision, therefore I am.” POSITIVELY:
unusual, inventive, intuitive, concerned. NEGATIVELY: eccentric, destructive,
scatter-brained, frigid.

Pisces Ì (ruled by Neptune ² - previously Jupiter ¯): Mutable/ Water/ Feminine.

Heels/feet. Principle = Sacrifice. “I believe, therefore I am.” POSITIVELY:
resourceful, inspirational, imaginative, self-sacrificing. NEGATIVELY: manipulative,
nebulous and misty, fanciful, lacking cohesive identity.

Helen Tremeer – Astrology & Healing – – – skype

name = zodiachealing – tel: 01539 736444 – mob: 07988 799728

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