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➢ Banana peels
➢ 2 Candle wax
➢ 1/4 cup of Kerosene
➢ 1/4 of cooking oil
➢ Knife
➢ Container
➢ Old pot


1. Using a knife and a chopping board, slice the banana peels into smaller strips.

2. Break the candle wax into smaller pieces.

3. Open the stove, put the candle wax into the pot, and wait until it gets melted then

remove the wicks of the candle wax.

4. Put a 1/4 cup of kerosene in the pot together with the melted candle and mix it.

5. Get the sliced banana peel and place it with the melted candle and kerosene.

6. Wait for 15 minutes and mix them from time to time.

7. After 15 minutes get a strainer and a container for the storage of our shoe polish

and pour it into the container.

8. Lastly, wait for a few minutes until it hardens.

9. After a few minutes of waiting that is now the finished product and you can try it

in your leather shoes if it can have an effect in making the shoes shinier and


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