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Rafael Alejandro Flores Alvarado 20011361

Moises Berumen Cisneros 20011370
Maria de los Angeles Barboza Arteaga 20011005
Yair Yeroboam Jashar Cerda Ibarra 19011328

1. A={the, my}
B={horse, house, hose}
AB= { the horse, the house, the hose, my horse, my house, my hose}
AA = { the the, the my, my the, my my}
ABB = { the horse horse, the house horse, the hose horse, my horse horse, my house
horse, my hose horse, the horse house, the house house, the hose house, my horse house,
my hose house, the horse hose, the house hose, the hose hose , my horse hose, my house
hose, my hose hose}

2.A {ε }= A
Queda A porque epsilon es la cadena vacía
A A* = A^n | n >= 1
Porque nunca quedaría epsilon

3. A^0 = {ε }
A^1 = {a}
A^2 = {aa}
A^3 = {aaa}

4 A^n = {Ɛ}

5 si porque An = {ε } porque ε porque es una cadena vacía.

6. 0 = Ɛ

7. Σ = {0,1}
A = {0}
B = {00, 000, 0000}
AB = {000,0000,00000}
BA = {000,0000,00000}

8. (a) L={an |n≥1}

(b)L={abna | n≥0}U{Ɛ}

9.Ɛº = {Ɛ} Ɛ=1

{Ɛ}{Ɛ}={Ɛ} Ɛ={Ɛ}
Ɛ*Ɛ=Ɛ Verdadero
10. Σ={0,1,2,3,4…}
{XENX 𝜠 N | X >= 0}

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