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International Journal of Distributed

Sensor Networks
2019, Vol. 15(6)
Smart cities survey: Technologies, Ó The Author(s) 2019
DOI: 10.1177/1550147719853984
application domains and challenges for

the cities of the future

Ruben Sánchez-Corcuera , Adrián Nuñez-Marcos,

Jesus Sesma-Solance, Aritz Bilbao-Jayo, Rubén Mulero,
Unai Zulaika, Gorka Azkune and Aitor Almeida

The introduction of the Information and Communication Technologies throughout the last decades has created a trend
of providing daily objects with smartness, aiming to make human life more comfortable. The paradigm of Smart Cities
arises as a response to the goal of creating the city of the future, where (1) the well-being and rights of their citizens are
guaranteed, (2) industry and (3) urban planning is assessed from an environmental and sustainable viewpoint. Smart
Cities still face some challenges in their implementation, but gradually more research projects of Smart Cities are funded
and executed. Moreover, cities from all around the globe are implementing Smart City features to improve services or
the quality of life of their citizens. Through this article, (1) we go through various definitions of Smart Cities in the litera-
ture, (2) we review the technologies and methodologies used nowadays, (3) we summarise the different domains of
applications where these technologies and methodologies are applied (e.g. health and education), (4) we show the cities
that have integrated the Smart City paradigm in their daily functioning and (5) we provide a review of the open research
challenges. Finally, we discuss about the future opportunities for Smart Cities and the issues that must be tackled in
order to move towards the cities of the future.

Survey, state of the art, smart city, definitions, challenges, best practices

Date received: 19 December 2018; accepted: 8 May 2019

Handling Editor: Paolo Bellavista

Introduction life and higher standards that cities provide to their res-
idents. For example, more job offers with better eco-
According to the Department of Economic and Social nomic opportunities, coverage of basic necessities,
Affairs of the United Nations, DESAP,1 in the 1950s improved education, health and public transport ser-
around 30% of the world population resided in urban vices and urban amenities, among others.
areas. In 2014, this value increased to 55% and is However, the rapid and uncontrolled growth of cit-
expected to keep growing in the next couple of decades ies brings to the table new issues that local governments
(, reaching 68% by
the year 2050 (
Publications/Files/WUP2018-PressRelease.pdf). DeustoTech, University of Deusto, Bilbao, Spain
This shift from rural to urban areas occurs due to
Corresponding author:
two main factors: (1) the natural growth of local popu-
Ruben Sánchez-Corcuera, DeustoTech, University of Deusto, Avenida de
lation and (2) migration. The latter is motivated by the las Universidades, 24, Bilbao 48007, Spain.
search for better opportunities, the improved quality of Email:

Creative Commons CC BY: This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License
( which permits any use, reproduction and distribution of the work without
further permission provided the original work is attributed as specified on the SAGE and Open Access pages (
2 International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks

Figure 1. Methodology used to select the cities for the Case studies section. The used location criterion is that cities from each
continent must be sampled.

and stakeholders need to pay attention to, such as websites or developed smart city research projects in
increased traffic congestion and accidents, air and envi- the city. Also, two other factors have been taken into
ronment degradation due to higher amount of pollu- account to select the use cases: cities with a specific
tants, higher cost of living, overcrowding, higher illness department responsible of the development of the city
spreading, crime and security concerns. as smart city and geographical location of the city so
Moreover, alongside the evolution of the society, that cities from each continent were sampled.
there has been an exponential development of the This survey aims to analyse the work done so far in
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). the area of SCs. The article is divided into the following
Technologies such as Big Data, Internet, Internet of parts: (1) the ‘Definitions of smart city’ section gathers
Things (IoT), Cloud Computing and Mobile the multiple SC definitions that have been formulated
Computing have been gaining importance during the in the literature; (2) the ‘Smart City architectures’ sec-
last years, becoming a key part in the evolution of cit- tion describes the general technological data pipeline of
ies. Urbanisation and ICTs have resulted in the concep- a SC and some specific architectures; (3) in the
tion of the Smart City (SC) paradigm. A concept that ‘Application Domains’ section, we review the taxo-
increasingly more cities are striving to adopt by devel- nomies of the applications to specific domains of the
oping new SC initiatives. city (such as healthcare and education); (4) the ‘Case
This work includes over 200 papers, most of them studies’ section provides real examples which imple-
recently published, on a wide variety of topics around ment the SC paradigm; (5) the ‘Open challenges’ sec-
SCs, for example, architectures, theoretical approaches, tion presents issues not yet solved in the literature that
applications or specific domain projects. To find the need further research; and, finally, (6) the ‘Discussion’
most relevant works, Google Scholar was queried for section compiles a discussion of each of the previous
papers containing ‘Smart City’ in their title or abstract, sections and a summary of the best practices for the
ordering them by relevance. In addition, we also quer- implementation of SCs, including the next steps that
ied Google Scholar and ArXiv for works with city should be taken inside the research field.
attached to terms belonging to specific domains or
applications (such as ‘healthcare’ or ‘education’). The
bibliography of the selected papers was also analysed Definitions of smart city
in order to extract relevant references which could Even though the SC paradigm is a promising approach,
enrich our study. there is little consensus on what characteristics or
In order to select the cities in the Case studies sec- requirements define a SC or what should humans
tion, the following methodology was used: first, we cre- expect of a SC, as discussed in Cocchia.2 In this section,
ated a list of the most relevant Smart Cities by selecting we review the literature on the different definitions of
those that have received the highest number of awards the smartness of a city. In order to organise this section,
(Figure 1). After that, a meticulous analysis of each of we follow other authors’ taxonomy of definitions.
the gathered cities was performed to differentiate press Specifically, Cocchia2 categorises the definitions
releases from real-life implementations, in order to between (1) technological dimension, (2) human dimen-
study only already working Smart Cities. To do so, we sion and (3) institutional dimension. Javidroozi et al.3
searched for specific real case smart city scenarios in present their review of definitions according to the fol-
each of the gathered cities using reliable sources of lowing categories: (1) technology, (2) visions of well-
information: city council’s websites, developed tools’ being in the future (shortened as people), (3) systems
Sánchez-Corcuera et al. 3

integration and (4) process. Similarly, Yin et al.4 make interfaces, allowing an instant access to the required
use of four categories: (1) technical infrastructure, (2) information rather than using traditional solutions like
domain application, (3) system integration and (4) data waiting in a long queue or using paper forms for
processing. In the first two proposals, a definition may requests.
have various focuses, therefore it can be placed in vari-
ous categories. Our aim is to provide a taxonomy of
definitions to avoid this multiple assignment. We opted
Domain-based definitions
for the following taxonomy proposed by Yin et al.4 to A city comprises several domains such as healthcare,
avoid the later issue: (1) technology-based definitions, education and government. There is a part of the litera-
(2) domain-based definitions, (3) definitions based on ture that aims to explain SCs from the point of view of
the integration of the system and (4) definitions focused those domains. For example, Odendaal12 sets the defi-
on the data. nition of a SC as a region which capitalises the oppor-
tunities presented by ICTs in promoting its prosperity
and influence. The author shows the importance of the
Technology-based definitions e-governance as a way to connect citizens with the city
The definitions in this section are centred around the and governments and improve the city governance.
importance of the technology, that is, the sole inclusion Caragliu et al.13 believe that the smartness of a city is
of the ICTs is enough to make a city smart. Authors achieved when the human and social capital combined
like Coe et al.5 define a SC as the response for the with traditional and modern communication systems
growing pressure of globalisation. The communities (transport and ICTs, respectively) augment the sustain-
around the world begin to sketch the first drafts of the able economic growth and the quality of life, taking
networked communities, that is, networks of individuals into account the management of natural resources and
and firms linked electronically. For Palmisano,6 a SC is through participatory governance. Other authors like
defined by the use of ICTs to sense, analyse and inte- Lazaroiu and Roscia14 propose a general definition of
grate the key information of core systems in running a SC: a city that performs well in some applied
cities. For Washburn et al.,7 what makes a city smart is domains. For the case of Lazaroiu and Roscia,14 the
the combined use of software systems, hardware and domains are smart economy, government, mobility,
network technologies (referred as smart computing environment, living and people. Similarly, Giffinger
technologies) to improve the services in seven key areas: et al.15 argue that a SC is composed of or defined by 6
(1) city administration, (2) education, (3) healthcare, (4) characteristics, 31 factors and 74 indicators. The char-
public safety, (5) real estate, (6) transportation and (7) acteristics are broad domains like governance or envi-
utilities. Similarly, Hall et al.8 also acknowledge the ronment, while the factors and indicators are more
importance of the sensors, networks, algorithms and specific. In the ‘Application domains’ section, a litera-
other technological advances to design, build and main- ture review of domain applications is provided to
tain the infrastructure of the city (power, water, trans- extend the possible definitions of a SC based on a tax-
portation and so on). Their aim is to create a safe, onomy of domains.
environmentally green and efficient city. Although the
previous two definitions aim to improve the perfor-
mance of the city in some domains (which may point
Definitions focused on the integration of the system
that they have a domain-based definition), their empha- In this category, the definitions are focused on the inte-
sis is put on the technologies and, thus, they are cate- gration of all the elements that compose a city.
gorised as technological definitions. Harrison et al.9 Therefore, even though the city may have ICTs
define a SC as an urban area that exploits operational included in every sector, if the system is not integrated
data, that is, data extracted from traffic, power con- as a whole, the city cannot be considered smart. Cook
sumption and so forth, in order to optimise the opera- and Youngblood16 set the basis of SCs creating the
tions. In their definition, they stress the importance of concept of smart homes (pivotal building blocks of
three features of the city: (1) the near-real-time data SCs), which are intelligent houses where smart environ-
obtained from physical and virtual sensors, (2) the ments can be developed. In their concept, they do not
interconnection between different services and technol- define directly what a SC is; instead, they define what a
ogies inside the city and (3) the intelligence from the Smart Home is: a house able to acquire and apply knowl-
analysis of the data and the process of optimising and edge about its inhabitants and their surroundings in order
visualising it. Su et al.10 explain that, in general, a SC is to adapt to the former and meet the goals of comfort and
the product of a digital city combined with the IoT. efficiency. This can be used as a starting point to
Finally, Harrison and Donnelly11 define a SC as an develop the concept of SCs based on intelligent sys-
environment which is attractive to the new generations. tems. Moss Kanter and Litow17 see the city as a con-
This city should interact with its citizens using digital nected system, not just separate elements. Therefore, in
4 International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks

contrast to the importance given to the nodes or Common architectures

domains of the network (healthcare, education and so Since the creation of the SC paradigm, different
on), the attention in this approach is put on the connec- researchers have tackled the creation of the most suit-
tions (between healthcare and education, for example). able architecture based on ICT solution. Due to the dif-
In Dameri,18 the author makes a literature review of ferent requirements and daily situations in cities that
the definitions of SCs and reports a comprehensive def- have implemented SC architectures, these implementa-
inition based on them: a SC is a well-defined geographi- tions have not been following a standard and, there-
cal area where the cooperation between ICTs, logistics, fore, they have different characteristics. That is, there is
energy production and so on are able to provide bene- not a unique and standardised architecture for SCs;
fits for the citizens such as well-being, inclusion, envi- however, there are some popular paradigms that fulfil
ronmental quality and intelligent development, among the requirements cities may have. These architectures
others. With a novel point of view, Javidroozi et al.3 see are differentiated by the characteristics of the layers in
the city as a company. In their analogy, the suppliers of charge of acquiring, processing and making use of the
the company are the service providers of the city, the data. Among them, we can distinguish the most popu-
company’s systems integration (sales, marketing, lar ones: (1) cloud computing, (2) fog computing and
finances and so on) is the city’s systems integration (3) edge computing. These architectures are comple-
(transport, healthcare, education and so forth) and the mentary and can be implemented in the same city, see
customers are the citizens. Furthermore, local govern- Longo et al.,23 for different projects or applications. As
ment or authorities are the managers of the company. Almeida et al.24 discuss, architecture-level design deci-
Monzon,19 with the aim of having a criterion to select sions must be analysed properly, in order to gauge their
SC projects, synthesises the definitions of the literature, effect in the final system.
providing the following one: a SC is an integrated sys-
tem where human and social capital are combined
using the ICTs in order to achieve a sustainable and Cloud computing architecture. Cloud computing is defined
resilient development with a high quality of life. by the National Institute of Standard and Technologies
Although they do not provide their own definition, (NIST)25 as follows:
Petrolo et al.20 assume the definition of a sustainable
Cloud computing is a model for enabling ubiquitous, con-
and intelligent city thanks to the integration of the ser-
venient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of
vices and infrastructure into a whole and using intelli- configurable computing resources (e.g., networks, servers,
gent devices for monitoring and control. storage, applications and services) that can be rapidly pro-
visioned and released with minimal management effort or
service provider interaction.
Definitions focused on the data
In these definitions, the authors put the stress in the
transmission or the use of the data. For example, Al- This architecture, by default, is splitted in several
Hader et al.21 define the smartness as the ability of layers, for example, Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS)
transmitting and receiving the data using the communi- or Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) layers. Each of the
cation protocols. Although this could be categorised as layers consumes the services provided from the other
a technology-based definition, as the stress is put on the layers and also provides them with its own services.
Due to the architecture being divided into services, the
data, it is classified as a definition focused on data.
bases of it are in the decentralisation and computation
Yamamoto et al.22 argue that the foundation of a SC is
of the information.
gathering the data first and, then, provide services using
Regarding the projects that used this architecture,
it. Moreover, they emphasise that it is pivotal to use
Kaur and Maheshwari26 proposed a healthcare frame-
data from houses, as these are the building blocks of a
work based on the presented architecture. Biswas and
Muthukkumarasamy27 developed a framework for
security in smart cities that integrates blockchain with
IoT devices via cloud computing architecture. Mazza
Smart city architectures
et al.28 present a mobile cloud computing framework
In this section, the common architectures in SCs are describing the flows of data and operations taking place
presented, as well as specific architectures and adapta- in the smart city. Khanna and Anand29 proposed a
tions of common ones used on several SC projects. monitored parking system based on IoT and cloud
computing architecture.
Sánchez-Corcuera et al. 5

Table 1. Projects using cloud computing architecture for Smart City projects.

Project Description

Smart car parking An IoT middleware to detect where is the best free parking lot for each user
DIMMER39 Collects energy-related data for district management, reduce energy consumption and CO2
FLEXMETTER39 Smart metering middleware architecture to obtain data from different energy vectors
CiDAP40 A Big Data top implementation of the Smart Santander project
VITAL41 A Cloud of Things–based architecture for SCs
CityHub42 A hybrid cloud infrastructure-based in IoT hubs to develop Smart City data hub applications
SAaaS43 An IoT cloud connected devices architecture called Sensing and Actuation as a Service
IoTCloud44 A cloud-based IoT middleware which can be used in different IoT-based architectures
City4Age45 An EU project which uses a cloud-based IoT storage solution to foster healthy ageing
PrevenIT46 A cloud-based implementation to use wearable devices to promote active and healthy ageing
ACTIVAGE47 This project connects IoT devices to a cloud repository to elderly monitoring
NITICS48 IoT-based platform which uses ultra-wideband technology to monitor elderly citizens. It
analyses the acquired data in other to create behavioural patterns or fall detection
ALMANAC49 This project develops an IoT and metropolitan access-based networks infrastructures to create
a Smart City information system to provide green and sustainable application services
RADICAL50 A Big Data–based platform to analyse data obtained from social networks and IoT devices to
provide different services such as carbon footprint monitoring, social-oriented urban noise
measurement or city reporting applications for the use of urban services
New York City Noise51 An architecture to make a model of the noise produced from different sources of New York
City such as: complain calls to specific numbers, noise sensors and citizens check-in data

IoT: Internet of Things; SCs: smart cities.

Fog computing architecture. Fog computing was coined by difference that fog focuses more on the infrastructure
Bar-Magen Numhauser30 in CISCO as an extension of and edge on the things side. It is important to note that
the Cloud computing paradigm. This extension is done the edge is not always the smallest sensor in a network
by improving the performance and the responsibilities but the bridge between the local network and the cloud.
of the end-nodes of the network. Furthermore, the dif- Regarding the projects that used this architecture,
ferences rely on the location of the data storage and Shi et al.35 explain why this paradigm is different from
processing devices installing them in the same local net- the ones mentioned before and in which occasions it
work as the devices acquiring the data and, therefore, would be convenient to implement it. Taleb et al.36 pro-
creating a low-latency communication between them. pose a project to enhance users experience of video
Due to these characteristics, this architecture is used for streaming in SCs using mobile edge computing. Wang
applications where low latency is required, geographi- et al.37 present a cloud and edge architecture–based sys-
cally dispersed infrastructures or applications where the tem for cyber-physical-social systems.
data acquired is not practical to send to the cloud and Several projects have used the architectures pre-
wait for its processing. sented in this section. These projects tackled the prob-
Regarding the projects that used this architecture, lem of SCs providing different end-user solutions. As
Bruneo et al.31 present a smart mobility use case using we have stated before every city is different so the archi-
fog computing paradigm. Chen et al.32 developed a tectures may adapt to them. Furthermore, the architec-
dynamic video stream processing scheme based in fog tures discussed above are not excluded from each other
computing architecture to offer real-time information so the same city can implement disparate architectures
processing and decision making. Santos et al.33 pro- for different services. Tables 1–3 depict various projects
posed a fully integrated node management system to and software solutions proposed in the literature that
exchange application information between nodes. Barik implement or support creating services in different cities
et al.34 created a fog computing–based framework for and with diverse architectures.
mining analytics from geospatial data.

Application domains
Edge computing architecture. Edge computing is a para-
digm that follows the statement that if the data are gen- A SC comprises various domains where the introduc-
erated at the edge of the network it should also be more tion of the ICTs creates a pivotal change. The ‘Review
efficient to process that data at the edge of it. This is a of the taxonomies of application domains’ section com-
similar approach to fog computing but with the piles the different taxonomies of application domains
6 International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks

Table 2. Projects using fog computing architecture for Smart City projects.

Project Description

Stack4Things52 An OpenStack-based IoT framework that allows to manage IoT devices without caring about their physical
location, their network configuration or their underlying technology. This is currently being used in several
Italian countries
Hierarchical Fog A hierarchical distributed fog computing architecture to support the integration of massive number of
Computing53 infrastructure components and services in the future SCs
Urban Surveillance A dynamic video stream processing scheme using fog computing to meet the requirements of real-time
Video Stream32 information processing and decision making
Fog orchestration for A fully integrated fog node management system alongside the foreseen application layer Peer-to-Peer (P2P)
SC apps33 fog protocol based on the Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) routing protocol for the exchange of
application service provisioning information between fog nodes
FogGIS34 A fog computing-based framework for mining analytics from geospatial data

IoT: Internet of Things.

Table 3. Projects using edge computing architecture for Smart City projects.

Project Description

Follow-me-edge35 An approach to enhance users’ experience of video streaming in the context of smart cities using
the concept of mobile edge computing
Follow-me-edge36 An approach to enhance users’ experience of video streaming in the context of smart cities using
the concept of mobile edge computing
CPSS cloud-edge37 A cloud-edge computing framework to develop and implement cyber-physical-social system
applications on SCs

SCs: smart cities.

used in the literature while the following sections review sustainability is given by the deployment of ICT sys-
the literature on specific categories following the taxon- tems (natural resources management, public security
omy presented at the end of the ‘Review of the taxo- and so forth), whereas in soft domains the ICT systems
nomies of application domains’ section. have a limited role and the users are free to use them
(education, e-government and so on).
Liu and Peng56 classify the applications of SCs into
Review of the taxonomies of application domains three areas: (1) life enrichment (home, community,
Washburn et al.7 reference seven critical infrastructure healthcare and education), (2) public administration
components and services which can be interpreted as and service (public safety supervision, food safety
application domains: (1) city administration, (2) educa- supervision, smart traffic and environmental protec-
tion, (3) healthcare, (4) public safety, (5) real estate, (6) tion) and (3) widescale resource management (water,
transportation and (7) utilities. electricity and agriculture). Their approach draws on
Giffinger and Gudrun54 define the smartness of a their definition of Smart City: one that enriches citi-
Smart City with six characteristics, where the city zens’ lives and upgrades urban management and indus-
should perform well, that can be considered general try while protecting the environment.
smart city application domains: (1) smart economy, (2) Yin et al.,4 based on their SC definition, create four
smart people, (3) smart governance, (4) smart mobility, big branches in which they divide the taxonomies used
(5) smart environment and (6) smart living. in the literature: (1) business-related categories, (2)
In a layered fashion, Harrison and Donnelly11 divide citizen-related categories, (3) environment-related cate-
various subdomains into five categories: (1) social sys- gories and (4) government-related categories.
tems, (2) services, (3) resources, (4) infrastructure and Lombardi et al.,57 after a literature review, gather 60
(5) natural environment. indicators from two focus groups with experts. These
Neirotti et al.55 create a taxonomy of domains are divided between five clusters: (1) smart governance,
divided into two big categories: (1) hard and (2) soft (2) smart economy, (3) smart human capital indicators,
domains. In hard domains, the improvement in the (4) smart living and (5) smart environment. Albino
Sánchez-Corcuera et al. 7

Table 4. Domain taxonomy used to categorise different SCs related domains and (4) government-related domains.
approaches following Yin et al.4 We also present a summary of the literature on applica-
tion domains in Table 4.
Domain Subdomain References
Business-related Advertisement
Business-related domains
This category, as defined in Yin et al.,4 includes the fol-
Entrepreneurship lowing subdomains: advertisement, agriculture, entre-
Enterprise management
Logistics 74–76 preneurship, enterprise management, logistics and
Transaction 21, 27, 77–79 transaction. We review proposals done in each subdo-
Citizen-related Education main one by one.
45, 92–100
Healthcare Advertisement. Advertisement has been integrated in our
Public transport lives by means of the technology, since the city becomes
Smart traffic
114–120 an advertisement showcase where the citizens are the
Environment-related Building 121–125 main target. On one hand, it makes advertisement reach
domains a wider range of the population but, on the other hand,
Housing it can make the advertisement invasive. This balance
Pollution control makes the difference between providing good services
Public space
Renewable energy 136–139 and creating a rejecting perception. Understanding how
Smart grid 140–143 to address the population is paramount for getting
Waste management satisfactory experiences and hence increase the engage-
Water management
133, 150, 151
ment. Finn and Wadhwa63 analyse the ethics of smart
Government-related City monitoring advertisement, as they identify smart surveillance prac-
E-government 152–155 tices behind advertising strategies. The authors mention
Emergency response 97, 156, 157 issues with identifiability, inequality, a chilling effect,
Public safety the objectification, exploitation and manipulation of
10, 69, 161–163
Public service consumers as well as information asymmetries. They
161, 164–166
Transparent government conclude that existing and proposed regulatory initia-
tives do not provide adequate consumer and citizen
protection. Yang et al.62 analyse the integration adver-
et al.58 adapt the later taxonomy and relate each cluster tising model that combines the effect of mobile technol-
with an aspect of urban life: (1) smart economy with ogies and the advertising itself. In Salo,60 this type of
industry, (2) smart people with education, (3) smart advertising is called m-advertising. They inspect its value
governance with e-democracy, (4) smart mobility with from the industry and the consumer viewpoint. Their
logistics and infrastructures, (5) smart environment study points out that the management of the 5Cs is the
with efficiency and sustainability and (6) smart living key of the value of the m-advertising: (1) content, (2)
with efficiency and sustainability. cross-media marketing, (3) campaign management, (4)
Gharaibeh et al.59 present a taxonomy based on their customer database and (5) carrier cooperation. Another
literature review including (1) smart lighting, (2) smart technology used in advertisement is augmented reality
traffic management, (3) smart grid, (4) smart emergency (AR), as in Shiva and Raajan,61 where they employ the
and (5) smart health. AR for advertising different products of the same party.
Even though different authors specify similar cate- To change behaviours such as smoking habits, Carter-
gories, they end up defining very tight subdomains with Harris et al.64 recruit long-term smokers for a lung can-
extensive descriptions. This may pose a problem, as cer analysis. They found that Facebook can be a good
specific features of SCs could be positioned inside dif- medium for recruitment as it is more cost-effective and
ferent categories, that is, they do not belong to a single effective, in terms of costs and number of participants,
than other channels.
category. Therefore, for our literature review, we chose
to divide the application domains into fewer categories
with a broader extension following Yin et al.4 In the Agriculture. Cities and their population are growing at
following sections, we present the summary of applica- an uncontrollable rate (
tions of specific domains inside the SC paradigm world-population/) and a consequence of this is the
divided into the following clusters: (1) business-related reduction of land used for crops and agriculture. Cities
domains, (2) citizen-related domains, (3) environment- have faced this potential problem with different
8 International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks

approaches. The first one is the control of agriculture their citizens. Authors in Allwinkle and Cruickshank71
by adding sensors and management systems to it. In also discuss about enterprise management and the need
Lipper et al.,65 the authors propose the Climate-smart to shift their architectures and models to fit into the SC
Agriculture (CSA) as a mean to support and transform paradigm.
agricultural systems to ensure food security and taking
into account the issue of the climate change. Also, in
Logistics. This term refers, in general, to the flow of
Baranwal et al.,66 an IoT-based device to ensure the
things from one point to another, involving organisa-
security of crops and grain warehouses against diseases
tion and implementation of complex processes. In SCs,
and rodents is proposed. Both systems explained above
the ICT is a key factor in logistics as a competitive fac-
focus on the traditional agriculture located outside of
tor. However, only big enterprises can afford such sys-
cities. Otherwise, the second approach focuses on gen-
tems and, thus, small to medium companies have
erating a new style to mitigate the loss of fertile land by
limited options. In order to alleviate this, Kawa74 pro-
the expansions of cities by introducing farming into the
posed the SMART model, based on cloud computing
city itself. In Kalantari et al.,67 the authors review the
and agent technologies to make (1) the management of
insights of vertical farming through the analysis of 62
information easier and (2) get cheaper access to logis-
different papers. The review explains how the introduc-
tics management systems. Nowicka75 explains that
tion of farming in cities can help to reduce food pov-
there is an urge to make a more efficient and effective
erty and increase the security over its production, as
logistics management that takes into account the cost
well as generating jobs for the people leaving villages to
and the environmental impact (i.e. pollution, noise and
join cities.
so forth). They present the SC logistics on the cloud
computing model as a tool to solve this problem.
Entrepreneurship. Smart cities, through services and data Regarding sustainable logistics, Pelletier et al.76 review
generated by citizens, provide the supporting infrastruc- the current state of electric cars for goods distribution.
ture so that new companies can be created, especially in They analyse their strengths and weaknesses and con-
services and knowledge economies. Harvey68 explores clude that, although optimisation can be done for re-
the shift from managerialism (the focus on local provi- fuelling and also for delivery routes, due to the current
sion of services, facilities and benefits to urban popula- limitations of the battery technology, their usage is only
tions) to entrepreneurialism (fostering and encouraging suitable for last-mile urban deliveries.
local development and employment growth) in urban
governance. With the technological advances of the last
Transaction. Transactions are at the core of business
years, new ways of understanding the smart entrepre-
processes. Simplifying and automating them for enter-
neurship have arisen. Hollands69 discuss if there is any
prises and local businesses is an important feature of
difference between the concept of a SC and a high-tech
SCs. Authors in Al-Hader et al.21 identify Transaction
variation of the entrepreneurial city. Datta70 explains
Management as one of the main components of process
the situation of Dholera, the first SC in India. In addi-
management in SCs. They point out the relevance of
tion, the authors explain the entrepreneurial urbanisa-
conducting business transactions while simultaneously
tion model, which is focused on promoting audacious
optimising the IT applications and infrastructure where
policies by means of laws.
those transactions are executed. Perera et al.78 investi-
gate the concept of sensing as a service model. In the
Enterprise management. SCs may provide profitable later, transactions are of major relevance as they regis-
opportunities for enterprises and their management. As ter communications between devices, being businesses
they have both appropriate infrastructure and tools, one of the stakeholders involved. Blockchain technol-
efficient operating can lead to an increase in the city’s ogy77 does perfectly fit for transactions in SCs. It does
business activity. In this sense, Mulligan and Olsson73 actually hold a distributed list of records using crypto-
provide a review about the architectural implications of graphic techniques in a verifiable and permanent way.
SC business models. They also give examples of possi- Few conceptual frameworks have been presented for
ble business models that may rise in SCs. In addition, integrating Blockchain into SCs, for example, the ones
they remark that those business models create new proposed by Sun et al.79 and Biswas and
opportunities, but also new challenges for the telecom- Muthukkumarasamy.27 Being Blockchain a rising
munication and ICT players, and city leadership. In topic, more work will appear in the years to come.
Chourabi et al.,72 the importance of smart business and
enterprises for SCs is observed. Furthermore, they
identify the economy as a growth engine for SCs as it Citizen-related domains
does not only provide economic wealthiness but also Yin et al.4 define the following subdomains inside this
fosters job creation and improves the life quality of category: education, entertainment, healthcare, public
Sánchez-Corcuera et al. 9

transport, smart traffic and tourism. We review propos- et al.91 In the later, the authors point out the unofficial
als done in each subdomain one by one. source of data generated from tourists in cultural heri-
tage places. They propose a system to generate perso-
Education. As cities grow, the importance of sustainabil- nalised urban paths and share multimedia about those
ity becomes more apparent as a means to solve urban points of interest, engaging users using gamification
issues. elements. A mobile application prototype was created
The raise of SCs initiatives reveal how cities can to assess the feasibility of their approach. Nijholt86
move towards a more sustainable future. To achieve investigates how sensors and actuators in the urban
this goal, Wolff et al.83 state that SCs require citizens environment can create a playable city and engage users
with 21st-century skills in order to be able to drive SC in their daily activities. In fact, these data can later be
innovations actively. Therefore, education plays a fun- used to analyse the behaviours and preferences of the
damental role in the formation of these smart citizens. citizens. Nijholt90 reviews some playful city proposals,
Although traditional education has remained in proper analyses if these projects are adapted to users not quali-
academia environments, such as schools or universities, fied as smart and, finally, compares these cities with
the learning environments have been expanded to more those that aim to be child-friendly. Inside SCs, an
places around the city. Zhuang et al.84 categorise SC important source of entertainment comes from the use
learning environments as follows: (1) families, (2) of augmented reality games (ARGs) that are integrated
schools, (3) communities, (4) workplaces and (5) public with the cities. This kind of applications, location-
places. The decentralisation of education into different based, can be beneficial for the health of the players (as
locations within the city and the inclusion of ICT ele- they motivate the users to move), although they have
ments from SCs into education opens a door to new poor usability and privacy issues. Andujar et al.87 dis-
education services with multiple interaction channels cuss about the humour interaction implications from
that aim to support students in their online and real- playing Pokemon GO in the real world and provide
world learning activities. As a means to determine what guidelines on incorporating humour in mobile ARGs
characteristics the different learning environments based on what players have experienced. Hamari
should have, Hwang82 define a context-aware ubiqui- et al.89 also analyse the case of Pokemon GO. With the
tous learning framework for smart learning environ- results from an online survey, they argue that the game
ments capable of instant and adaptive support to enjoyment, outdoor activity, ease of use, challenge and
learners. The paradigm of SCs also facilitates the inclu- nostalgia are associated with reuse intention. Nijholt88
sion of citizens into scientific research studies with investigated the role of humour in game environments
Citizen Science (CS). Roy et al.80 define citizen scien- and compared it to the humour that may appear or is
tists as volunteers who engage in scientific thinking, in created in playful and SCs. Edirisinghe et al.85 try to go
all the steps of the scientific process and whose contri- one step further from playful cities, where play is a con-
butions go beyond the collection and processing of eco- tinuous process of the city living that is integrated in
logical or environmental data. Thanks to the benefits the infrastructure of the SC, adapting the later to the
that CS brings to both scientist community and the citi- former.
zens, the European Commission has fomented CS with
the funding of multiple projects that address this topic
Healthcare. The rapid adoption and evolution of mobile
around Smart Cities initiatives. As stated in Craglia
devices that enable ubiquitous computing have opened
and Granell,81
new research domains like mobile health for remote
SCs are not only about ICT, energy and transport infra-
monitoring. The recent conceptualisation of SCs is
structures. SC are about smart citizens, who participate in changing how we think about healthcare and brings the
their city’s daily governance. They are concerned about opportunity to offer new city oriented healthcare ser-
increasing the quality of life of their fellow-citizens and vices. In Solanas et al.,95 they introduce the concept of
about protecting their environment. Technology may facil- smart health as a complement to mobile health; the for-
itate, but it is no solution per se. Therefore, CS projects in mer adds context-awareness from the sensing structure
SC are more than collecting data: they are about raising of SCs. In addition, they explore the opportunities and
awareness, building capacity, and strengthening challenges of smart health that are to overcome yet.
communities. Holzinger et al.96 review the application of context-
aware SC structures paradigm to smart health environ-
Entertainment. The use of technology can also provide ments applied to hospital monitoring. The former aims
new ways of entertainment or enhance already existing to enhance emergency assistance, autonomy and com-
proposals. For example, improving cultural activities fort of patients. The current trend in patient monitoring
through the addition of the ICTs, such as in Prandi consists in deploying a network of sensors in the body
10 International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks

of the patients (as in the work by Movassaghi et al.94 or Smart traffic. With the increasing number of vehicles,
around the ambient.93 This enables the capture of vital traffic issues (jams and congestions) are becoming a
signs and the behavioural- and activity-analysis of common event in cities. Consequently, other problems
patients for event detection, prevention, and predic- such as the number of accidents, the pollution, time
tion.92 As patient monitoring use cases, Mulero et al.45 spent in the road and so forth arise. The traffic man-
and Almeida et al.99 present the City4Age project, agement systems (TMSs) are pivotal to solve this,
whose goal is to enable age-friendly cities. To do so, the although they need to be improved to become more
project has created a set of ICT tools and services that efficient. Djahel et al.112 present a survey on the differ-
can be deployed in cities in order to improve the early ent technologies in TMSs and a study on the security
detection of risk related to frailty and Mild Cognitive threats that can affect drivers and the efficiency of the
Impairments, providing personalised interventions to TMSs. De Souza et al.113 review the available TMSs in
promote behaviour changes. To do so, City4Age the literature, classifying them into three categories: (1)
detects behaviour changes using activity recognition information gathering, (2) information process and (3)
techniques, as stated in Azkune and Almeida.100 service delivery. Cambridge Systematics108 research in
Hussain et al.97 propose a people-centric sensing frame- traffic congestion trends, concretely in United States,
work for the healthcare real-time monitoring and emer- and describe approaches to reduce it. Araújo et al.109
gency care of elderly and disabled people. The platform propose CARTIM, a proposal to reduce traffic conges-
provides a service-oriented emergency response using tion by localising it through a fuzzy-logic system.
context manipulation from the mobile devices. Bilbao- Meneguette et al.107 also mention that one of the conse-
Jayo et al.98 propose an approach for active ageing in quences of the traffic congestion is economical, but it
cities by combining a social network with information also weakens the quality of life of the citizens. They
inferred using in-home sensors. propose a smart traffic system called UNCODES,
based on inter-vehicle communication. The outcome of
their simulation is that the system reduces the travel
Public transport. One of the main additions to public
time, CO2 emission and fuel consumption. Similarly,
transport in the last years is the use of smart cards,
De Souza et al.110 and De Souza and Villas111 also use
which can be an important source of information.104
the inter-vehicle communication in their approach to
Blythe101 analyses what smart cards are, why they are
reduce the greenhouse emissions. They state that, in
being recently used and the benefits and impact on the
2012, a 28% of these emissions in the United States
public transport domain. Bagchi and White102 consider
came from transport.
their use for behavioural analysis. They identify a weak
point in their use for analysing behaviours: travel
length or purpose is not recorded and requires a com- Tourism. More and more cities are embracing ICTs by
plementary survey. Agard et al.,103 with the same pro- starting SC initiatives. Although one the main objective
blematic, present a transportation planning for their of SCs is to improve the quality of life of their citizens,
behavioural analysis that combines the use of the smart this paradigm also impacts other industries that focus
card with data mining. Devillaine et al.105 present a on offer services to people that do not reside in that
method to detect and estimate the location, time, dura- city, such as tourists. In Buhalis and Amaranggana,114
tion and purpose of the use of public transport based they introduce the concept of smart tourist destinations,
on the smart cards and other information. The method in which SC services and amenities can enrich the
was put in practice in two cities: Santiago, Chile, and experiences of traditional tourism and, therefore, can
Gatineau, Quebec, Canada. Yonezawa et al.106 built attract more tourist.
and tested two systems, named Eno-kama Tnfo- In addition, they review the literature of SCs focused
Surfboard and a smile coupon, which aim to avoid on tourism, where they gather a list of smart tourism
build-ups in main station of Fujisawa city. To do so, oriented applications. In Gretzel et al.,116 they go
the systems try to convince potential passengers to take deeper into the domain by defining smart tourism as a
the train from the secondary station in order to distri- whole. They identify three main components within
bute them over two different stations. The former sys- that concept: (1) smart destinations, which are cities
tem collects and visualises data about the secondary’s that integrate ICTs to improve not only the quality of
station area (weather, events, temperature and so on). life of their residents but also the visitors’ one too; (2)
With respect to the latter, this system provides coupons smart business ecosystem that promotes the collabora-
to spend in the other area depending on the weather tion between public and private organisations for data
and the smile of the user when passengers take a photo- sharing; and (3) smart experience enhancement from
graph for the system. real-time monitoring for demand forecasting and
Sánchez-Corcuera et al. 11

resource coordination to interactive services that are interaction. In order to create more self-sustainable
personalised and context-aware. Another tourism- buildings and focusing in the grid of the building,
related application is the implementation of the smart Kumar et al.124 propose an architecture based on
kiosks. These are a kind of urban furniture that link the nano-grids for buildings. The presented architecture
city and their citizens, aiming to open the city to visi- generates energy from renewable sources as photovol-
tors118 and constitute an appropriate mean of providing taic panels and wind. The idea of nano-grid is that
event-aware and localised information to the right audi- every building is capable of fulfilling its energy require-
ence.119 Smart kiosk platforms offer improved and con- ments and, in the worst condition, the energy would be
textual aware services for the cities, features enabling taken from the city grid.
services as route finding, city guide or local events
information to support travellers.115,117 A successful Housing. The other types of buildings that, mostly,
case of smart kiosk, the first of its kind, was implemen- populate the cities are the dwellings. Homes have seen
ted to replace all payphones in the five boroughs in their capabilities increased since the creation of IoT
New York.120 devices, improving the quality of life of the inhabitants.
In Raisul Alam et al.,126 a smart home is defined as an
Environment-related domains application of ubiquitous or pervasive computing
applied in a home environment. This review explains
Following Yin et al.,4 the following subcategories are the present taxonomies for the devices that could be
included inside this domain: building, housing, pollu- included in smart homes, as well as the communication
tion control, public space, renewable energy, smart grid, protocol and technologies used. In terms of a less tech-
waste management and water management. We review nological view of smart homes, Risteska Stojkoska and
proposals done in each subdomain one by one. Trivodaliev127 expose the possibility of adding renew-
able energy generators to households in order to make
Building. In the last few years, there has been a big them eco-friendlier and more efficient. They also dis-
investment in experimentation to create services that cussed the lack of a unified framework for all the IoT
match with SCs. This experimentation lead to isolated devices that could be added to a home. Thus, the
services and experiments because of the lack of plan- authors propose a cloud-based framework that unifies
ning to create a standardised experiments to create a all the information gathered from the IoT devices to
homogeneous city. This situation is described by add value to them. Specifying more the possible appli-
Cugurullo125 with the example of two cities that had cations that the smart homes could have, Tan et al.128
failed in their strategy of creating an eco-friendlier SC. propose an algorithm that monitors and classifies the
The author describes this phenomenon as Frankenstein events that occur in the front door of a smart home, this
urbanism for the relation that it has with the monster application is very useful for people who suffer from
created in the book written by Mary Shelley. To avoid dementia or are developing it. Thanks to this algorithm,
this, Rathore et al.123 propose an architecture based on it is possible to detect when a person forgets something
IoT and Big Data for urban planning and building in inside the house by monitoring the activities identified
SCs. The authors state that the use of a set of intercon- in the front door and, therefore, it can be used to recog-
nected devices to acquire data from the city and its nise early-stage dementia. In Chen et al.,129 they pro-
analysis would be useful for future urban decision- pose another concept for smart homes which allows
making. For example, the data collected from water- users to interconnect appliances with indoor crops. The
related sensors would be useful to create new dams or authors explain how raising houseplant can help people
to prevent future damage by floods. Regarding the to improve physical and mental health. Therefore, they
buildings that populate cities, there is a research line propose an architecture to create a cloud-based plat-
that tries to make them sustainable by converting them form to manage and visualise the interaction between
in zero energy buildings (ZEB), which produce zero inhabitants and plants.
carbon emissions in the period of 1 year. In Kylili and
Fokaides,122 the authors demonstrate that ZEB con- Pollution control. Due to the increase on the number of
tribute to energy efficiency, conservation and genera- vehicles and the population derived from it, cities have
tion of renewable energy. Marszal et al.121 present a seen their air quality degraded. There are several SC
review of the definitions given to ZEB over time and research studies that have proposed different
propose a standard framework to calculate their effi- approaches to have more control over the air quality
ciency. The paper concludes stating that the most and, thus, keep citizens informed of its condition. In
important issues to have into account are (1) the con- Mehta et al.,130 they propose an architecture based on
nection to the energy infrastructure, (2) energy effi- sensor and video analytic to measure the emissions pro-
ciency, (3) the indoor climate and (4) the building-grid duced by traffic. Moreover, Peng et al.131 focus their
12 International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks

work on air and water pollution by employing air and collected in a study (
humidity sensors. Furthermore, they propose a video and-maps/indicators/overview-of-the-electricity-pro-
monitoring system equipped with an image recognition duction-2/assessment) written in 2017. Mathiesen
system in order to detect fires and quickly notify the et al.136 focus in the actual energy generation methods
firefighters when this occurs. Dutta et al.132 propose an and how the fuel consumed by different elements in
architecture called AirSense that involves citizens more those scenarios is used. Throughout the manuscript the
actively in the evaluation of air quality. Their system is authors explain the improvement that the introduction
based on a portable device called Air Quality of renewable energies in the energy production cycle
Monitoring Device that collects air composition in can make and the decrease of fuel needs for the same
order to determine the air quality. These devices are electricity generation. Following this work, Connolly
carried by volunteers that, connected through their et al.137 present a study about the impact that the con-
phones, send the data to the AirSense project. Finally, sumption of 100% renewable energy would have in the
these data are received by all the citizens that access European Union and a transition plan to a smart
their platform. energy system is proposed in it. The authors focus in
the urge of decreasing nuclear energy until getting rid
Public space. Apart from buildings, cities have to of it, the importance of heat savings and the electric
develop green zones as they bring benefits to both citi- vehicles. For the transition to a complete renewable
zens and the environment. To foment this, the model, there are multiple fields to consider: (1) energy
European Commission has awarded cities that have generation, (2) storage transportation, (3) consumption
consistent actions in reducing environmental impact and (4) the models that SCs should implement. These
with a title and a prize ( categories, called intervention areas, are defined by
ment/europeangreencapital/index_en.htm) since 2010. Calvillo et al.138 Apart from the fields cited, the authors
Cömertler134 reviews the different green areas in the propose three more layers that are transversal to them:
awarded cities, which even after being awarded, con- hardware, communication and intelligence.
tinue with the project of becoming friendlier with the Throughout the manuscript, the different intervention
environment. For example, Vitoria-Gasteiz, located in areas are studied and a summary of different technolo-
the north of Spain, received the award in 2012. The city gies is done. Finally, Kammen139 states that as the con-
has 32.67% of its area covered by green zones and it is sumers of the 75% of the created energies are the cities,
surrounded by a set of parks called the Green Belt, there is a need of introducing renewable energies inside
which is connected with the centre of the city and the components that build cities in order to make them
highly contributes to reduce the environmental impact. energetically sustainable.
Filipponi et al.133 explain a unified system that adds
technology to public spaces for their inspection and Smart grid. Since cities are increasing in size, the need
management. Furthermore, the authors introduce a use for better and more efficient grids has arisen. In several
case in a subway station, where explanations on how to countries, the actual grid infrastructure is still unidirec-
use the proposed system are given, instead of an older tional. This entails a great loss of energy because of the
one in which devices are not interconnected, enhances wastage in the distribution and the problem of energy
communication of emergencies to passengers and retention. Moreover, this old system suffers from high
operators. As Lau et al.135 state, farther from knowing maintenance costs and scalability problems. Hence, the
if something unusual is happening in a public space, it development of the Smart Grid (SG) will bring several
is also important to know the usage that the public benefits to SCs as stated by Farhangi.140 In order to
spaces have. In this research, the authors propose a develop better grid infrastructures, Fadel et al.142
data processing model for public spaces based on review the most popular wireless sensor and communi-
sound and motion sensors. The manuscript explains cation protocols. In the manuscript, the authors pro-
how the model works in an experiment done within a pose a roadmap for gradually implementing SG in
public park and in different weather conditions. They cities. They propose the integration of existing services
also conclude that this system allows public administra- in modern platforms to generate new services for citi-
tion to know if a public space needs changes to offer a zens and energy consumers. One of those services is
better service to citizens.
proposed by Moon and Lee,143 the authors developed
an algorithm to create a bidirectional communication
Renewable energy. Energy generated by renewable ener- between houses and general grid in order to lower the
gies is increasing rapidly and reached the 29% of all the power consumption, achieved through the demand
energy generated in the European Union. However, the response model. This model incentive using the most
fossil fuels are still the biggest contributors to the power energy consuming devices during the time the energy
grid, being the 42% of the energy generated, as demand is lower so that large energy demand peaks are
Sánchez-Corcuera et al. 13

avoided. Mwasilu et al.141 research the impact and of a variety of heavy metals in fresh water. As impor-
interaction that electric cars have with the smart grid. tant as the water contamination detection is where the
The authors expose that cars can actuate as regulators contamination is detected. Zhao et al.148 study about
for voltage and frequency in SGs. In fact, the reviewed optimal sensor placement, with the main purpose of
architecture called vehicle-to-grid creates a bidirec- managing the water distribution properly so the con-
tional energy flow between cars and SG in order to ful- taminated water consumption is reduced.
fil the consumption and demand needs of both of
Government-related domains
Waste management. Cities are growing in population As defined in Yin et al.,4 the category comprises the
and size and so is doing the waste generated by citizens. following subdomains: city monitoring, e-government,
The daily collection of this waste generates traffic prob- emergency response, public safety, public service and
lem in crowded cities due to the slowness of the gar- transparent government. We review proposals done in
bage collection process. Anagnostopoulos et al.146 each subdomain one by one.
discuss about this problem and present the different
approaches taken by several SCs to cut down this prob- City monitoring. It is the task of local governments to
lem. Among these, most of the models use sensors monitor behaviour and activities to ensure the proper
installed in the containers to check for their status and functioning of the city. Monitoring government-
trigger collections or repairs if necessary. Aazam enabled services is responsibility of the local govern-
et al.144 propose an infrastructure to create smart con- ance and is tightly related to other domains presented
tainers capable of detecting their filling status and noti- in this survey. Batty et al.150 tackle monitoring water
fying the trash collectors when they are nearly full. management and electrical grid to improve the effi-
Moreover, through some screens, these containers ciency, equity and quality of life for its citizens in real
show the filling status to citizens, making them take time. Filipponi et al.133 introduce an event-driven archi-
part in recycling and showing them which are the con- tecture for monitoring public spaces with heteroge-
tainers that still have space. Furthermore, the data gen- neous sensors. Kitchin151 state the following:
erated by the containers and trash collectors are sent to
the public administrations to be used in the process of pervasive and ubiquitous computing and digitally instru-
optimisation of these processes and to reduce the envi- mented devices built into the very fabric of urban environ-
ronmental impact. However, in cities, not all the waste ments (e.g., fixed and wireless telecommunication
generated can be collected with a collection truck; large networks, digitally controlled utility services and transport
wastes such as home appliances or furniture are dis- infrastructure, sensor and camera networks, building man-
agement systems, and so on) that are used to monitor,
carded by citizens every day. Król et al.145 propose a
manage and regulate city flows and processes, often in
model for minimising and creating more efficient routes
real-time, and mobile computing (e.g., smart phones) used
in large waste collection processes. Their solution is by many urban citizens to engage with and navigate the
based on genetic algorithms, and these algorithms are city which themselves produce data about their users.
used for route creation and web-based communication Hence, city monitoring is done by capturing data from
for the citizens to notify the collection service of new digital devices located within the city. Properly processing
drop points. this data is a key factor for better decision making and
automated control of SCs.
Water management. Water has always been one of the
most important resources for cities, that is why many E-government. E-government (short for electronic gov-
of them have established and grown next to rivers or ernment) is the use of electronic communications
seas. The use of this important resource has to be man- devices, computers and the Internet to provide public
aged and controlled in order to make a sustainable use services to citizens and other people in a country or a
of it. Parra et al.147 present a sensor able to monitor the region. In Gil-Garcı́a and Pardo,153 success factors for
salinisation of water in aquifers. This utility allows us e-governments are presented. The authors identify risk
to know when the fresh water is becoming salty water understanding and management as significant proper-
and which are the causes. In addition to the water sali- ties for successful e-government initiatives. Bonsón
nisation problem, cities and industrialised zones have et al.154 introduce the concept of open government and
experimented the leakage of heavy metals, which pres- provide principles, functions and technological enablers
ent a serious health problem for the live beings, includ- to achieve this participatory model of e-government.
ing humans. To face this problem, Lin et al.149 have Bernardo155 and Pereira et al.152 start to address the
developed a cheap sensor that can identify the presence concept of smart governance which goes beyond e-
14 International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks

government. This refers to a model of governance urban apps based on the collaboration of different sta-
which enables city stakeholders, particularly citizens, to keholders (citizens, private companies, research insti-
efficiently participate in decision-making processes that tutes and public administrations), whereas Aguilera
improve the quality of life in cities. et al.163 create an open platform for the generation of
user-oriented Internet services making use of the data
generated by users’ smartphones and from the different
Emergency response. This subdomain comprises the pro-
cities’ open data platforms. Therefore, users act as pro-
posals of organisation and management of the
sumers, producers and consumers of the data.
resources and responsibilities for dealing with all huma-
nitarian aspects of emergencies. The aim is to reduce
the harmful effects of all hazards, including natural dis- Transparent government. Transparent government holds
asters. Local governments need to assist emergency ser- that citizens have the right to access documents and
vices and assess their appropriate functioning. As proceedings of governance for public supervision.
previous subdomains, emergency response covers a According to Nam and Pardo,161 transparency and
wide spectre of applications. In Dimakis et al.,156 a accountability are significant factors for institution and
simulation tool for smart emergency response scenarios SCs. In the review from Paskaleva,164 the importance of
is described. This tool addresses unique needs for emer- communication between the different stakeholders of
gency situations where appropriate decision making the city is addressed. A proper and continuous commu-
can save many people’s life. Other approaches, such as nication is necessary for greater transparency and deci-
the one of Djahel et al.,157 engage road traffic issues sion making. In fact, in recent years many governments
such as congestion or accidents and give a solution to have worked to increase openness and transparency in
reduce the latency of emergency services for vehicles their actions to reduce corruption. To address this chal-
like ambulances and police cars when responding to lenge, the authors from Bertot et al.165 present the
emergency calls. Health and emergency-care for the transparent government as an open and anti-corruption
elderly has also been studied by Hussain et al.97 They tool. An overview of the technologies available for
state that a SC should be able to efficiently deal with transparency in SCs and lessons learned from case stud-
emergency scenarios and elderly need special attention. ies are reported in Johannessen and Berntzen.166
Furthermore, political discourse analysis approaches
could be used in order to analyse politicians’ priorities
Public safety. Public safety consists in protecting citizens, Bilbao-Jayo and Almeida.167
people, organisations and institutions against possible
threats to their well-being. A desirable characteristic for
SCs is the capacity of providing ICT-powered high- Case studies
quality safety measures for citizens. Various cities have
During the last decade, many cities have tried to trans-
already started partnerships with companies like IBM
form from a traditional metropolitan area to a SC.
to work on different fields, with urban safety manage-
However, in many cases, those attempts have been in
ment among them.159 Cities may apply ICTs to enhance
vain even though there has been a considerable amount
public safety in several manners and domains, for
of both private and public investments. In this section,
instance Barba et al.158 suggest ad hoc networks to
we are going to focus on those cities where the SC para-
facilitate communication between vehicles and the city
digm has been successfully applied or have a clear idea
infrastructure to increase safety. In Jin et al.,160 a
of which steps have to be followed to become one (sum-
framework to create SCs through IoT is proposed. One
mary in Table 5).
of the strengths of the framework is the ability to con-
tinuously monitor the city environment to ensure
appropriate environmental health and safety standards. Bilbao
Bilbao (Spain) has focused its efforts to grow as SC in
Public service. Public services are those provided by local the following domains: citizens, environment and
governments to people living in the cities they manage. government.
Those services can be directly provided through public For the purpose of promoting a sustainable trans-
infrastructure already established in the city or injecting portation system, Bilbao has deployed a network of
money into developing and providing new services for electric bicycles with 40 pick up points (https://www.el
citizens. ICTs are crucial for the development of a SC.
In public services, as stated in Hollands,69 Nam and 13225311-nt.html) and have bought two electric buses
Pardo161 and Su et al.,10 the introduction of technology (
within this services enhances them towards SC. For nto-bilbao-destina-12-millones-compra-dos-autobuses-
instance, Emaldi et al.162 introduce the co-creation of electricos-20161201162640.html).
Sánchez-Corcuera et al. 15

Table 5. Summary of the selected cities, analysing if each city has a roadmap designed, a specific department dedicated exclusively
to the evolution of the city as SC and the SC domains the city covers.

City name Roadmap designed SC Department Domains

Business Citizen Environment Government

Bilbao No No Yes Yes Yes Yes

Birmingham Yes Yes No Yes No Yes
Bristol Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Cape Town No No No Yes Yes Yes
Cleveland Yes No No Yes Yes Yes
Copenhagen Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Fujisawa Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Melbourne No No No Yes No Yes
Ottawa Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Santander No No No Yes No Yes
Seattle Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Seoul Yes Yes No Yes No Yes
Singapore Yes No Yes Yes No Yes
Stockholm Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Toronto Yes No No Yes Yes Yes

SC: smart city.

In addition, the Bilbao City Council has an Open create new opportunities for the development of
Data portal ( Birmingham (UK) as a SC.
cio) with around 120 datasets published in several for- So far, Digital Birmingham has developed the fol-
mats. Moreover, four applications have been developed lowing services:
and are maintained by the Bilbao City Council (https:// GeoBilbao  They have supported citizens’ digital inclusion
(shows real-time information about the status of park- through various projects such as Computers in
ings, traffic cameras, traffic status and so on.); the Home (
iBilbobus (information regarding bus stops, schedules ect/computers-in-the-home/) project, which con-
and status); InfoBilbao (shows information and news sisted in providing a computer and Internet con-
related to the city and City Council); and Presupuestos nection access to over 700 families to transform
Municipales (graphic representation of the City them into computer literates; or Keeping IT in
Council’s budget). the Family (
Moreover, Bilbao has a portal of electronic adminis- ect/keeping-it-in-the-family/), where an educa-
tration for both citizens and businesses (https:// tional comic-book was used to help children teach their families IT skills. where a considerable amount of  Open Data Portal (https://data.birmingham.
administrative procedures with the City Council can be A collection of 80 datasets available in
made. In addition, there are free Wi-Fi access points several data formats.
through all the city.  Birmingham Civic Dashboard (http://digitalbir
Finally, it is noteworthy that Bilbao has four build-
ings called AuzoFactory where people or companies board/): an open platform where citizens can
with innovative ideas can work and interchange ideas place information about incidences in the city
( using their smartphone.
 Free Wi-Fi is available in public buildings and in
several points throughout the city.
In addition, they are currently working with a road-
For the last years, Digital Birmingham (http://digital
map designed by the City Council to achieve a smarter, part of Birmingham City
Birmingham. According to the roadmap (http://s3-eu-
Council’s Strategic Services Directorate, has been in
charge of the development of Birmingham as a SC. To
do so, Digital Birmingham has acted as the bridge
2014.pdf), this new Birmingham will focus on three
between the City Council and its external partners to
fundamental axes:
16 International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks

 Technology and Places: providing affordable define Cape Town (South Africa) as a SC while they
and reliable digital connectivity from anywhere encourage people to propose new initiatives (https://
in the city, investing in digital infrastructure such
as fibre optic cabling or sensors. needs-your-ideas-to-become-a-smart-city-12869012).
 Economy: building an energy efficient city using Some of these initiatives are (
energy smart metres to control energy consump- 2017/10/heres-cape-town-using-iot-smarter-safer-sus
tion and smart grids, along with a city where the tainable/):
mobility is accessible to anyone, through an
improved journey planning to reduce traffic con-  Open Data portal: the Open Data portal has
gestion and pollution city. datasets about budgets, tourist routes, tenders,
 People: promoting digital inclusion, building a air quality and damp levels. However, others
city where every citizen has the advantages of could be available on request.
being online. To do so, people and companies  Gunshot detection system: this real-time gunshot
must work together to design innovative detection system has been able to reduce gun
solutions. crimes (
Bristol  Cape Town FMS: a free service that informs
about traffic flows on some roads.
Awarded as the leading SC in the United Kingdom by  CCTV: Cape Town has a large number of CCTV
the UK SCs Index 2017 (
cameras all over the city.
cial_topic/solution/smart_cities_index_2017). Three dif-  Public Wi-Fi: more than 500 Wi-Fi zones with
ferent initiatives are being carried out in Bristol (UK):
100MB of free data (
 SC Research and Development–Bristol is Open
( a joint effort  Water Map: due to the water crisis, Cape Town
between Bristol City Council and the University
City Council launched Water Map which marks
of Bristol, resulting in a platform of multiple
residential areas with different colours depending
communications technologies installed all
on the expenditure of water (
around the city. Furthermore, as it is stated in
Bristol Is Open website, Bristol currently offers
three different types of networks which are inte-
grated through software controls: fibre in the
ground, wireless het-net and a radio frequency Cleveland
mesh network. Moreover, this communication In 2016, Cleveland (USA) participated in the Beyond
platform can be used by companies to test their Traffic: The SC Challenge with a an ambitious pro-
innovations in a real-world scenario instead of posal. However, Cleveland did not win the challenge
inside a laboratory. and most of their ideas have not been applied yet (for
 City Operations Centre: this operations centre instance, there is not an Open Data portal yet).
handles the traffic management and control, Nevertheless, Cleveland has carried out two small
Close Circuit Television (CCTV) monitoring for SC projects:
safety and security, tele-care services and alarm
monitoring. Moreover, the data are available in  Safe Smart CLE (
the Open Data platform of the city itself.
 Citizen-Centric Solutions: to do so, they have
upgrade-citys-technology-): this initiative con-
created The Bristol Approach Program to pro-
sists in installing energy-efficient LEDs and cam-
mote people to work together to create new
eras in 61,000 streetlights in order to be more
opportunities. In addition, they are carrying out
energy efficient and provide neighbourhoods a
some projects to develop smart districts to help
better monitoring system that will send images
citizens to be energy efficient, use new ways of
directly to the police department.
transportation or assist citizens to measure and
 Infrared cameras to detect and warn the con-
combat damp problems.
nected buses if a pedestrian or another vehicle
enters their lanes (
Cape Town land-buses-test-infrared-cameras-to-improve-
Even though their development as SC is in a very early pedestrian-).
stage, they have already several initiatives that could
Sánchez-Corcuera et al. 17

Copenhagen Fujisawa Smart Town

According to the Easy Park’s 2017 SC Index (https:// The Fujisawa Smart Town (a residence area inside Copenhagen Fujisama City in Japan) is a SC joint project between
(Denmark) was ranked in 2017 as the best SC in the the private and public sectors (Fujisawa’s City Council)
world. As it is stated in Hashem et al.,168 the objective ( Its goal is to
of Copenhagen is to become the world’s first zero car- build a sustainable and lifestyle-based smart town. To
bon footprint capital by 2025. To do so, they have do so, they have focused on improving the following
started to implement a variety of innovative projects domains: environment, government and citizens.
related to transport, waste, water, heating and alterna- Every house in the Fujisawa Smart Town has a solar
tive energy sources. power generation system and storage batteries.
One of the biggest entities related to this success is Moreover, the energy consumption is managed by a
the Copenhagen Solutions Lab (https://cphsolution system named Smart HEMS (Home Energy According to their website, Copenhagen Management System). Furthermore, since the energy
Solutions Labs is the bridge between external compa- consumption of each of the houses is managed, in order
nies and the Municipality of Copenhagen when it to promote energy efficiency and sustainability, sup-
comes to initiatives linked to the development of port is provided to those houses which use an excessive
Copenhagen as SC. amount of energy.
The Lab has divided their work in four different With respect to actions related to the governance of
topics: the town, they are working with several initiatives such
as disaster prevention push notification TV system, sur-
 People and Flows: their goal is to create the best veillance cameras, lights, and human patrols in order
urban spaces based on the data gathered about to ensure the security of the town. Moreover, sensored
how people use the city (such as movement data LED street lights are installed in the town. These lights
from pedestrians and cyclists). Nowadays, they regulate their brightness if a passer-by or a car is
support the prioritisation of traffic for pedes- detected.
trians and cyclists and provide a smart planning Regarding the initiatives related to citizens, Fujisawa
of physical initiatives in the city. smart town provides the Wellness Square to promote
 Digital Services: they provide Wi-Fi and infor- social interaction. In this area, several services such as
mation screens in urban areas. Moreover, they pharmacies, clinics, nursery centres, libraries, after
have also developed digital services to guide citi- school care centres or a place where resident can
zens and visitors through the city. exchange knowledge are available. Moreover, a com-
 Data-Driven Operation and Supervision: the aim munity platform named SOY LINK is used in order to
of this process is to collect information about communicate with other members of the town.
city maintenance tasks, which are performed
manually to search for potential opportunities
where new services could be designed in order to Melbourne
facilitate those manual processes. For instance, Melbourne’s (Australia) City Council is currently carry-
they are currently finding new ways of catching ing out several SC related initiatives:
rats above ground or searching for new proce-
dures to improve the supervision of roads and  CityLab: consists in a community space for
signage. devising and testing new services in the city (re-
 Environment and Climate: as it has been previ- designing council services for instance). Their
ously mentioned, Copenhagen has ambitious design is focused on human centred design in
inspirations when it comes to city sustainability. order to maximise community’s involvement.
Some of the solutions Copenhagen Solutions  Open data: Melbourne’s Open Data platform
Lab is currently working on are: prioritising traf- has around 100 datasets (data related to parking
fic and managing rainwater. bays, accessibility needs, sensor feeds from
across the city, census, commercial and residen-
Furthermore, Copenhagen has an Open Data plat- tial development, Melbourne’s environment and
form, an innovation challenge to design new IoT plat- park, employment projections, population fore-
form for cities and three urban laboratories where new casts, traffic and so on).
SC solutions can be tested in a real environment.  Free Wi-Fi: 250 MB per device a day.
18 International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks

 24-h pedestrian counting system in order to Santander

know which are the busiest locations at any From 2012 to 2014, one of the most ambitious SC
given time. research projects was conducted in Santander (Spain)
by Cheng et al.40 During this project, around 2000 sen-
sors for environmental monitoring and 400 parking
Ottawa sensors; 2000 RFID tags and QR codes; and 60 devices
Ottawa (Canada) has an extensive history of SC for traffic monitoring were installed to be analysed in
initiatives: real time in Santander (
index.php/testbeds/item/132-santander-summary). This
 Salt management system: the salt spreaders are project promoted new SC initiatives which are cur-
managed by an automated salt management sys- rently being applied in the city of Santander.
tem which takes into account several factors
(ambient and road temperature or weather fore-  Santander City Brain (https://www.santanderci
cast) ( an open platform where citizens
dians-connected-sneak-peek-smart-communities- can place their ideas or rate and comment other
panel). citizens’ suggestions to improve the city. This
 Water metering system: the system consists of way, Santander City Council encourages the par-
210,000 smart water flow meters in order to have ticipation of its citizens.
real time access to water consumption data, leaks  Santander Open Data Portal (http://datos.san
or consumption patterns ( it contains 90 datasets in several for- mats. The portal also promotes the creation of
of-ottawa-selects-itron-s-smart-water-meter- applications, advertising those which take advan-
technology/). tage of the offered data.
 Pulso de la Ciudad (http://maps.smartsantan an open platform where citizens
However, they are currently implementing their
can place information about incidences in the
Ottawa SC 2.0 strategy approved by the City Council
city using their smartphone. Those incidences
that require an intervention from the City
city_strategy_en.pdf). The later has designed a roadmap
Council are transferred to the appropriate
to promote new SC initiatives in the city in collabora-
tion with other local organisations such as Invest
 Portal of Electronic Administration (https://
Ottawa or Hydro, which have been historically involved
in the creation of SC initiatives in other cities. Their
strategy has three goals:
 Connected city: in order to promote a city where Since 2016, Seattle’s (USA) efforts to become a SC have
all the business and citizens are connected, sev- been centralised in the Seattle Information Technology
eral solutions are being implemented: (1) a fibre Department (Seattle IT) (
broadband strategy with industry stakeholders, about/publications/2017-18-strategic-agenda).
(2) promoting community pilots to evaluate new Regarding how the transportation has changed in
initiatives and their consequences, (3) expanding Seattle to become smarter, two main initiatives have
their sensor deployment, (4) improving their been applied:
LED lighting system and (5) exploring new
initiatives related to data analytics.  Bike-sharing service: there are three different
 Smart Economy: stimulating local entrepreneurs companies providing bike-sharing services
and start-ups through innovation centres, mar- through smartphone apps (https://www.geekwir
keting efforts to promote Ottawa as a destina-
tion for investments and establishing the city as bike-sharing-service-hit-seattles-streets/).
a precision agriculture node.  Improving traffic flow using external data such
 Innovative Government: continuous improve- as highway vehicle volumes or travel times to
ment of the Open Data program, enable online adjust traffic lights (
channels such as mobile apps or websites to have mobility/us/en/road-solutions/traffic-manage
an easy access to city information and procedures. ment/Documents/
Sánchez-Corcuera et al. 19

NextGeneration_ITS_Seattle_Flyer.pdf, https://  Open Data Plaza: more than 4700 open datasets in formats such as spreadsheets, visualisations or
tion/new-software-to-help-seattle-streets- Open API.
respond-to-traffic/?utm_source=The + Seattle  Set up late night bus routers after analysing 3 bil-
+ Times&utm_campaign=43f7c02a26-Morn lion taxi-call data.
ing_Brief_5_17_2016&utm_medium=email&ut  IoT Pilot Project: using IoTs to resolve several
m_term=0_5beb38b61e-43f7c02a26-121055389). challenges (e.g. fire prevention, garbage collec-
tion, share parking lot, safety and so on) through
Regarding Open Data and its use, Seattle also has an the cooperation of public-private entities. By
Open Data portal ( with more 2020, the project will be implemented in 50
than 1300 datasets and the possibility to request new places throughout Seoul.
datasets. Moreover, since 2017, Seattle’s City Council is  Direct communication between citizens and gov-
promoting the use of Open Data by both public admin- ernment through e-platforms such as a smart-
istration and private companies to develop new solu- phone app for city-wide voting on municipal
tions that could improve citizens’ quality of life (e.g. issues or to ask for ideas or receive feedback
fight crime, reduce greenhouse gases, foster economic from citizens (
development, reduce traffic congestion and so on). default-source/commentaries/smart-city.pdf).
It is also remarkable how Seattle’s City Council is try-
ing to earn citizens trust in how they collect and use Singapore
information with the development of a Privacy Program
( Nowadays, Singapore is following the milestones set by
SeattleIT/DigitalEngagement/OpenData/FPF-Open- Smart Nation Initiative in 2014. This initiative has led
Data-Risk-Assessment-for-City-of-Seattle.pdf) in col- Singapore to win several prizes such as the second posi-
laboration with universities. Moreover, they made tion on Easy Park’s 2017 Smarty City Index (https://
public a list of surveillance technologies which are or the sixth
currently in use ( place in the IESE Cities in Motion Index (https://
tives/privacy/surveillance-technologies) (e.g. emer-
gency scene, traffic or hazmat cameras, license plate &idioma=2).
The Singapore Smart Nation Initiative consists of
readers and so on) with their correspondent
five strategic projects (
Surveillance Impact Reports.
why-Smart-Nation/transforming-singapore) and each
Finally, it is worth noting the city council’s efforts to
of them has several milestones which are distributed
achieve a Digital Equity offering citizens opportunities
over 3 years:
to gain technological skills, improving Internet avail-
ability and connectivity and discounts in computer and
 National Digital Identity (NDI): the NDI is a
digital identity system for Singapore’s citizens
and businesses so that they can perform online
Seoul transactions with the government or other pri-
vate companies. In order to use the NDI,
Created by the Seoul (South Korea) Metropolitan Singapore has developed the SingPass authenti-
Government in 2016, Seoul Digital Foundation is cation system with a mobile application.
responsible for the development of Seoul as SC (http:// Moreover, the NDI system gives developers the According to its opportunity to use SignPass as login option in
director, Seoul has five pillars as SC (https://oascitie- their applications.  E-payments: the project provides an open, acces-
Initiatives-Cases-_Dr.-Jungwoo-Lee.pdf): (1) ICT infra- sible, secure and simple e-payments structure for
structures, which connect and empower citizens; (2) an citizens and businesses. To do so, they have cre-
Open Government focused on communication, partici- ated the PayNow platform where both citizens
pation and sharing; (3) promotion of public–private and businesses can transfer money to other citi-
partnership for sustainable development; (4) the use of zens, businesses or administrations. Moreover,
latest technologies (Big Data, IoT, GiS or Cloud) to Singapore government has also launched the
solve city problems; and (5) to share the developed Singapore Quick Response Code to perform
solutions. payments scanning QR codes.
Among the available services we can highlight the  Smart Nation Sensor Platform (SNSP): the
following initiatives: SNSP is an integrated nation-wide sensor plat-
form whose goal is to use sensor’s data to
20 International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks

improve aspects such as urban planning, public  Smart Bins: solar powered bins that report when
transport or public security. So far, they have they are about to get fully charged. Moreover,
launched three different trials: (1) a wireless sen- the bins are capable of packing the waste.
sor network, which is being used by over 500  Make a suggestion app: a smartphone applica-
sensors to transmit water usage data and pro- tion where citizens can directly report any inci-
mote water saving; (2) drowning detection sys- dent related to traffic or town planning that are
tem at swimming pools using computer vision; found in the city.
and (3) a personal alert or help button for  Smart street lights: street lights with LED tech-
elderly people. In 2019 a new trial will start; its nology and motion sensors able to adjust light
objective is to place different type of sensors in intensity.
lamp posts.  Promotion of public transport controlling traffic
 Smart Urban Mobility: this project’s goal is to lights: buses are able to send requests to the
enhance the comfort and reliability of TMS in order to have priority at traffic light
Singapore’s public transport analysing anon- when they are behind schedule.
ymised data collected from commuting cards or  Open data portal (http://dataportalen.stoc
using hands-free ticketing technology. Smart
Nation Singapore claims that they have been
able to achieve a 92% reduction in the number
of bus services with crowding issues or decrease
the average waiting time (https://www.smartna Currently, the city of Toronto (Canada) has several smart initiatives working (
port/open-data-and-analytics-for-urban-trans government/accountability-operations-customer-ser
portation-1). For 2019 they are planning trials vice/city-administration/city-managers-office/key-intia
with autonomous buses. tives/smart-cities-challenge-2/):
 Moments of life: this project attempts to deliver
the services and information that citizens need  MyWaterToronto: an online website where users
as soon as possible and through a single plat- can view their total and average water use per
form. One of the life moments that has been day, month or year. Moreover, users are able to
already tested in a real scenario is the case of a detect leaks using this platform.
couple that has a new child and a large list of  Smart traffic signal technology trial: these smart
administrative processed have to be carried out. traffic signals can be adjusted at any time in
This first trial has been very successful among order to avoid traffic congestions.
parents (  DineSafe: the platform displays in a map all the
smart-nation/initiatives/Strategic-National- establishments serving and preparing food with
Projects/moments-of-life). Moreover, this appli- their corresponding inspection results (pass, con-
cation is being created taking into account citi- ditional pass or closed).
zens’ suggestions.  Partnership with a private company owner of a
navigation app: they have access to each other’s
real-time data, providing motorists the best
Stockholm routes to navigate the city depending on the
In 2017, Stockholm (Sweden) City Council approved a traffic.
roadmap for the further development of Stockholm as  Open data portal (
SC, having as final goal becoming the world’s smartest a recently renovated
city by 2040 ( portal with 30 datasets in several formats.
ance/smart-and-connected-city/). The roadmap has
three main goals: (1) security for the elderly, (2) effi- Toronto has also sent a proposal to the Canadian
cient mobility and (3) accessible clean water. To do so, SCs Challenge (
the Digital Demo Stockholm partnership has been cre- villes/index-eng.html) in which they aim to reduce pov-
ated, where actors from public sector, academia and erty among children empowering their families with the
industry are working to fulfil the roadmap. necessary tools to reduce the digital divide.
However, even before this roadmap was approved,
Stockholm had already taken the path of SC with initia-
Open challenges
tives such as (
ernance/smart-and-connected-city/how-the-smart-city- Due to the intrinsic multidisciplinary nature of the SCs,
develops/): several research challenges arise. In this section, a
Sánchez-Corcuera et al. 21

literature review of open challenges is done. As some Monzon19 define challenges according to the geogra-
authors focus their work on a specific domain, we have phical position where the city is. They categorise them
divided this section into two parts: (1) in the Review of within the following taxonomy: governance, economy,
open challenges we made a literature review of the dif- mobility, environment, people and living.
ferent challenges or taxonomies of challenges and (2) in
the Domain-specific challenges we only review propos- 1. In European Cities, the governance models
als that focus on a specific domain, such as government, should become more flexible while the economy
traffic and so forth. must become resilient to downturns (especially
after an economic crisis due to the past focus on
only one economical sector). The mobility inside
Review of open challenges the city has to move towards a more sustain-
Chourabi et al.72 separate the challenges into eight cate- able, inclusive and efficient system. For this aim
gories, providing challenges inside each of them and and to preserve the environment, the author
some separate strategies to tackle them: argues that cities should avoid urban sprawl
and become more dense and liveable cities. This
1. Managerial and organisational challenges: would reduce the need of a car and, thus, the
including project size; managers attitude and pollution and CO2 emissions. Finally, three
behaviour; users or organisational diversity; major challenges in this setting are related to the
lack of alignment of organisational goals and supply of housing, health conditions and crime
projects; multiple or conflicting goals; resistance rate situation.
to change; and turf and conflicts. 2. South and East Mediterranean cities, due to
2. Technological challenges: including IT skills their conditions and being highly urbanised
(lack of employees with integration skills) and areas, should focus on providing basic services
organisation-related challenges (lack of cross- to their inhabitants. Moreover, they also face
sectoral cooperation and inter-departmental some critical challenges: scarcity of resources,
coordination, unclear vision of IT management, such as fresh water and food supply; poverty;
politics and culture issues). urban insecurity; government instability and
3. Government: including collaboration; leader- even high levels of violence and corruption. All
ship and champion; participation and partner- these affect the economy too. In order to move
ship; communication; data exchange; service towards a better urban future, these concerns
and application integration; accountability; and must be addressed. In addition, Southern coun-
transparency. tries have a lower amount of smartphone users
4. Policy context: including challenges related to compared with European cities and more
the integration of the ICT with political and technology-illiterate people, which can delay the
institutional components, as each one has its integration of the ICT in the cities.
own agenda.
5. People and communities: including digital Yin et al.4 review three major challenges in SCs: (1)
divides; information and community gate- city traffic, (2) citizen behaviour and (3) city planning.
keepers; participation and partnership; commu-
nication; education; quality of life; and 1. City traffic. There are a variety of sources of
accessibility. data (such as GPS or GIST data) and also a
6. Economy: including factors around economic challenge in the algorithms to efficiently use all
competitiveness such as innovation, entrepre- of them. This includes real-time processing of
neurship, productivity and so on. data or analysis of traffic conditions and traffic
7. Built infrastructure: including IT infrastructure behaviour.
(internal systems restrictions; lack of knowledge 2. Citizen behaviour. Research in mathematical
regarding interoperability; availability and com- models to understand the human behaviour is
patibility of software systems and applications); reviewed. In addition, with the introduction of
security and privacy (threats from viruses, the ICT, new ways to analyse the behaviour
worms and Trojans; privacy and personal data); have arisen, such as the use of mobile phones
and operational cost (high cost of IT, IT profes- and the GPS system.
sionals and consultancies; cost of installation 3. City planning. Another major challenge is how
and maintenance). to guide the urban development and construc-
8. Natural environment: including all the chal- tion based on data, as there is not a specific
lenges related to the sustainability of the intro- function to do this. Some researchers first sepa-
duction of the ICT. rate the different urban areas in categories, such
22 International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks

as residential area, industrial area and adminis- system which makes the citizens rely on private trans-
trative area; although this is not adequate for port, and this is even worse considering that the road
large cities. infrastructure has not been adapted for congestions. In
the built environment sector, house prices have
Van den Bergh and Viaene169 explore some chal- increased leading an underprivileged part of the popu-
lenges that cities are facing in order to transform into a lation to be unable to own a house (the consequence is
SC. Based on extensive interviews, six challenges were the creation of informal dwellings without basic ser-
identified: (1) defining the city administrations ecosys- vices) and cities have not updated their infrastructure
tem position; (2) having an expert team lead the SC with the growth of the population. In the education
growth; (3) establishing an internal coordination sector, India falls behind in literacy rate compared to
mechanism (as there was no structure to discuss about other countries in Asia and, even though the enrolment
SC projects); (4) managing the relation between IT and in schools has increased, the quality of the education is
business; (5) the need for motivated workers that have still poor and there is a large gap between the level of
a forward-thinking attitude is a prerequisite for a SC; the school and the industry. Moreover, little funding is
and (6) going from the experimental phase (in which given to research, making researchers leave India to be
SC projects get stuck) to a real implementation. able to continue their career. In the healthcare sector,
Pierce and Andersson170 propose a taxonomy for SC there is a lack of public and private services, a small
challenges focusing on the municipal decision making, percentage of the population is covered with a health
in which they analyse them from both theoretical back- insurance and the cost of it is very high, and the gov-
ground and based on interviews they made. They orga- ernment does not promote preventive health and well-
nised the challenges as non-technical, which include (1) ness programmes. Most of these challenges could be
collaboration, (2) financial, (3) governance, (4) aware- extrapolated to other cities in developing nations.
ness and technical issues as (5) interoperability and (6) Therefore, all these challenges must be addressed in
privacy. order to be closer to the SC paradigm where citizens
have their basic needs satisfied.
1. Collaboration. Includes weak collaboration with More recently, Silva et al.172 describe 10 concerns in
external stakeholders. designing a realistic SC: (1) connectivity, (2) big data,
2. Financial. Includes challenges with limited funds (3) waste management, (4) performance, (5) sustainabil-
for SC initiatives, large up-front investment, ity, (6) heterogeneity, (7) cost operation, (8) informa-
lack of business model and difficulties in mone- tion security, (9) system failures and (10) carbon
tisation SC investments. footprints. A major challenge is the cost of deploying
3. Governance. Challenges that surge from out- the city (the lower the cost, the higher the chances of
dated rules and regulations that interfere with implementing it in the real world) and the maintenance
SC initiatives. cost (again, the lower the cost, the higher the probabil-
4. Awareness. Includes challenges regarding the ity of being sustainable). Other critical issues between
lack of knowledge and experience in SC-related these 10 concerns are the ability to integrate the hetero-
technologies. geneous software and hardware together (interoperabil-
5. Interoperability. Includes challenges regarding ity) and environmental concerns such as waste
SC integration. management, minimising the carbon footprint and the
6. Privacy. Includes the problematic of big data introduction of renewable energies.
while at the same time preserving citizen
Domain-specific challenges
Centred in the Indian situation, Anand and Agriculture. The agricultural sector has recently
Anand171 analyse various domains where challenges advanced forward thanks to the development of new
for the implementation of SCs arise. In the water sec- systems and machinery but still poses some problems
tor, they do not have enough drinkable water and lack when it comes to fitting it into the SCs. Among these
of a system to collect rain water. In the energy sector, problems is that cities are occupying land that was pre-
they also fail to provide electricity in all urban areas viously fertile, so they should be responsible for gener-
and do not have enough hydrocarbon even though they ating food that could have been received from the land.
are largely consumed. In waste and sanitation sector, In addition, the shipment of imported foods from the
there is not an efficient waste collection system, an places where they are produced spend more quantities
open defecation issue, not all houses are connected to of resources than they nutritionally provide (https://
the sewerage and there is not citizen participation in
the management and segregation of waste. In the mobi- 1-calorie-out-the-energy-we-spend-on-food/). Vertical
lity sector, there is an inadequate public transport farming (
Sánchez-Corcuera et al. 23

is a paradigm that tries to tackle these problems through we interact with the city and become proactive citizens
crops inside buildings. Al-Chalabi173 conducted a study and (2) learn to use the tools that governments have to
evaluating the viability of different architectures for take part in the decisions of the cities.
buildings dedicated to vertical farming. The consumption
of light and water and the size of the buildings are some
Energy. Energy efficiency is also a major challenge,
of the main challenges when creating these buildings due
there is a need to motivate and involve citizens in
to the search for an ecological solution. Riffat et al.174
reducing the energy intensity in order to achieve energy
make a review through the farms that already exist
efficiency and, thus, a sustainable growth.180 In the
nowadays in the world. In the manuscript, authors
domestic sphere of the SCs, the integration of ICTs
explain how cities with farms are using them to help sol-
may be energetically unsustainable and not available
ving other challenges. For example, in Vancouver they
for all the citizens.181 This stresses the importance of
have developed a project that recovers minerals from
considering the energy consumption when introducing
waste water to create soil fertiliser (
ICTs in the SCs.
From the smart micro-grids perspective, Yoldasx
et al.182 identify two main challenges: regulation, which
Citizen. In order to optimally achieve SCs’ objectives, prevent the proper usage of micro-grids, and technical
the engagement or participation of citizens is pivotal. challenges. For the later, they distinguish the following
This way, the city can satisfy their needs following their issues: (1) operation, (2) components and compatibility,
feedback and/or including them as active agents in the (3) integration of renewable generation and (4)
city. In fact, Simonofski et al.175 identify three ways in protection.
which citizens can be involved in the city: (1) as demo-
cratic participants, (2) as co-creators and (3) as ICT
Environment. Concerning the environmental challenges,
users. In the first case, for example, Irvin and
Colding and Barthel183 offer an urban-ecology view-
Stansbury176 analyse the advantages and disadvantages
point of various issues of SCs: (1) the resiliency and
of including citizens in the decision-making process of
cyber-security of the paradigm itself in order to avoid
the city. As stated by Arnstein,177 this participation can
unwanted surprises and, specially, safeguarding basic
consist on: (1), (2) and (3). Research done in Emaldi
human needs (food, energy and water security); (2) an
et al.162 bet on the citizens as co-creators of the city
analysis of benefiters and losers within the paradigm,
(second case), that is, they are not anymore passive
as the SCs may create a segregated part of the popula-
agents but crucial stakeholders to develop ideas, tools
tion which are technologically marginalised; and (3)
and so on. They also provide citizens (as ICT users,
that SCs may disconnect humans from the nature, as
third case) with open data to allow them to create apps
our ties to physical places shape our pro-environmental
to offer new services for the city.
behaviour. Thus, new tools to let humans reconnect
with nature are needed.
Education. Education is always changing and being Due to the rapid growth of some countries such as
adapted to the necessities of society. As the concept of China, the need to expand the urban area has become
SCs evolves, Zhu et al.178 state that it will create new increasingly more important. Thus, former industrial
challenges on how to extend and interconnect the learn- areas have been adapted for living, causing health risks
ing services that smart education provides with other due to the contamination of those areas. A major envi-
contextual aware systems of the SCs. In addition, they ronmental challenge is readopting those places to be
also foresee new technologies in smart learning envir- safe for living.184 In addition, new pollutants are emer-
onments will introduce new challenges to the founda- ging and, therefore, a strategic plan to assess their con-
tions of education itself that will require adapt and sequences must be created. According to Gavrilescu
introduce topics such as: (1) new pedagogical theories, et al.,185 the research challenges in order to bio-
(2) educational technology leadership, (3) learning lead- monitorise and assess the risk of the emerging pollutants
ership of teachers, (4) educational structures and (5) are (1) identification and preparation of comprehensive
educational ideology. lists of emerging contaminants; (2) characterisation of
Apart from the education of the future generations, the consequences of the chemicals or biological emer-
there are also some challenges regarding the education ging pollutants in ecosystems (e.g. soil and water); and
of the grown-up citizens already interacting with the (3) assess the water or soil system with the presence of
services that SCs provide. As some authors state,84,179 the emerging pollutants (Table 6).
SCs are creating and providing new services and plat- The creation of green public spaces is challenging to
forms for users to take part into cities life. These ser- implement without benefitting an affluent community
vices are based on ICTs and therefore we must educate and causing the gentrification of a neighbourhood (due
the citizens in two different tasks: (1) change the way to the increase of the housing costs and the
24 International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks

Table 6. Literature review of domain-specific challenges.

Domain Challenge Related work

Agriculture Include farming inside cities
Citizen Engaging citizens in decision-making processes
Engaging citizens as co-creators
162, 175
Engaging citizens as ICT users
Education New education necessities
84, 179
Continuous education for all citizens
180, 181
Energy Achieve lower energy consumption
Micro-grids regulation and technical challenges
Environment Taking into account an urban-ecology viewpoint
184, 185
Re-adapting contaminated areas for new urban spaces
162, 175
Protect the social sustainability alongside the ecological sustainability
Government E-government challenges
IoT-based governance challenges
188, 189
Healthcare Health monitoring challenges
Internet of Things Taxonomies of challenges related to IoT
Resilience among interdependent infrastructure
Challenges with autonomous IoT wearable devices
Security Data storage–related privacy
194, 195
Security threads
Sustainability Sustainable growth of cities taking the ICT into account
Traffic Technical issues with Traffic Management Systems
Challenges related to the smartness of roads
Waste management Lack of resources to implement a waste management system
Not having e-waste recycling culture

IoT: Internet of Things; ICT: Information and Communication Technologies.

displacement of the residents). Therefore, whenever homes as a smart environment for health monitoring.
green spaces are created, they must take into account They distinguish the following main issues: (1) monitor-
the protection of the social sustainability in addition to ing accuracy, (2) context-awareness, (3) human factors,
the ecological sustainability.186 (4) heterogeneity, (5) availability and reliability, (6)
data transmission, (7) security and privacy, (8) intru-
siveness and (9) power consumption.
Government. In the domain of government, centred in e-
government, Gil-Garcı́a and Pardo153 propose a taxon-
omy for the challenges of government initiatives: (1) IoT. IoT-based Smart city introduces a paradigm in
information and data, (2) information technology, (3) which all the devices are connected. This means that all
organisational and managerial, (4) legal and regulatory the critical infrastructure we rely on, such as electric
and (5) environmental and institutional. AlEnezi grids, healthcare or home automation, are connected to
et al.187 present three challenges related to IoT-based a single and global network. This exposure to the
governance: (1) mindscaping or the process of convin- Internet and the interconnection of infrastructure intro-
cing entities to change, as administration systems tend duces the risk that a failure of single infrastructure
to be rigid; (2) investment in ICT; and (3) security and could bring down the whole network. To mitigate this
privacy in order to safely implement a smart problem, it is essential to incorporate resilience mechan-
government. isms to the modelling of SC IoT architectures to ensure
resilience among interdependent infrastructure.
Healthcare. Concerning health monitoring, Chen Sterbenz191 identifies the main challenges of modelling
et al.188 focus on challenges of wearable sensors. They as (1) abstracting the architecture complexity for tract-
identify the following main issues to overcome: (1) bio- able graph-theoretic analysis and (2) the availability of
nic smart cloth fabrication, (2) health big data, (3) con- model simulations that include all the protocols used on
trol system design for multimodal body sensors, (4) SCs.
intra-body area network communication, (5) impact of Ahmed et al.190 review the challenges of the IoT-
body human interference and (6) contextual data inter- based SCs as: (1) big data, (2) compatibility, (3) invest-
pretation. Mshali et al.189 review the challenges of ment, (4) precision and (5) security and privacy. In
Sánchez-Corcuera et al. 25

addition, Mehmood et al.200 also contemplate the fol- the information gathered, as it is difficult to correlate
lowing research challenges: (6) risk management, (7) information from different sources. Some steps towards
low-power and low-cost communication, (8) connectiv- the standardisation have been taken, but its application
ity and (9) trust. is still very limited. The storage is also a challenge
Balsamo et al.192 focus on the challenges of autono- related to the gathering of data. In addition, the
mous IoT wearable devices for IoT-based SCs. They amount and complexity of data is exponentially
address the following perspectives: (1) IoT wireless increasing, which poses another challenge. In fact, the
communication infrastructure and reliability; (2) energy exchange of the data and its processing are also part of
management; (3) wearable electronic fabrication, inter- the problem. A domain inside smart traffic is the smart-
connection and reliability in day life and washing; and ness of the roads, for example for automatically detect-
(4) smart software design that can handle redundant or ing incidents. Some challenges in these approaches are
unwanted noise, encourage participation and achieves the natural contingencies such as glare, snow, rain and
situation awareness. shadow.197

Security. Regarding security of a SC, Elmaghraby and Waste management. In underdeveloped or developing
Losavio193 point out the major issues related to privacy countries, waste management is still an issue to be
with the stored data, such as the location (GPS data addressed. However, various gaps make difficult to
can provide information about daily itinerary or home implement waste management programmes. For exam-
address), contact lists and messages. Baig et al.194 sum- ple, for the case of India, Joshi and Ahmed198 point
marise the challenges for the SC data landscape as (1) out the following gaps: (1) there is not an organised or
smart grids, (2) building automation systems, (3) scientifically planned segregation of the waste at house-
unmanned aerial vehicles, (4) smart vehicles, (5) IoT hold and community bin level; (2) collection strategies
sensors and (6) cloud, in which they list the data should be improved, as community bins are used by
sources and security threads. Zhang et al.195 identify households and the surrounding commercial sector; (3)
three security challenges: (1) the crowdsensing (using recycling is impossible as all the waste goes to the same
sensing devices of local residents) requires to incentive bin, even though the material could be reused to create
or motivate citizens to participate but also taking into new products; (4) the available transportation systems
consideration the trustworthiness and their privacy; (2) is not adequate to cover the whole system and is not
identifying false data injections; and (3) due to the new efficient; (5) they follow unscientific disposal of waste,
era of big data, there is a need for new policies of data some of it may get lost in the cities without ever reach-
privacy, availability and management. ing the dumping site; and (6) public private partnership
usually does not fulfil both sides’ goals and aspirations
with their stakeholders.
Sustainability. The sustainability in SCs is an underdeve- With respect to electronic waste (e-waste), in India
loped concept which requires to solve several chal- they started talking about this topic in 2011 and nowa-
lenges. Höjer and Wangel196 present five issues to days there are still some challenges to tackle in order to
address: (1) strategic assessment of the indicators to fully implement the e-waste management:199 (1) lack of
define the importance of a SC and help to define priori- infrastructure, (2) the rules for e-waste management
ties; (2) mitigate the effect of the ICT in the improve- must be changed, (3) eco-awareness training for citi-
ment of the infrastructure, as their benefits also come zens, (4) poor people in India cannot be engaged in
with a deterioration of the ecosystems; (3) products, waste management when they are more worried about
services and systems that are created by big companies money, (5) people in India are not willing to hand over
may monopolise and harm the sustainability of the city obsolete electronic equipment, (6) waste management
while the ones managed by small initiatives are difficult programmes are an additional cost for the budget of
to take them to the next level in order to create a big India and (7) products have a longer life time due to all
change; (4) cities ICT knowledge must be increased in the reparations done, even though those products may
order to equal big companies and be able to make ade- be polluting the environment.
quate ICT requests; and (5) a specialised group to
assess the investment in ICT should be created to aid
the city government in order to focus on a sustainable Discussion
Throughout this document, we have reviewed the main
components of a SC: (1) starting with the different defi-
Traffic. In the domain of smart traffic, concerning the nitions given to the concept of SC in the ‘Definitions of
TMS, Djahel et al.112 observe some open challenges. smart city’ section; then (2) the technological pipelines
There is a critical challenge in the synchronisation of and data flows of the literature in the ‘Smart city
26 International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks

architectures’ section; after that, (3) an overview of the By the literature review done in the ‘Definitions of
different domains of applications used in the literature smart city’ section, it is clear that the technology-based
is provided in the ‘Application domains’ section; (4) the definitions or the ones that focus on the data or the
‘Case studies’ section presents an updated summary of integration of systems do not fit our cosmovision of
the implementations of SCs around the world; followed SCs, as they focus on the technology rather than the
by (5) the review of open research challenges and issues satisfaction of basic needs. The domain-based defini-
that are delaying the SCs to become a reality in the tions are closer to our definition proposal, taking into
‘Open challenges’ section. account citizens’ needs and their well-being. The defini-
Even though the SCs are getting popular and more tion given by Caragliu et al.13 would be the most pro-
real-world implementations are being developed, there mising one following our proposal: one of the main
is still a lack of a proper basis; starting from standardis- goals is promoting the quality of life and the technol-
ing a formal definition of what a SC is. From the litera- ogy is used alongside the human and social capital to
ture review of definitions, it is clear that there is not a achieve that goal.
consensus on the requirements or attributes that char- Moreover, whenever a city plans to become smart, it
acterise the smartness that those cities strive to achieve. must tackle the issues arising from the definition itself.
Therefore, a major advance in the field would be given The literature mentions a wide range of challenges,
by applying the same definition for every research in divided by domains. However, there must be a priority
order to follow the same direction. assigned to each challenge. First of all, following our
As an effort to provide a first approach, we can definition proposal, a city must cover its inhabitants’
argue that the first issue is to consider if the introduc- needs and provide basic services. For underdeveloped
tion of the ICTs is what makes a city smart or the tech- or developing countries this should be the top priority.
nology is a key addition but not the basis. Authors who Second, following our definition of a SC, the next step
support technology-based definitions of SCs (1) use the should be the introduction of the ICTs. Nonetheless,
ICTs as tools to improve their performance in various this may be a mistake in some cases, as there may be a
domains or (2) argue that the use of ICTs inherently challenge to tackle before taking this step: training the
makes the city smart. In the former, the technology is technologically illiterate citizens. Otherwise, the ICTs
used as a support rather than as the main driver of the are going to be an obstacle rather than a helpful tool.
smartness while, in the latter, the essence is rooted in These people are usually the elderly or people from
the ICTs. Despite the benefits of the ICTs, solely the underdeveloped countries where the access to technol-
introduction of technology does not make a city secure ogy is limited.19 Even though some cities have started
and safe, it does not provide food, water, electricity and to address this issue (as mentioned in the ‘Case studies’
other basic needs and it does not protect the environ- section), this challenge is not widely covered in the liter-
ment by itself (this can be seen in Monzon,19 in which it ature and should be addressed better.201
is stated that specific regions suffer from this issue). In addition, the introduction of the ICTs comes
For example, even though the entire traffic system may domain-wise, that is, they are applied to specific
be monitored and the data may be shared with the citi- domains (healthcare, transport, education and so
forth). Based on the taxonomies of the literature, some
zens, basic needs and services might not be provided by
applications can be assigned to multiple domains,
the government. Can a city like that be considered a
which would be interesting to avoid. A solution we pro-
pose here is establishing a hierarchy of domains in
The point is that the technology is a major tool to
order to avoid the issue (see Figure 2). The atomic
make a city smart, but it does not create a SC only by
domains would be citizen-related domains (entertain-
itself. However, it does help to improve services such as
ment, tourism or healthcare, among others), natural
education, healthcare, security and so forth, as seen in
resources-related domains (water and waste manage-
the ‘Application domains’ section, and also to connect
ment, food waste management, smart grids, renewable
the city and its citizens. Therefore, a definition of a SC
energies and so on) and infrastructure (building, hous-
needs to include the requirements of (1) the satisfaction
ing, public spaces and so forth). These depend on the
of the basic needs (water, food, electricity and so on)
government of the city, which manages them. We argue
and (2) the introduction of the ICTs to make a signifi-
that these domains must be considered from the view-
cant improvement in several areas. Nevertheless, both
point of sustainability and the protection and promo-
elements are not separable: without the basic needs sat-
tion of the environment. In the majority of taxonomies
isfied, the technology is useless; and without the tech- proposed in the literature, the environment protection
nology, even though citizens may be fully satisfied, the and sustainability are considered as specific categories.
city is not smart. To summarise, the integration of the However, other domains also take into account envi-
ICTs and the fulfilment of basic needs and services as a ronmental measures, which creates the problem of mul-
whole, without separation, create the basis for a SC. tiple possible assignments of a subdomain to various
Sánchez-Corcuera et al. 27

Figure 2. Our proposed domain taxonomy, grouping atomic domains within categories (purple, green and red boxes), to avoid the
multiple assignment of domains to various categories. Examples of atomic categories are given in the right part of the figure. The
orange box shows the requirement of sustainability and environmental protection that affects all three categories and their domains.
Then, the yellow box includes all the previous domains and requirements inside as the government is the one on charge of managing

categories. Nonetheless, if both sustainability and envi- of sending information and storing it in the same way,
ronmental protection are considered requirements and providing a unified data representation format. Third,
not domains, the multiple assignment issue is no longer the definition of the data exploitation, making deci-
a challenge. Furthermore, all the challenges arising in sions about the granularity of the data that it is possi-
the literature should be ordered by priorities; future ble to consume based on different roles, for example,
work should cover how to address this task and pro- governments, companies and researchers. This would
vide guidelines to go from a basic city which covers ensure that the proposed third-party solutions would
basic needs and services to a SC. exclusively use the data that they have been granted
After planning the process to become a SC, a ques- access to.
tion arises: is it possible to optimise the pipeline? In the Regarding how the SC paradigm is being implemen-
‘Common architectures’ section, we have presented the ted nowadays, after analysing several cities, we consider
most common architectures and paradigms to build an it is worth noticing that most of the cities have not been
IoT-based SC. However, depending on the cities, the able to go further than creating an open data portal yet,
architectures are modified to adapt it to their specific providing free Wi-Fi and some smartphone applica-
needs and requirements. However, we believe that tions to receive feedback from citizens. Thus, very few
defining the architecture and protocols that a smart city cities have been able to use their own data to offer new
will use before starting with projects and works for its utilities to the city and its citizens by their own means
implementation will help reduce costs and problems in or through private companies. Therefore, we believe
the future. that SCs should be able to successfully use all the col-
To tackle this challenge, there are various potential lected data to offer innovative services to their citizens.
solutions which can be used to standardise the architec- This could be promoted either using public investment
ture. First, the creation of a committee to set up the or encouraging private companies through incentives to
best practices to implement the basic technical structure use publicly available data or infrastructures to create
in each city196 and provide the basic tools to gather smart city utilities.
data from different IoT devices and exploit it. This Furthermore, we also believe that it is very impor-
committee would create a convention to unify the com- tant for cities to define a SC roadmap where future
munication interoperability between IoT devices, sen- steps that the city should take are clearly planned and
sors, actuators and so on forth with the storage layer as designed. There are some cities which have carried out
presented by Kafle et al.202 Second, an agreement some interesting initiatives unrelated with each other
between different hardware companies to create a uni- and without long-term planning. However, these
fied communication system to consolidate the process approaches do not allow a long-term maintenance of
of data extraction and storage. This agreement would the initiatives and prevent any collaboration between
be critical to ensure that different devices are capable the different groups working on them.
28 International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks

Therefore, one of the main conclusions drawn from who lack housing and people in risk of exclusion. There
this article is that those cities aiming to become a SC should not exist second-class citizens and the govern-
should design a long-term roadmap and create a spe- ment of the city must take responsibility for them.
cific department assigned to coordinate that task, as Moreover, the ICTs may ease or difficult the accessibil-
previously mentioned in this section. ity to move around the city or access its infrastructure.
For example, buildings with no lifts, ramps and so on;
applications not prepared for people with health condi-
Best practices tions or impairments; and so forth. This should be
For the sake of designing better roadmaps, an analysis taken into account within the inclusion programmes as
of the best practices in implementing SCs should be pivotal practices and, besides, they should be consid-
taken into account. For example, in the case of data ered too in the urban planning of the city.
privacy: the development of SCs involves the acquisi- The constantly changing employers’ needs and
tion, processing and analysis of data from the activities demands require re-thinking the education. As stated
that people carry out in cities. How all the gathered by Zhu et al.,178 education will have to cope with the
data by public and private companies is used is a rais- evolving technology, this includes preparing the popula-
ing concern in our society. These data contain any kind tion for the rapidly growing demands of the market in
of sensitive information of people’s daily habits and terms of technologies such as the IoTs or the Artificial
routines. Public and private entities could misuse the Intelligence. Even though it is a challenging task, it is
collected citizens’ data on their favour, going against necessary to connect the education with the evolution
data protection laws ( of the technology. Building a bridge between both
url?q= worlds is a task that has to be addressed in a SC
worlds-biggest-data-breaches-hacks/&sa=D&source roadmap.
=hangouts&ust=1544702056223000&usg=AFQjCN Regarding the architecture and infrastructure to
E5vYGuF8YpWIAFVCvz_SDo0cTedw). For instance, develop a SC, cities should start by designing the archi-
cities could use the gathered data to create a social con- tecture and the standards that projects and applications
trol condition in which these data are used to monitor implemented in the city will use. This plan will help to
citizens and restrict their freedom. We believe that this implement future projects and services in a quicker and
approach is not ethically correct, as it transgresses easier way. This plan should include the communica-
against the privacy of people, a right recognised in the tion standards and requirements that new infrastruc-
Universal Declaration of Human Rights (http://www. tures should have. Thanks to the standardisation and planning of the SC architecture new projects will have
However, the data privacy problem is not an issue some guidelines to meet in their development and the
that has been widely addressed in most of the cities we implementation will be smoother.
have analysed in the ‘Case studies’ section with the
exception of Seattle, where this concern is being
addressed in a very interesting way. Seattle’s privacy Research opportunities
programme obliges to analyse, from a privacy stand- Given the knowledge acquired through the literature
point, any proposed dataset to become public. review, we are presenting now the research opportuni-
Moreover, Seattle publishes a report of each and ties that we believe that are promising and relevant in
every one of their surveillance technologies. In these the area. As the list of pending research lines have been
reports, questions such as how and when the data are proposed taking into account the references shown in
gathered and used, how and where is the data stored this article, we are not providing specific references as it
and deleted or who can use the data are answered. In is content created by merging all the ideas presented
addition, each of these technologies is presented in pub- here. In fact, other authors have also discussed research
lic meetings where any citizen can ask questions or opportunities in the area. For example, Lim et al.203
express their concerns regarding the technology. state there is a need of (1) policy development and ICTs
Therefore, we believe that programmes such as the application towards developing smart cities with big
one proposed by Seattle’s City Council are much data; (2) more reference models of applications with big
needed to promote transparency and facilitate citizens data, challenges and considerations should be identified
information about how these technologies work, reduc- based on other analysis and projects; and (3) more
ing the possibilities of the misuse of the information by review papers that integrate the existing studies. The
third parties. In fact, promoting transparency in proce- following paragraphs show the lines of research that
dures, technology and data is key to gain the trust of still need more analysis and development.
the citizens in the SC. Even though more actions should be taken towards
Another major best practice is creating specific pro- the better management of sensible information, more
grammes for the inclusion of immigrants, individuals research should be done in techniques (such as AI) that
Sánchez-Corcuera et al. 29

can handle encrypted information without any loss in the field of food, as we stated in the ‘Business-related
terms of performance with respect to the original data. domains’ section, there has been some research con-
For example, using encrypted images from surveillance ducted in the field of vertical farming. This field has not
cameras would alleviate the feeling of being moni- been very well explored yet, so it is possible to advance
torised. In fact, edge and fog computing (discussed in along this line in several areas (construction of build-
the ‘Smart city architectures’ section) can also help to ings, crop management, transgenic research, and so
solve this problem by keeping all the computations on).
done locally, preventing data to be leaked to a third In conclusion, the implementation of SCs is still
person. Furthermore, there is a new technology that lacking some basis: the definition of the concept and
was devised to build trust between different stake- the standardisation of its pipeline; addressing the big-
holders, Blockchain. In this regard, Blockchain is also gest challenges (such as providing basic needs and ser-
a potential technology for solving privacy and data vices and promoting the sustainability and
management issues in the context of SCs. However, environmental protection) and following a roadmap
most of the Blockchain implementations are not con- which satisfies a best practice guideline that is still not
ceived for SCs and citizens’ data management. Besides, settled in the field of SCs. This article has comprised
to the best of our knowledge, no development provid- the information extracted from the state of the art in
ing a framework to integrate Blockchain with other SC order to answer the above issues and to be a helpful
services has been proposed. This is a whole area where resource for the scientific community.
researchers can contribute working on frameworks,
standards and theoretical approaches.
Moreover, there is some research to be done in the Acknowledgements
field of education. SCs are continuously adding new We gratefully acknowledge the support of the Basque
services and applications for citizens to use. However, Governments Department of Education for the predoctoral
some citizens may not have the training to use these funding of some of the authors.
ICT-enabled services and applications. Therefore, an
opportunity to research would be to look for an effec- Declaration of conflicting interests
tive way in which cities could train their citizens and
The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with
teach them how to use and understand the new
respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this
concepts. article.
It is possible that the most relevant research effort is
done in the healthcare domain, as knowledge fields such
as bioinformatics and biomedical image analysis are Funding
becoming increasingly popular. ICTs are planned to be The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial sup-
steadily included in this domain in order to improve ser- port for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this
vices in clinics and hospitals, but more research is article: This work has been supported by the Spanish
needed to improve the performance and accuracy of Government under the FuturAAL-Ego project: RTI2018-
that technology in order to be fully accepted by patients 101045-A-C22 and by the Basque Government under the
Deustek project: IT-1078-16-D.
and normalise the introduction of ICTs in the domain.
In fact, research done in the field of human–computer
interaction can be helpful to ease the acceptance of ORCID iD
technology. Ruben Sánchez-Corcuera
Computer Vision research is quite important in the 6361-0901
healthcare domain but can be applied in other domains
such as smart traffic (to improve TMSs), city monitor-
ing (for safety purposes, taking into account the issue
of privacy), logistics and advertisement. Pushing this 1. DESAP U. World urbanization prospects: the 2014 revi-
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