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The mother doesn´t want Santa to

a. Give her young son what he is asking for
b. Promise something he won´t live up to
c. Make the mother feel guilty when she cannot afford the present

2. As a solution Santa
a. Compromises and agrees to what she says
b. Offers her the solution of buying it cheaper at another location
c. Tells her not to worry

3. Santa believes that the important thing is

a. The present the child wants
b. The place where the present is bought
c. If the child is delighted

4. Santa is informing parents

a. Where to get affordable gifts
b. Where to take their children
c. Where the price will be similar the same price

5. The head of department believes that Santa´s method is

a. Revolutionary
b. Barbaric
c. Worrying

6. Mr. Cole believes the idea is

a. Risky but new
b. Dangerous but different
c. Brave and unique

7. Susan believes the idea of meeting Santa is

a. Useless
b. Unenthusiastic
c. Uninteresting

8. Susan´s mother doesn´t want her believe in Santa

a. To not get upset
b. To not get angry with her
c. To not trust strangers

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