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Hand Sanitizer with Cap: ​Should be played with thumb and pointer finger opening and closing

cap. The thumb should be positioned on the side of the cap allowing for quick opening and

Hand Sanitizer with Pump:​ Should be played by striking the pump with the base of the palm. A
small bag attached to the pump should be considered so as to not make a mess.

Masks: ​The strings of three masks should be secured to a device allowing the bands to
produce different pitches, as well as continue vibrating. Each pitch should be at least a whole
tone apart from each other.

Half-drunk Cup of Coffee with Metal Straw: ​Should be played by hitting the straw against the
side of the cup. A normal notehead means to let the sound ring, and the X notehead means to
hit the straw against the cup under the level of coffee to mute the tone produced.

Bottle of Pills ineffective to CoronaVirus:​ Should be approx. half full, and shaken
horizontally. The pills within the bottle should be smaller than a typical Ibuprofen, as to produce
a brighter sound.

Keyboard (typing): ​Can be any typical computer keyboard, aside from those with silicone
switches. Should be played with fingers on the A, S, D, and F keys (or their respective
counterparts for DVORAK keyboards), and the space bar should be pressed for accents.

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