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nsultant / philosopher / educator / author / composer6y

What is sin tax?

“Sin tax” is usually a term which refers to a tax that governments impose on something in an
effort to reduce the use of that thing. For example, a tax on cigarettes or a tax on alcohol. One
effect of such a tax is to raise revenue, but the underlying aim is often to reduce the consumption
of these things so the revenue is not really the point.

There are disagreements about whether these taxes work and many economists argue that they
are regressive which is to say they disproportionately affect those who can least afford to pay this

In general, taxes have the effect of discouraging what they tax. So, for many economists, this
becomes an argument for using consumption taxes instead of income taxes. The idea is that to
encourage people to save and earn more we need to tax consumption (i.e. buying things) instead
of savings and income. But, again, the counterargument to this is often that these taxes are unfair
to those who earn the least.

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