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Constructed Meaning and Perception


Jessica Rhodes

Jan 10, 2023

As I see it, the two statements contradict one another because one would suggest that there is

intrinsic meaning or constructing of the meaning phenomena and I believe this comes out as a

way of organizing and interpreting the meaning according to what we’ve particular noticed.

People always attach meanings to words that they believe is suitable to their situation , and by

appointing the meaning of a phrase, it changes the perception of the original word. The

difference between the two statements is that the first notion give values to the original word

and does not give room for the meaning of the words to be twisted to fit in the individual’s

circumstances but the second statement will be intended to be by the individual’s perception and

for that reason the meaning will be changed depending on the individual’s perception. Perception

to me in very simple terms is interpreting motive or giving meaning to motive. The motive, by

itself holds no meaning but rather it will be your interpretation of the same that makes it

meaningful. Communication effectively involves having proper language. Language can

influence your thoughts, sense of reality and identity. In chapter 3 it stated that there is no

intrinsic meaning in phenomena but that humans actively construct meaning and attach values. In

chapter 4, the book argues that language is powerful and that values inherent in the words we use

to shape our perceptions and those of others. Would you agree that is an contradiction? Your

actions are controlled by your brain. If not for you nervous reactions and understanding of a

language you would not be able to make a perception of anyone. During and since this position,

I have been overwhelmed by the knowledge that we are the country divided. Man/Woman,

White/Minority, Blue/Red, that polarization is obvious. As a result, the growing gap threatens to

keep the unity, forcing us into the “Us vs Them” attitude that can just support the divide. Now

while that may seem real new-age-peace-and-love-and-patchouli, make no mistakes my desire

for connection is not entirely altruistic, and may still be a streak of

Pessimism. Holding our nation divided strengthens the new government and keeps the status

quo. By encouraging the “ Us vs Them” view, this government breeds concern and

disconnection, which they can have to keep power. Rites of talking are constitutive of thought,

the meaning of words spoken, too as the significance of the occurrence. The assertion requires us

to change the ontology of thinking from its position in the text or utterance to a larger place, the

place which includes the book or utterance but which also includes the discursive context. And

one important implication of the assertion is that meaning must be interpreted as form and

shifting, since a single text ma create different meanings given different circumstances. A Large

portion of the personal idea that worldbuilding has played in my life from the young age is

providing a place of tolerance and escape. I’ve been making it since seven or eight, making

detailed universes and organizations vastly distinct from world, and roleplaying at them,

composing and drawing them out. I have always found freedom at this, I’m far from that single

one. If the doors of knowledge were cleansed every situation could happen to work as it is,



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