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America is not new in Afghan history. During the Cold War, when the
Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan in December 1979, to stop the
mujahedeen from dislodging the Afghan government from power
(Democratic Republic of Afghanistan), the U.S responded by channeling
military support (through Pakistan) to Afghan resistant groups, including
Osama bin Laden al Qaeda group. This Operation dubbed “Cyclone” was
the most expensive American military funding costing up to 20 billion dollars. The fund aimed at
training the Afghan and Al Qaeda militias, in order to take power from the communist
government. Consequently, the Soviets incurred a lot of financial and human losses and
eventually decided to withdraw from Afghanistan (in 1989). Thereafter, the mujahedeen took
over the country and that began the Taliban rule.
In the wake of September 2001 attack in New York and the Pentagon, the Americans invaded
Afghanistan to expel what they called “terrorist groups”. The friends against the Soviets war
became enemies. What was the problem?
During the Soviet invasion, the Americans helped the mujahedeen because they (Americans) did
not want the communism to spread in Asia and had no other choice, but to support the resistance.
On the other hand, mujahedeen knew very well that Americans were not their friends, but “Allah
brought them”.
The Taliban were warned by Americans to expel Bin Laden, however, rejected the call, because
they did not want to betray their brothers, who had helped them during the Soviet war. As a
result, the Americans had no other option, but to invade Afghanistan.
After fighting the Taliban for twenty years, the Americans in a fearful withdrawal move out their
last soldiers in the mid-night of 30th August 2021. Many questions remained unanswered about
why the American abruptly left Afghanistan!
The Americans had made a lot of miscalculations before going to Afghanistan.

Military, the American with all their sophisticated drones, aircrafts, tanks and well trained
marines elite forces had failed to defeat the Taliban because: first, Americans believe in
technology while the Taliban believe in their cause and ideology. Secondly, the topography of
Afghanistan did not make it possible for Americans to effectively use their technology, since the

land is mountainous and remote. Thirdly, the Americans were seen as occupying forces and
majority of Afghan citizens sympathized with the Taliban. Fourthly, the Mujahedeen from
Pakistan were mostly likely crossing borders to fight alongside their Muslim brothers. Fifthly,
the guerilla tactics used by the Taliban were unknown to American soldiers posing a military
challenge. Finally, the Americans trained Afghan army and made them to depend on airpower
without empowering them to become self-reliance. Besides, the Afghan soldiers were being paid
by the American government and in essence, were fighting alongside the American troops to
basically secure their paycheck.

Economically, the Americans had spent a lot of money to support various programs in
Afghanistan. In military expenditure, they had spent 2 billion dollars by 1989 in support of
mujahedeen during the Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan.

The recent war in Afghanistan had cost the American government at most $2.3 trillion dollars
over the last twenty year (2001-2021). Most of the funding went to counter-insurgency,
operations, food and healthcare. The U.S. military operations alone cost $824.9 billion, $300
million went for medical cost of the injured US soldiers, and $85 billion went for training the
“disappearing Afghan army” and $36 billion was allocated for governance and development. In
the humanitarian fund, the American spent $44 billion on reconstruction projects in Afghanistan
through USAID. The amount lost due to fraud stood at $19 billion (Forbes, 2021). These figures
continue to change as the American will continue to pay interest on financial resources

The amount spent in Afghanistan is considered a loss, because the Afghan army had disappeared,
the money spent to establish democracy had gone since it is now Taliban ruling. In addition, the
money allocated to reconstruction projects was also wasted because some of these projects are
left unaccomplished.

Socially, the American have destroyed Afghanistan. They installed a government of minorities
(Uzbek and Tajik) and ignore the majority, the Pashtuns. Now that the Americans are gone, these
minorities might experience prosecutions and injustices. The new government of Taliban will see
them as traitors and are deemed for punishment. In the ousted regime, citizens, especially
women, were given freedom under the umbrella of American patronage. Now that the godfather

is no longer there, everyone will be subjected to Sharia Law and whoever will resist the changes
will be considered as an infidel. Furthermore, large number of Afghan citizens who worked with
the Americans were red listed by the Taliban and some of them were abandoned by the
Americans during evacuation operations. This group might also face execution.

The war has also led to the loss of life. 2,500 American soldiers and 4,000 American contractors
lost their life, 69,000 Afghan military police and 47,000 Afghan civilian died , NATO member
states lost 1,144 servicemen and 51,000 opposition fighters (including Taliban) died over the last
twenty years (Ellen KnickMeyer,2021)

Politically, the American have lost a lot from allies. The United States, after recognizing that
they cannot win the war though of a plan. The US president, Donald Trump requested Taliban to
cease attacking Americans forces and in return, the US promised them to withdraw its forces
from Afghanistan by May 2021. This was a tactical decision, because the America knew that
they would not win the war. At the same time. Subsequent to the deal, the Taliban began to gain
ground in many province in a very short time. This might have been due to peace deal. Apart
from this, the Americans carried out a surprise evacuation for its solders, leaving behind
servicemen of its allies. This was seen by most NATO members as betray and prompted a lot of
debate in the recent EU meeting. To some extent, some members are urging themselves not to
depend on American militarily. Elsewhere, Iran and North Korea will bit the drum of laugh to
bully the American, for failing to clear the mess they had created to themselves.

In the Infrastructural point of view, the Americans wasted $19 billion to rebuild health,
educational and transport facilities, including Hamid Karzai International Airport in Kabul.
When Taliban took over the city, the American marines vandalized 37 military aircrafts and
unknown number of armored vehicles plus civil airplanes before they left. Furthermore, they had
destroyed the air control system of Kabul airport. These were national assets of the nation and
Americans should have not destroyed them whatsoever. Taliban will face a challenge on how to
remove the debris at the airport, though Turkey and Qatar have pledged to maintain and to
renovate the airport.

What next for Afghanistan?

America should have not left Afghan people in the hand of Taliban, because nobody in the world
is ready to recognize the Taliban rule! As a consequent, economic crisis will lead to
hyperinflation and many Afghans will flee the country. In addition, ISIL will find their way into
the country, taking the advantage of Taliban financial inability. On top of this, Taliban will
enforce strict rules on Afghans as a mean to tie grip on power in order to discourage civil

To my opinion, the only way forward is for the world to recognize Taliban rule, provide them
with some sort of funding and then convince them to make some reforms. Otherwise,
Afghanistan will fall back into the olden days.

The author is a Lecturer at the University of Juba, he can be reached on:

Telephone: +211 917 214 948

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