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1. Vervbs are very versatile

2. They even act as nouns in sentences
3. Such verbs are called gerunds
4. A gerund is a present participle
5. That is used as a noun
6. Thus it made from a verb by adding – ing
7. A gerund ends in – ing , but all – ing words are not gerunds
8. Her singing (gerund) was appreciated immensely
9. She was singing (verb) old film songs
10. A gerund can be used as a subject or an object of the main verb in a sentence
11. Swimming keeps me fit . What keeps me fit ?
12. I love swimming . What di I love ?
13. I love to go for swimming . What do I love ?
14. Verbs ending in – ing also function as adjectives in sentences
15. She will be resigning from her highly rewarding (adjective) job
16. It is easy to identify a gerund when we identify the main verb first
17. His drinking (gerund) day and night was harming (main verb) his healty

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