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The state cannot be formed if there are no People who form as

members of the state and the Territory is permanent or definite because you
cannot just give it away, in Government, it is where the individual who has the
right to be installed as a leader performs the each of its constituents such as
the three powers (Police Power, Power Taxation, and Power of Eminent
Domain), and Sovereignty is The formation and protection of sustainable
freedom, equality, and justice in society depends totally on the exact sense of
the establishment of national sovereignty because you can't say it's a state if
one of its four elements is missing, so each state is very important.

In the nation, it is made up of a large group of people with a strong

foundation so that it can be recognized. examples of this are regional or
indigenous groups and can also refer to the culture, history, or language that
is usually used by each group, such as in the Tanay they like to speak Hane
while in other towns they have their own. They have also used words because
the nation is ethnic and cannot be a state.

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