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Montessori Center

Fourth Quarter
Angelica Phoebe M. Corpuz April 6,2020
7-Topaz Minor Reflection Paper #1
Talents and Skills

My talents are singing and memorizing. My skills are leadership, analyzing, and being
good at math. My hobbies are swimming and biking. My interests are reading. These things help
me as an individual in a way that it helps me become a well-rounded person. Having interests,
hobbies, skills, and talents can help relieve stress. These things help me become a better person.
Sometimes, people become fixated into one thing and having hobbies can help you prevent that.
My skills also reflect my time at school. I am good at becoming a leader because at an early age
my teachers push me to become the person I am today, My interests, hobbies, skills, and talents
can also help me when it comes to my resume, when I start applying for jobs. Having
sport-related hobbies can also improve my health. On the other hand, having social-related
hobbies can help my mental health. I also make friends because of my interests, hobbies, skills,
and talents. These things are built when I was younger and I always improve on those things as I
grow older. I am not myself without my interests, hobbies, skills, and talents.

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