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Process Analysis Essay Outline

How To Deal with Student Burnout

I. Thesis Statement: In this essay, I will be sharing the five-step process that I discovered on
how to deal with student burnout.
A. Recently, I’ve been dealing with burnout because of the exhaustion and stress that
school has been giving me, so I realized that I should probably stop the unhealthy
cycle I’ve been doing and finally learn how to deal with burnout.
B. If you don’t know what burnout is, burnout is a state of exhaustion caused by
prolonged stress, and some signs of burnout are exhaustion, isolation, frustration,
cynicism, and irritability.
II. First, understand that most people experience burnout and that you’re not alone.
A. Destigmatizing burnout is an essential first step because sometimes, we blame
ourselves for how we act when in reality, it’s not necessarily our fault.
III. Subsequently, do some small self-care things like taking a long bath or sleeping early.
A. This small step is foremost because it jumpstarts the upcoming procedures.
IV. Once done with this step, organize and clean your environment.
A. This step is salient because your environment affects your mood, and organizing
also makes one feel more in control.
V. Next, make sure that you’re taking care of yourself, which requires sleeping early nightly
and eating the right food.
A. This step is more arduous because you’re constantly prioritizing yourself over
your work and more time-consuming since you need to do it daily.
VI. Lastly, after surviving your first burnout period, make sure to spot and prevent burnout
from happening again before it gets worse.
A. You can do this by shortening your work periods and by taking longer breaks in
your study sessions.
VII. To summarize, dealing with burnout is hard, but hopefully, the five steps I’ve discovered
will help you overcome burnout.
A. Furthermore, the most important thing to recall from this essay is that taking
breaks and knowing one’s limits are things that we should prioritize and not just

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