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W04 Application Activity: Overcoming Obstacles

Name: Carla Emilia Vergara Maury

During weeks two and three you established your weekly study pace and identified some
health and wellness goals. Now what? A plan without action isn’t going to get you very far.
There will be obstacles that get in your way. This week you will identify some potential
obstacles to maintaining your study pace and wellness goals as well as possible solutions
for overcoming those obstacles.

Step 1 – Chart your obstacles

Use the template below to identify two obstacles that may hinder your weekly pace and
two obstacles that might hinder your health and overall wellness. Refer to your pacing
guide and health and wellness goals for ideas.

Step 2 – Chart your solutions

Write two things you can do to overcome each of the obstacles that you identified in the
template below.

Pacing Obstacles

1.- Generally, on Mondays and Fridays I usually wash clothes, but washing clothes is
something that sometimes takes up a lot of time.
● I can change to wash the cloth only one day
● I can wake up earlier the day that I wash the cloth

2.- On Saturdays I lose more than 2 hours cleaning the house and accommodating the mess
of the week

● I need only one day to wash the cloth, on Friday I can spend the time trying to do
some things for Saturday.
● I can give more specific assignments to my daughters about the things that they
need to do to should do to keep their room in order and past a schedule for the
assignments in their door.

Health and Wellness Obstacles

1.- I think I sleep to late all the days
● I need to do a more specific pace guide.
● I need to try to do the most important thing all the days.

1. Not all the days I do 30 min for exercise because I wake up late.
● I can set a clock alarm to wake up on time.
● I need to sleep on time.
Go on to Step 3 

Step 3 - Reflect
Answer the following:

You just finished the process of identifying obstacles and solutions. Explain at least two ways
this process can help you achieve academic success as a student.

● 1.- Doing this process gives me a clear focus on the things I need to change or
adjust in order to focus on my goal of studying
● 2.- It is clear that following a specific plan will help me to be able to identify
more often what I am not doing or what I am spending more time on than
necessary and thus be able to focus on being successful in my studies.

Step 4
Save this document with your name in the filename, and follow the instructions in your
course to submit it for grading and feedback.

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