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Title: How to Get Rid of Depression

Specific Purpose: An overview of the steps and procedures required to overcome

Thesis Statement: Successfully battling depression requires four steps, these include:
1.) recognizing the condition; 2.) evaluating your condition and severity; 3.) formulating
a plan to relieve the condition and 4.) implementing the plan.
I. Introduction
A. Hook:
A while back I found that I was talking to myself more than usual, self-
motivational speeches, trying to pump myself up for another day of classes
and work. My outlook was dismal and my attitude bleak and, while the recent
pandemic and host of life changing restrictions has been difficult, I began to
think maybe I was depressed. I conferred with myself on this matter and
decided that yes in fact, I was definitely depressed.

B. Rapport:
From what I googled; I think these feelings are really quite common amongst
the population. Many people are depressed and just don’t realize it. Even if
you are not depressed right now, there is a pretty good chance that at some
point in your life that you will suffer from depression on some level, it’s very
natural therefore pay close attention to my experience in this matter.

C. Credibility:
I’ll admit, I have not been depressed previously as far as I can tell, however,
the unusual circumstances of the last two years have been trying. As a result
of my epiphany, I took action and researched the signs, symptoms and
methods to battle the condition. From this, I have worked out a
comprehensive method to overcome mild depression as soon as it is
recognized and keep it from returning. My system is not complex but relies on
several self-disciplines that I will share with you.

D. Bridge:
Today I will be sharing with you my technique for successfully battling
depression in four steps: 1.) Recognizing the condition. 2.) Evaluating your
condition and severity. 3.) Formulating a plan to relieve the condition. 4.)
Implementing the plan.
Transition: The first step in dealing with depression is recognition of the condition.
II. Body

A. Recognizing depression
1) Change of moods or attitude.
2) Loss of appetite
3) Sleep problems
4) Listlessness
Transition: Now that you have recognized there may be a problem, you must evaluate
the severity of the depression.

B. Evaluating the severity of your depression

1) Loss of focus?
2) General malaise?
3) Melancholy?
4) Thoughts of violence or self-harm?
Transition: After self-assessment of your symptoms you can move on to formulating the
plan to alleviate your depression. Please note: For severe depression or if thoughts of
self-harm or suicide occur you should immediately seek professional intervention.

C. Formulating a plan to relieve the condition

1) Increase activity levels: gym, walks, running, yoga etc.
2) Spiritual satisfaction: Mosque, church, synagogue etc.
3) Set realistic goals and maintain discipline
4) Set and maintain a schedule
Transition: You have now laid out the strategies and activities that will diminish and
eventually overcome depression, you are ready to implement your plan.

D. Putting the plan into action

1) Schedule and structure your activities
2) Make time for the physical activities that increase dopamine and
endorphins in the brain like the gym, running, cycling etc.
3) Walk or cycle to work and campus
4) Maintain realistic goal sets and continue to be vigilant and disciplined
in activities
III. Conclusion:
In summary, you all have the ability to deal with mild forms of depression through
the implementation of my four step method which includes: 1.) recognizing the
condition; 2.) evaluating your condition and severity; 3.) formulating a plan to
relieve the condition and 4.) implementing the plan. And while there are several
avenues that one can take in dealing with depression such as therapy and
medications, I believe that through embracing the problem and utilizing activities
while regaining your structure and life discipline, the depression can be
conquered. I have improved my outlook and attitude measurably and so can you.

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