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Celestial Tapping Techniques CTT


Revolutionary Celestial Tapping Techniques CTT

Celestial Tapping Techniques means Spiritual Growth for everyone – Fast, Easy, and so far
found to be Safe

Celestial Tapping Techniques is Experimental

Celestial Tapping Techniques is experimental and reading this page implies that you accept
that you use it at your own risk and you take full responsibility for the outcomes of its use.

Caution:- this technique seems to charge and expand the energy system and there may be
risks in over-charging or over-expanding your energy system. Just as the instructions in the
use of re-chargeable batteries warn you about the need to avoid overcharging, you are warned
not to overcharge your own energy system.

Celestial Tapping Techniques experimental technique that is still in its very early stages of
development and there could be side effects that we have not yet encountered, and so if you
choose to experiment with it you understand that you do so at your own risk.

Nevertheless, no one, so far, has encountered any difficulties with Celestial Tapping
Techniques so long as they follow the instructions below. The main instruction is to stop
when the energy system is fully charged and do not allow yourself to go into an overcharge
situation. One person, so far, has had difficulty with a higher level of this process, which is
not shown here in this paper, in that for a few hours he “lost my sense of self”. Continuous
EFT tapping rectified this condition in a few hours. On the other hand, many people are not
sensitive to energy and they can be overcharged yet be totally unaware of it and feel nothing.
For instance, someone I was working with became overcharged, but she felt nothing, yet I
couldn’t get within 10 feet of her (3 metres) without myself feeling overwhelmed. After about
10 minutes this effect subsided and I was able to approach her again.

Divine Light
Keep in mind that you are bringing Divine Light of varying frequency and intensity to bear
upon your energy system. Divine, in this instance, means much more power than you are used

Know When To Stop

Stop if any of the following symptoms appear:-
Tingling in fingers or toes or other parts of the body
A feeling that can best be described as each of your hundreds of acupuncture points squirting
out energy from themselves.
Loss of sense of self or ‘I am’. This could possibly be a loss of ego, which is something that
many want, but if it happens suddenly then it can cause concern. Another possible cause is a
fragmented self, where a dominant fragment suddenly loses dominance to another, more
spiritual, fragment.

If any of the above symptoms appear then stop immediately, and wait for another day to

Overwhelm usually passes within a few hours. So far, the only report I have had from
someone experiencing a problem from overwhelm is their being so wired up that night that
they did not go to bed until much later than their usual time and, lacking sleep, they were tired
the next day.

Divine or Celestial Words of Power

Celestial Tapping Techniques, which is EFT for fast spiritual growth, involves the use of
Celestial Words of Power. Celestial Words of Power can be used for personal spiritual growth
where they can have a very powerful effect and catalyse rapid growth.

EFT plus CTT equals POWERFUL

The use of EFT by itself has been found to be highly beneficial. The use Celestial Words of
Power by themselves has also been found to be highly beneficial. However, using EFT and
Celestial Words of Power together is very powerful, it has a very powerful effect on your
energy, it can overwhelm you quickly, so care is needed.
For similar reasons, because some Celestial Words of Power have a much greater effect on
energy than others, only 1 of the 100 or so commonly used Words of Power is listed here.
Some words and word combinations are extremely powerful and can cause overwhelm very

Regular Practice
Feedback so far suggests that regular practice of this technique builds up your energy system
so that it has increased capacity to accept more and more. Like muscle building, the more
weight you regularly lift, the more weight you can eventually lift.

A client’s story
My initial use of this method
One of my clients, Nick, emailed me to say:- ‘I really can’t get over how amazing this is.
Permanent and radical emotional change in less than 24 hours! It is the Celestial Words of
Power and EFT combined. I have used one, and the other, and individually they have not
worked like this, but combined it is amazing’.

I knew I was on to something. He had been on a quest for years and had tried numerous
techniques, learning the EFT from me. I had been exploring the combination of using EFT
with Divine or Celestial Words of Power for years but had never introduced it to clients
before. When this client finished his method of exploring EFT, he asked me if there were
something else he could try, so I suggested he use the Celestial Words of Power in
combination with EFT.

What are Celestial Words of Power?

Various words of power have been used for thousands of years by people of all major
religions, in their search for a more intimate relationship with their god. OM, for example, is
the one most people seem to think of first. Within Christianity, the word ‘Amen’ at the end of
a Christian prayer is a word of power, and ‘The Lord’s Prayer’ is an example of a collection
of words of power used together. The Celestial Words of Power are words from the Divine
Language. You resonate them to set up divine qualities within your being. They bring many
benefits and catalyse profound change. When you combine them with EFT, you can
sometimes shift conditions when standard EFT has not been effective.

Some Examples of Celestial Words of Power

Here are some examples. Their meanings indicate the divine qualities they establish within
your being:-
Divine Acceptance
Bring deeply hidden issues out into the open
Divine and Unconditional Love
Divine Faith
Divine Forgiveness
Divine Harmony
Heal Thyself
Highest Joy
Highest Love
Highest Protection
Highest Wisdom
Highest Truth
Divine Power
Divine Passion
Divine Peace
Transform Mundane Emotions Into Divine Understanding

Divine Resonance
Resonating these Words of Power causes their vibration to become established for you, and
enabling you to catalyse greater healing and enlightenment in others, and giving you access to
higher and higher dimensions of light, moving you towards the divine.

Measure Your Level of Spiritual Growth

Your level of spiritual growth and attainment can be measured. This statement is so important
that I will repeat it again in bold type.Your level of spiritual growth and attainment can be
measured. This means that you can measure the effectiveness of the techniques you use to
assist you in moving along your sacred path. You can combine EFT with Celestial Words of
Power and use a muscle test to measure how well it is working. The main measures of
spiritual growth are Dimensions Accessed (infinite dimensions are potentially accessible)
and Levels of Perfection. The average person only accesses 15 dimensions and has 0.3 levels
of perfection.

Galileo vs The Pope

There are lessons from the past about challenging people’s spiritual beliefs with
measurements. About 400 years ago Galileo took some astronomical measurements and
declared that the Earth goes around the Sun. The Pope responded by saying that spiritual
people believe that the Earth is the centre of God’s creation and that the Sun goes around the
Earth, and therefore Galileo was wrong and must be punished as a heretic. Galileo
subsequently died under house arrest. There are many people (e.g. priests, new age gurus, and
even people who you wouldn’t suspect it of) who strongly believe they are highly spiritual,
and some may even believe this so extremely that they would prefer to die defending their
beliefs, and yet measurements reveal they only have about 0.3 levels of perfection. Warning
- Such people may become hostile towards you if your measurements reveal them to be only
spiritually average.

Limitations Within Traditional EFT

There are limitations within the traditional EFT model that limit spiritual growth. The belief
that ‘It is all energy’ is not correct. The truth is ’It is all light’. Energy comes from light and
light is an aspect of love. Do you not say ‘spiritual en-light-enment’ and not ‘spiritual en-
energy-enment’? It is a mistake to dismiss this point as semantics because doing so can cost
you some higher understanding of the Divine whose essential nature is indeed Light. As you
master the using of words of power with EFT you may find that you become more aware of
energy, more aware of light, and more aware of the difference between the two. This
awareness can help EFT Practitioners to gain insight into what to do next in their sessions
with clients.

Negativity Exists At All Levels

Also, some people believe that being free from negative states and feelings is an indication of
the level of spirituality. The truth is that most people have no idea of what is happening to
them spiritually. They can be happy and fulfilled in their mundane lives yet totally unaware of
severe negativity affecting their spiritual level. Likewise, you can experience negative states
and feelings while your spiritual level is totally positive and blissful. Negativity exists at all
levels, but most people are blissfully unaware of nearly all of it.

Spiritual Components
There could be un-addressed spiritual (or divine, or higher) components to your issues
Some states, feelings, emotions, and physical health conditions, have a spiritual component,
and the conditions either resist EFT treatment, or the conditions may return some time after
the EFT treatment, unless the spiritual issues are addressed. I have found that standard EFT
does indeed address some spiritual issues, but not all, and combining Celestial Words of
Power with EFT gives you a much greater chance of clearing them. This seems a good place
to awaken you in that, despite many EFT practitioners and EFT Masters using EFT for
spiritual growth purposes, the only ones I have found with significant spiritual growth (ie they
have well above average levels of spiritual perfection) are those that have had contact with
Celestial Words of Power.

How to use Celestial Words of Power

An example of a Celestial Word of Power is HA.
HA in the Celestial or Divine Language means ‘Joy’.
HA is pronounced ‘hah’.

You can use Celestial Words of Power in various ways. Saying ’Even though I have this
problem, I deeply and completely love and accept myself,’ becomes, ’Even though I have this
problem, HA’.

You can also use Celestial Words of Power to powerfully empower EFT affirmations. For
instance you can tap each point saying ’Every day, in every way, I am getting healthier and
healthier, HA’

Better still, we find that 4 repetitions of the Celestial Words of Power work best.
‘Even though I have this problem, HA-HA-HA-HA’
‘Every day, in every way, I am getting healthier and healthier, HA-HA-HA-HA’

Indications so far indicate that regular, moderate use of this technique causes the beneficial
effects to build and build over time, expanding and evolving the energy system and giving
access to higher and higher dimensions of light, higher and higher levels of spiritual
perfection, and greater enlightenment and self realisation and understanding of our true

Intent for Beneficence

It is highly recommended that you state a powerful intent for highest beneficence at the start
of your session. Say ’I want the highest of truth and the highest of beneficence. This is my
will and therefore as it be the will of the Highest then so let it be done’. ’Highest’, here, refers
to that level of your being that has overall responsibility for your being, ie the Highest of Self,
in conjunction with the ‘Highest of All That Is’.

Give thanks
When using Celestial Words of Power, gratitude is important. At the end of a session that
includes the use of Celestial Words of Power, you give thanks by saying, ’I give and receive
of thanks’.

Measuring the results

If you are able to use muscle testing you can monitor the results of your experiments by
asking questions such as the following:-

• Muscle test these questions as a pre-test and post-test and at regular follow ups
• How many dimensions do I access now? (average = 15, maximum is infinity)
• What is my level of perfection? (average = 0.3, maximum is infinity)
• How many energy meridians do I have? (average = 15, some people have more than

Further source of information

To assist you with your Celestial Tapping Techniques, our e-book, ’Words of Power,
Resonance for The Golden Age’ lists about 100 Celestial Words of Power that you can
experiement with, plus it contains the Grand Program for Transformation, and it is available
from this website, click here.

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