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Diapositiva de introducción 1 Hello, take a look at

this invention

I show you
The telescope that
how I did
Galileo built in 1609
was a refracting it?
telescope, with a
convex lens at the
front and a concave
eyepiece lens.

He began to
believe that the
initiative that the
Sun and the other
planets orbited
close to the Earth
was not adequate.
Galileo built his first
Diapositiva de introducción 2 telescope in the summer of
that year and in the last
month of the year he set
out to look at the sky with
devices of correct quality.

In the field of
astronomy, it is worth
highlighting the
affirmation of the
heliocentric model of
the world, which he
achieved due to his

Galileo saw what he considered mountains and

Thanks to this device, Galileo craters, evidence that the natural satellite,
saw that the Sun, considered like our world, was a rocky human body full of
until then a symbol of irregularities in its area and not a flawless
perfection, had spots sphere made of ether, as was held at the time.
Observations on the
satellites of Jupiter and the
Diapositiva de introducción 3
finding that Venus goes
through phases similar to
those of the Earth's Moon
confirmed the validity of
Copernicus' heliocentric
system, which argued that
the Earth is not the center
of the solar system.

The astronomer first

observed the Galilean
satellites —named after
him— on January 7, 1610
and initially thought that
they were three stars
close to the planet, which
formed a line that crossed Galileo
it. Galilei.

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