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What Are The Steps Involved In Writing A Proposal?

Proposal is the very first step in a research project. You are supposed to explore
your main subject matter of research in the form of proposal. The very first thing
is to clear your research project into your mind. Produce your thoughts and
thinking on paper. Then go for some good work printed. Practice writing a
proposal. Don't develop the fair copy at first. Another thing is that you may have a
look of outdated research proposals to make it clear on your mind.
Well then you may start writing research proposal. First write down introduction in
a paragraph. It must be massively compiled and short. Then go for objectives of
the research. Highlight some of the main objectives over here. Then go ahead
and write down the chief goal of the research project you are going to start.
Another important thing is the hypothesis which is to be approved to disapprove.
This will be the biggest point in research. Then tell about methodologies that you
are intending to use for collecting notes. Hope this will animate your research
proposal properly. This much compiled and to the point research proposal will
really work. Good luck!

Introduction, Background of the study, statement of the problem, goal of the

study, General & specific Objective, Methodology of the study.

Research proposal example on Child Labor:

In America’s history we have had many problems with child labor. That is why “in
1938, President Franklin Roosevelt passed the Fair Labor Standards Act” (World Book
455). Child labor laws has helped the children in America greatly by not having to work
long hours, having a minimum wage, and the worker must be at least 16 years of age
before they can work. However, Child labor is still a problem in other undeveloped
countries now.

We have child labor laws because, “from the mid 1800s to the early part of this century,
many young children were employed in what we now call “sweatshop conditions”
(Russell Freedman 93) . These children spent many hours working hard at dangerous jobs
instead of going to school and getting a good education. Many factories and other firms
hired children because they could be paid less than adults and get away with it.
Furthermore, the children were overworked and underpaid, often working 16 hours a day,
six days a week, and earning only pennies an hour. Kids often were also injured or killed
while working under these brutal conditions.

The child labor laws came into effect to stop these abuses and help young people go to
school. These laws were passed to protect the health, safety, and well-being of young
workers while at the same time affording them an opportunity to gain an education.
“Many children among the age of 10, were hired by factories, this is why countries
passed laws to stop the abuses of child labor” (Child Labor Coalition 4). Many children
work today, but most are teenagers in the USA, Canada, Britain, and hold part-time jobs.
The working conditions for youth today are carefully regulated by the law. I know the
working rules are true by when I worked at Express in the mall, my friend who was only
17, was not allowed to work past 9p.m. during the week or weekend because she wasn’t
18, and maintained a full-time student status. However, in Asia, and other parts of the
world, millions of girls and boys hold full-time jobs. In some countries, children under 15
form a large part of the total working force, and there is little or no control over the
working conditions they work in.

Employment of Child labor created no major social problems until the factory systems of
labor began. Children would work in the fields for their parents all of the time. Children
worked for lower wages than adults, and were not so likely as adults to cause labor
troubles. Factories wanted to use the children’s small, quick fingers for machinery work.

Children often performed jobs that really required adult strength to do. Many children
worked to help support their parents in raising the families, work for their unemployed or
disabled parents. Uneducated, the only work they were capable of doing was unskilled
labor in sweatshops. Today, companies like Mattel and Levi’s offer benefits to employees
all over the world, and FA8000, which is an education program for children unable to
finish high school. They will help educate their workers.

The first federal child labor law was passed in the U.S. Congress in 1916. This law “set
standards for the hiring of children by industries involved in interstate or foreign
commerce”( Encyclopedia of American History).

Young kids are allowed to work in factories in foreign countries because other countries
have different child labor laws or may not be as willing to enforce their existing laws. In
some places in the world, families are so poor that children must work to put food on the
table. Children having to work at such a young age is unfortunate. Many organizations,
including the United States Government, are working to end oppressive child labor
throughout the world and help all children obtain an education.

There are many things being done about sweatshops in foreign countries. The
Department of Labor outlined ten steps that need to be taken to eliminate illegal child
labor around the world. Last summer the Department helped to launch a campaign called
Foul Ball which makes sure that soccer balls are stitched by Pakistani adults and not
children who should be in school. The Department is also cooperating with such
international groups as the United Nations and the International Labor Organization.

Why no one ever did anything about these sweatshops if they were so bad was because
over the years many tried to improve these conditions for kids. Finally, the Fair Labor
Standards Act was signed into law by President Franklin Roosevelt on June 25, 1938.
This important law limits the conditions which children may work to those that protect
their health and safety and do not interfere with their education.


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