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School of Architecture




School of Architecture

Create a list of ten modern-day examples of extremism experienced within today’s social climate. Within your list, mention
whether they are rooted in perspectives of idealism or realism. Write a reflection about your list, commenting on how they
impact your everyday life and how it would differ should extremism be dialed back.

The quality or state of being extreme or advocacy of extreme measures or views : radicalism.

Idealism Realism
The unrealistic belief in or pursuit of perfection. The attitude or practice of accepting a situation as it is
and being prepared to deal with it accordingly.


School of Architecture

The threat of terrorism and extremism is a daily challenge that targets the
security and stability of our region while threatening our political, economic,
and social systems. It is a global phenomenon that transcends borders, cultures,
and religions, and fighting it requires concerted efforts from the international
community. Moreover, our war on terrorism is not solely military, as terrorism
is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon requiring specialised approaches in
combating its spread. Therefore, efforts to condemn extremism and terrorism
must consider a multipronged approach, from tackling the roots of radicalism
to combating recruitment and encouraging individuals' active participation in

Gender equality is fundamental to the achievement of human rights and is an
aspiration that benefits all of society, including girls and women. The universal
advantages of gender equality have been well-documented, and several
international frameworks have affirmed its centrality to human rights and
sustainable development. Yet, despite the promise of equality, progress towards
it has been slow, fragile, incremental, and reversible – and dramatically
undermined by the COVID-19 pandemic.


School of Architecture

There are no excuses for racism.

Racism takes many forms and can happen in many places. It includes
prejudice, discrimination or hatred directed at someone because of their
colour, ethnicity or national origin. People often associate racism with acts of
abuse or harassment. However, it doesn’t need to involve violent or
intimidating behaviour. Take racial name-calling and jokes. Or consider
situations when people may be excluded from groups or activities because of
where they come from. Racism is more than just words, beliefs and actions. It
includes all the barriers that prevent people from enjoying dignity and equality
because of their race.


It is the “recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring or receipt of a person,
Extremists exploit the social web for spreading their dehumanizing ideas.
by means of the threat of use of force or other forms of coercion, of abduction,
Subtle anti-democratic and racist comments as well as incitement to
of fraud, of deception, of the abuse of power or of a position of vulnerability or hatred and violence. Whereas many platform operators quickly delete
of the giving or receiving of payments or benefits to achieve the consent of a illegal content, subliminal right-wing extremist and Islamist propaganda
person having control over another person, for the purpose of exploitation.” calls for preventive measures. Here, it is also important to develop
Exploitation includes sexual exploitation, forced labor or services, servitude, or educational concepts to support internet users in taking a critical look and
the removal of organs. promote the courage of their convictions.


School of Architecture

Drug addiction is a chronic brain disease. It causes a person to take drugs
repeatedly, despite the harm they cause. Repeated drug use can change the
brain and lead to addiction. The brain changes from addiction can be
lasting, so drug addiction is considered a "relapsing" disease. This means
that people in recovery are at risk for taking drugs again, even after years of
not taking them.

The concept of cyberterrorism usually refers to a range of very different actions,
from the simple spread of propaganda online, to the alteration or destruction of
information, and even to the planning and carrying out of terrorist attacks via the
use of computer networks. As such, in order to better understand what
cyberterrorism is, this article will begin by analyzing the concept of “terrorism”
–including its structure, harm principle, and elements– as a broad category to
which the species “cyberterrorism” belongs; later, it will delimit the idea of
cyberterrorism and distinguish it from others with which it has a certain similarity;
finally, it will raise some of the most important challenges that cyberterrorism
implies in a global and technologically interconnected world.


School of Architecture

One of the most important schools of philosophy is Idealism. Idealism helps to
examine and understand different features of education in a more specific way and
also influences the theory and practice of education.

The term idealism is also sometimes used in a sociological sense, which
emphasizes how human ideas—especially beliefs and values—shape society.
Any philosophy that assigns crucial importance to the ideal or spiritual
realm in its account of human existence may be termed "idealist".

Idealism stands for improving the course of international relations by eliminating war,
hunger, inequality, tyranny, force, suppression and violence from international
relations. To remove these evils is the objective before humankind. Idealism accepts the
possibility of creating a world free from these evils by depending upon reason, science
and education.


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