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It seems to me that they have left us a legacy since we have them today They were created by them I

will now give the introduction and tell you the things they left us so that you can better understand the

GASTRONOMY. Familiar dishes such as rice pudding, spices such as nutmeg and aniseed, and fruits
such as melon and watermelon are part of the culinary legacy left to us by the Arabs.eggplant, one of
the delicacies of Islam, became so popular in al-Andalus that busy, crowded lunches were called
eggplants. "Who would have told us that pasta is of Berber origin, or that the famous Frankfurt
sausages were already famous in al-Andalus?" ask Inés Eléxpuru and Margarita Serrano, experts in
Andalusian cuisine, in their book Al-Andalus: Culinary Magic and Seduction (Ed. Al-Fadila, Madrid,
1991). Sugar, which for centuries was only known in the form of syrup, came to be consumed as we
know it today thanks to the invention of a way to crystallize it.

MATHEMATICS. It was the favorite science of the Arabs, along with Medicine and Astronomy.
Many basic principles of arithmetic, geometry and algebra are due to the discoveries of their scholars.
Even today we still use the numbers and counting method of Muslims. For example, they spread the
zero (from Arabic sifr), invented in 976 in India, although it was not used until the 13th century.

Trigonometry is the branch of mathematics they cultivated most diligently. From it were born
fundamental concepts such as sine, cosine and tangent.

MEDICINE. The first description of smallpox and measles is due to the Arab physician Rhases,
author of Havi (the virtuous life), an extensive work of nine volumes that constituted the entire library
of the Faculty of Medicine in Paris in 1395. The Muslim surgeons of the 11th century even knew how
to treat cataracts and stop internal bleeding. As connoisseurs of anesthetics, they administered a drug
made from a plant called tares, until the patient became unconscious.

From the hand of the brilliant Averroes, an Andalusian physician and philosopher who recovered for
the Latin world the thought of Aristotle, medicine reached its peak. And Avicenna (Abu Ali Al
Hussain Ibn Abdallah), whose Precepts of Medicine, 1543, is a masterpiece on hygiene and
therapeutics. They also founded modern hospitals where, in addition to a school and library, they had
gardens for the cultivation of medicinal plants, ophthalmology, internal medicine and orthopedics
departments. They are still considered today as a model of health centers.

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