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Nathan R.

231 Foster St, Brighton, MA 02135
(413) 531-6424 | | LinkedIn

Boston College | Chestnut Hill, MA Expected Graduation June
Bachelor of Arts in Computer Science, Minor in Economics
 Relevant courses: Computer Science I and II, Computer Systems, Calculus I and II, Statistics
 GPA: 3.84/4.0 Major/Minor GPA: 3.93/4.0

Work Experience:

Information Technology Intern | Morris Group Inc. 5/2022-8/2022

Introduced a new Dynamics 365 ERP system, providing computers and training to employees across the
company, in addition to traditional IT support.

Medical Laundry Sanitization | Anderson Cleaners 8/2017-8/2021

Founded a business sophomore year of high school purchasing medical johnnies and providing them to a
medical facility, collecting, cleaning, and returning, them on a weekly basis.

Car Restoration 6/2017-12/2020

Restored from the ground up a rusted out 1967 Toyota FJ40. Spent years learning restoration skills and
used them to rebuild an antique car to show quality condition.

Assembly Technician | The Home Depot 5/2021-7/2021

Traveled to multiple Home Depots and assembled a plethora of products including, grills, wheelbarrows,
lawn mowers, and tool chests.

Delivery Assistant | Commercial Distributing CO. 7/2021- 8/2021

Delivered and merchandised various beverages in stores throughout Western Massachusetts.

Automated Health Screening | HTML Python Selenium 2/20/2022
Built a Python program that automatically completes the daily Covid-19 health screening for my
university utilizing the Selenium package.

Maximizing Integer Division | C 3/15/2022

Created a C program that utilized simple integer division and modulo, then modified the assembly code
in such a way that compacted the division and modulo making the program more efficient.

Eagle Scout | Boy Scouts of America 2/2020
Designed and built an adaptive cutting board system for my eagle scout project. This device allowed
disabled people to safely cut various foods independently.

Java-Script, Python, C, SQL, Microsoft Office, metal working, welding, woodworking, teamwork

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