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Class Date: January 15th

Topic: FDR’s Fireside Chats

Two key fireside chats:

"The Bank Crisis"
Date: March 12, 1933
Listen to the chat and make note of:
● The key elements of the bank holiday he has announced
● Specific examples of how he explains the banking system
● Examples of simple, yet powerful imagery and language that he employs
● The overall effectiveness of the speech
● Why this speech would have been so effective in 1933.

"On the New Deal"

Date: May 7, 1933
● what are the different programs that he is proposing?

Other Notes:
● Roosevelt made a total of thirty-one Fireside Chats
● He used words, phrases, analogies, and terms that people could grasp easily;
eighty percent of his words were among the one thousand most commonly used
words in the English vocabulary.

Study Questions:
● How did FDR's use of the Fireside Chats enable him to communicate his
message in a way that was new and unique at that point in history?
● How did FDR's Fireside Chats demonstrate his leadership?

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