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LA3013 October B1


Public international law

Thursday 4 November 2021

BLOCK 1 Available at: 06:00 UK time on Thursday 4 November

Submit before: 11:00 UK time on Thursday 4 November

You have FIVE HOURS in which to write your answers and upload them in the
required .doc or .docx format to the VLE. You are not expected to spend more
than FOUR HOURS writing your answers. The remaining hour is for
downloading, uploading, and to take short rest breaks.

You must answer FOUR of the following EIGHT questions. You must answer
all parts of a question unless otherwise stated.

The word limit for this examination is 4,500 words. Any words beyond this limit
will not be read by the examiners.

© University of London 2021

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1. ‘If the international legal regime is to be effective, it requires the
subordination of the sovereignty of states to international legal

Explain and discuss.

2. Identify and discuss the evidence that is required to demonstrate the

existence of customary international law.

3. ‘There is general agreement that if the Security Council is to become

more effective it must be subject to reform. Unfortunately there is no
general agreement as to the reform that would be appropriate.’


4. ‘There Are Places in the World Where Rules Are Less Important Than

Does this quotation (of a book title) sum up the dilemma of those who
argue for the legality of humanitarian intervention (or action pursuant to
the “Responsibility to Protect” doctrine)?

5. What impediments prevent the International Criminal Court from fulfilling

the hopes of its founders?

6. ‘The right of self-determination in international law is essentially

incompatible with the principle of the territorial integrity of states.’

Do you agree?

7. ‘Article 51 of the United Nations Charter has proved to be inadequate in

distinguishing legitimate actions of self-defence. It fails entirely to
recognise the genuine need on occasions for anticipatory self-defence.’


8. Using examples, assess the significance of the advisory jurisdiction of

the International Court of Justice.


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