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Personal Data

Name Ebe, John Ver

Sex Male
Address Mangandingay, Cabarroguis, Quirino
Contact No. 09954869022
Email Address
Date of Birth 01-19-2002
Place of Birth Cabarroguis, Quirino
Civil Status Single
Height 5’3
Weight 48 kg.
Religion Roman Catholic
Citizenship Filipino
Fears Failing grades
Language/Dialect Ilocano/Tagalog Whole Body Self-Portrait

Names Occupation Date of Birth

Father Astorias, Augusto M. Farmer 12-30-1976
Mother Ebe, Jeannelyn E. Housewife 08-01-1961
Siblings Astorias, Jonathan E. Pupil 12-15-2008
Astorias, Jan Jacob E. Pupil 01-22-2011

School Year Awards

Elementary Mangandingay Elementary School 2007-2014 Valedictorian
High School Quirino General High School 2014-2018 With High Honors
Senior High School Quirino General High School 2018-2020 With High Honors

Special Skills Guitarist, Mathematician

Hobbies Online games, Solving math problems

Name Contact Number

In Case of Ebe, Marita E. 09613485929
Activity 2

Name: ____________________________________ Course & Year: __________

A. Multiple Choice
Directions: Copy as it is all questions and choices in your one whole yellow pad paper and
write the letter of the correct answer in the space provided before the number. Use capital
letters only.
_____1. This is the imperfect aspect of the self according to Socrates
a. body b. soul c. rational d. appetitive
_____2. He is the student of Socrates who supported the idea that man is a dual nature
of body and soul and that there are three components of the soul: the rational soul, the
spirited soul, and the appetitive soul
a. Plato b. Descartes c. Augustine d. Kant
_____3. ___________________ states that the self is a thinking entity distinct from the
body. His first famous principle was “Cogito, ergo sum,” which means “I think, therefore I
a. Augustine b. Hume c. Descartes d. Locke
_____4. This philosopher believed that the goal of every human person is to attain this
communion and bliss with God
a. Descartes b. Locke c. Aquinas d. Augustine
_____5. Self, according to this philosopher is simply the bundle or collection of different
perception/ theory of mind.
a. Augustine b. Hume c. Socrates d. Plato
_____6. He compared the self into a blank space or what he calls “tabula rasa”.
a. Plato b. Aristotle c. St. Augustine d. Locke
_____7. He rejected empiricism which explains that there is no such thing as innate
knowledge; all knowledge are derived from experiences
a. Ponty b. Kant c. Hume d. Socrates
_____8. Aristotle suggested that the ideal is incorporated in the phenomena. He called
the phenomena as matter and the ideal as?
a. essential b. essence c. experiences d. encounters
9-10 True/False.
__________9. For Hume, impressions are be persisting because they are subjective.
__________10. For Descartes, we don’t need reason to evaluate our thoughts and
Activity 3

Name: ____________________________________ Course & Year: __________

A. Identification. Copy as it is all questions and choices in your one whole yellow pad
paper and write your answers in the space provided before the number.
__________________ 1. It represents the self as subject, and the individual’s impulses
___________________2. In this stage, can begin to understand deeper and can able to
adhere correctly to the rules of a game.
___________________3. What is side of the self is being develop during the preparatory
stage according to Mead?
___________________4. Playing a game with no specific set of rules as they come up
with during the course of game happens in what stage of self development?
___________________5. Any time that an actor tries to imagine what is expected of them,
they are taking on the perspective of the ______________ other.
___________________6. Culture of the Filipinos wherein they treasure relationships with
friends and even with strangers too.
___________________7. A perspective that explains why the self should not be seen as
static and explains why it doesn’t stays the same throughout age.
___________________8. Basic unit of the community.
9-10. State two Filipino customs or traditions that is commonly observed in a Filipino
a. _____________________________________________________________
b. _____________________________________________________________
Activity 4

Name: ____________________________________ Course & Year: __________

A. Multiple Choice. Copy as it is all questions and choices in your one whole yellow pad
paper and write the letter of the best answer in the space before the number.
_____ 1. It includes drives and instincts that are beyond awareness but that motivate most
human behaviors
a. Unconscious b. Preconscious
c. Conscious d. None of the above
_____ 2. This is the drive which is only concerned on achieving pleasure and self-satisfaction
a. Id b. Ego
c. Superego d. Super id
_____ 3. The rational part of the personality. The one that balance self-seeking pleasure
and morals
a. Id b. Ego c. Superego d. Super id
_____ 4. Anxiety that stems from the ego’s relation with the superego
a. neurotic anxiety b. moral anxiety c. realistic anxiety d. ego anxiety
_____ 5. Shouting at your little brother after being scolded by your father is what kind of
defense mechanism?
a. denial b. repression
c. rationalization d. displacement
_____ 6. First stage in Erikson’s Psychosocial stages of development
a. trust vs mistrust b. initiative vs guilt
c. intimacy vs isolation d. integrity vs despair
_____ 7. Development of loving, sexual relationships and close friendships
a. identity vs role confusion b. intimacy vs isolation
c. generativity vs stagnation d. initiative vs guilt
_____ 8. Most first year college students today are in this stage conflict
a. identity vs role confusion b. intimacy vs isolation
c. industry vs inferiority d. generativity vs stagnation
_____ 9. Doubts about self and lack of independence are just few of the negative
outcomes of what psychosocial stage?
a. trust vs mistrust b. initiative vs guilt
c. industry vs inferiority d. autonomy vs shame and doubt
_____ 10. Knowing and understanding oneself is important in this stage of psychosocial
a. school age b. adolescence
c. early adulthood d. middle adulthood
Activity 5

Name: ____________________________________ Course & Year: __________

A. List five verses in the Bible that you like most. Write them in a one whole yellow pad
Activity 6

Name: ____________________________________ Course & Year: __________

A. Direction: Copy as it is all the statements in your one whole yellow pad paper and
indicate the correct answer on the space provided before the item.
__________ 1. It is an area of personality ‘known to self’ and ‘known to others’
__________ 2. A type of personality ‘known to others’ but ‘not known to self.’
__________ 3. A personality type ‘known to self’ but ‘not know to others’ and otherwise
known as façade.
__________ 4. A personality type ‘not known to you’ and ‘not known to others’.
__________ 5. It is actually a combination of Joseph Luft and Harrington Ingham.
__________ 6. A wrong idea while understanding someone or something.
Modified True/False. Write True if the statement is correct and write False if the statement
is otherwise. If the statement is FALSE, underline the word(s) that make it wrong.
__________ 7. Most of our successes depend so much on how people positively perceive
__________ 8. We are consciously aware that we often try to conform to the image that
we imagine other people expect from us.
__________ 9. The theory on looking glass self describes that we are prone to change
self-identity and ourselves based from the suggestions, evaluations and
impressions of others.
__________ 10. We tend to not anchor our realizations from what people say about us
nor change for the better to conform on their perception.
A. Instruction.
Design your own family tree. Paste a picture of each member of your family. Write
their corresponding names beside each picture.
B. Instruction.
Find the song “Who am I” by Casting Crowns and reflect on the lyrics. Then, answer the
questions below in an essay form.
1. Who are you?
2. How would you describe yourself?
3. Do you love yourself? Why or why not?
4. What are you most grateful for in life?
5. What are the biggest and most important things you have learned in life so far?
Activity 7

Name: ____________________________________ Course & Year: __________

Identification. Copy as it is all questions and choices in your one whole yellow pad paper and
write your answers in the space provided before the number.
____________ 1. In the factors on the development of the physical self this is also known as
____________ 2. Refers to the specific information embedded within one’s genes; not all
genotypes translate to an observed physical characteristics.
____________ 3. How many pairs of chromosomes each individual carry?
____________ 4. This is the sum total of the forces or experiences that a person undergoes from
conception to old age.
____________ 5. If the combination of chromosome is XX, then it indicates that the offspring is
____________ 6. What developmental stage is equivalent to two to six years?
____________ 7. What age is equivalent to old age?
____________ 8. Beauty has two types: the inner beauty which refers to the inner qualities of the
person and the ____________.
____________ 9. With such strong societal scrutiny it’s easy to see how the focus on how we
look can slide into the dark side – _____________.
____________ 10. Enumerate at least one plan for taking care of your physical health.
Activity 8

Name: ____________________________________ Course & Year: __________

A. Multiple Choice. Copy as it is all questions and choices in your one whole yellow pad
paper and write your answers in the space provided before the number. Use capital letters
_____ 1. It means not giving up even if the answer to a problem is not immediately known.
a. persistence b. flexibility in thinking
c. checking for accuracy d. metacognition
_____ 2. The senses of feeling, seeing, hearing, or even tasting is utilized to solve
problems more effectively.
a. listening to others b. overcoming impulsiveness
c. using all the senses d. cooperation
_____ 3. It is when one considers other points of view rather than running with the first
thought that comes to mind
a. persistence b. metacognition
c. checking for accuracy d. flexibility in thinking
_____ 4. School smarts are the ones with __________ intelligence
a. analytical b. creative c. practical
_____ 5. Street smarts are the ones with __________ intelligence
a. analytical b. creative c. practical
_____ 6. The subject “Understanding the Self” helps this type of intelligence
a. intrapersonal b. interpersonal
c. naturalist d. spatial
_____ 7. Skilled and graceful use of one's body for expressive, or goal-directed purposes
a. linguistic b. bodily-kinesthetic
c. musical d. naturalist
_____ 8. Biologist, zoologist, and foresters are
a. spatial b. linguistic
c. naturalist d. musical
_____ 9. Ability to notice and distinguish among others' moods, temperaments, motives &
a. intrapersonal b. existential
c. naturalist d. interpersonal
_____ 10. This is the sensitivity to pitch, melody and rhythm
a. musical b. spatial
c. linguistic d. bodily-kinesthetic
_____ 11. The fundamental element required for learning through classical conditioning
a. conditioned stimuli b. unconditioned stimuli
c. association d. response
_____ 12. Consider this sequence: (1) food, (2) salivation with food, (3) light with food,
and (4) salivation with light. This procedure for presenting stimuli and observing
responses with dogs is based on Pavlov’s experiments, and represents which
sequence of classical conditioning?
a. unconditioned stimulus, conditioned response, conditioned stimulus,
unconditioned response
b. conditioned stimulus, conditioned response, unconditioned stimulus,
unconditioned response
c. unconditioned stimulus, conditioned stimulus, unconditioned
response, conditioned response
d. unconditioned stimulus, unconditioned response, conditioned stimuli,
conditioned response
_____ 13. Decrease in the strength or frequency, or stopping, of a learned response
because of failure to continue paring the US and CS.
a. Extinction b. Spontaneous Recovery
c. Response d. Stimuli
_____ 14. The reappearance of an extinguished response after the passage of time,
without training.
a. Extinction b. Spontaneous Recovery
c. Response d. Stimuli
_____ 15. Learning in which voluntary behaviour is strengthened or weakened by
consequences or antecedents.
a. Operant Conditioning b. Classical Conditioning
_____ 16. Where classical conditioning illustrates S → R learning, operant conditioning
is often viewed as ________ learning
a. S→ R → R b. R ← R c. R → S d. S ← S
_____ 17. Events that precede an action.
a. Operant b. Consequence c. Stimulus d. Antecedent
_____ 18. When you want a behaviour to be encouraged and presented the stimulus
a. (+) Reinforcement b. (-) Reinforcement
c. (+) Punishment d. (-) Reinforcement
_____ 19. When you want a behaviour to supressed and presented the stimulus
a. (+) Reinforcement b. (-) Reinforcement
c. (+) Punishment d. (-) Reinforcement
_____ 20. The first correct response after a set amount of time has passed is reinforced
a. Fixed Interval b. Fixed Ratio
c. Variable Interval d. Variable Ratio
True/False. Write Yes if the statement is True and write No if the statement is False.
__________21. Leaning is a relatively permanent change in behavior that results from
__________22. There is no variation between individuals in the rate at which extinction
of the same conditioned response will occur.
__________23. Stimulus extinction is the ability to respond differently to various stimuli.
__________24. Classical conditioning investigates the learning of voluntary responses.
__________25. Variable interval is described as the first correct response after a set
amount of time has passed is reinforced.
__________26. Self-worth is defined as the extent to which people believe that they can
confidently learn and master a particular skill.
__________27. Social cognitive theory which emphasizes the value of the social
environment in one’s learning process that is built on observational learning
__________28. There are four stages of observational learning which are attention,
retention, motor reproduction and plans.
__________29. Reciprocal determinism states that a person's behavior both influences
and is influenced by personal factors and the social environment.
__________30. When we see modeled behavior being reinforced, we are said to be
vicariously reinforced
Activity 9

Name: ____________________________________ Course & Year: __________

Instruction. Copy as it is all questions and choices in your one whole yellow pad paper
and write the letter of the best answer in the space before the number. Determine if the
behavior is appropriate (A) or (I) inappropriate in the given situation considering societal,
cultural, or institutional guidelines.
_____ 1. Sharing stories with friends in the library.
_____ 2. Laughing during youth night eating fellowships.
_____ 3. Joking with friends in a long drive.
_____ 4. Keeping quiet when parents asked you to explain.
_____ 5. Chewing a bubble gum in a Sunday service.
_____ 6. Speaking in a soft tones during a live concert of your favorite band.
_____ 7. Wearing short pants for an interview with an employer.
_____ 8. Arguing loudly with an officemate.
_____ 9. Listening attentively when someone is arguing on the phone.
_____ 10. Cheering for one’s team in a basketball game.
Activity 10

Name: ____________________________________ Course & Year: __________

a. Copy as it is all questions and choices in your one whole yellow pad paper and write
the letter of the best answer in the space provided.
b. Enumeration. Give only what is asked in each item
1. Three components that can be used in examining the self.
a. ___________________________
b. ___________________________
c. ___________________________
2. Four components of the material self.
a. ___________________________
b. ___________________________
c. ___________________________
d. ___________________________
3. Evidences behind the idea that money truly can change people.
a. ___________________________
b. ___________________________
c. ___________________________
Activity 11

Name: ____________________________________ Course & Year: __________

Direction. Make an acrostic below which will describe you, in relation to you being a Filipino.
Write your answer in a one whole yellow pad paper.

Activity 12

Name: ____________________________________ Course & Year: __________

Direction. Create a quick survey to ten random teenagers that has same age with you (5
males and 5 females). Complete the table below. Write your answer in a one whole yellow
pad paper.

Nickname Age Course Most frequently Most Number of
and Year used social frequently hours spent
media played on phones,
computer game gadgets, or
per day


Answer the following questions:

1. What is the most common social media platform and computer game for students?

2. What it’s the average number of hours spent by the students online?

3. What insights have you gained from the quick survey?

Activity 13

Name: ____________________________________ Course & Year: __________

Instruction: Essay. The question below will help you see how well you manage your
emotions. Write your answer in a one whole yellow pad paper.
Do you agree that love, despite being a positive emotion, can also cause problems?
Describe an experience which can justify you answer.
Paste a picture of you when you were in kindergarten, elementary, in high school,
and now that you are in college. Below the picture, list down your noticeable characteristics
that you remember.

My Kindergarten Self My Elementary Self

Noticable Characteristic/s: Noticable Characteristic/s:

______________________ ______________________
______________________ ______________________
_____ _____

My High School Self My College Self

Noticable Characteristic/s: Noticable Characteristic/s:

______________________ ______________________
______________________ ______________________
_____ _____
Create a collage of your treasured possessions including your current clothing
style. You may use symbols or pictures of your treasured possessions. Pit a short note
why you treasure each item.
Activity 14

Name: ____________________________________ Course & Year: __________

Write your answers in the space provided before the number.
A. Instruction. Complete the box below by filling out the necessary information.

High Low
Responsiveness Responsiveness


B. Instruction. Enumerate the four stages of Intellectual Development proposed by Jean


Activity 15

Name: ____________________________________ Course & Year: __________

Modified True/False. Write True if the statement is correct and write False if the statement
is otherwise. If the statement is FALSE, underline the word(s) that make it wrong. Copy
as it is all questions and choices in your one whole yellow pad paper.
________ 1. The self is made of many self-perceptions, abilities, and personality
characteristics that are organized with one another.
________ 2. A positive or negative self-concept reflects a dominant or prevailing trend of
positivism or negativism in the self.
________ 3. The self-concept is composed of the real self and ideal self and our goal is
to widen the gap between the two.
________ 4. Unconditional positive regard refers to positive regard received as a result of
acceptable behavior or living up to the standards and expectations of others.
________ 5. It is normally expected for people to have discrepancies between their real
selves and what they dream of wish to become.
________ 6. Self-esteem is the level of importance attributed to oneself and one’s abilities
________ 7. Humans possess an inner drive to grow, improve, and use their potential to
the fullest.
________ 8. Adults and adolescents who are starting to look for serious relationships are
particularly concerned with satisfying the esteem needs
________ 9. Maslow also classified these needs into two general categories: deficiency
needs and growth needs.
________ 10. Using the term “self-actualizing” rather than “self-actualized” means that
attaining self-actualization is continuous and lifelong process of improvement.
Activity 16

Name: ____________________________________ Course & Year: __________

Multiple Choice. Copy as it is all questions and choices in your one whole yellow pad
paper and write the letter of the best answer in the space before the number.
______ 1. This refers to the understanding and awareness of one’s own mental or
cognitive processes.
a. compassion b. metacognition c. goals d. self-efficacy
______ 2. This cognitive strategy helps learners select appropriate information and make
connections to be learned.
a. analysing b. elaboration
c. organization d. rehearsal
______ 3. Your personal reflection in your knowledge and capabilities
a. self-appraisal b. self-management c. self-esteem d. self-concept
______ 4. It is the mental process you employ using what you have in planning and
adapting to successfully learn or accomplish a certain task
a. self-appraisal b. self-management c. self-esteem d. self-concept
______ 5. This can help exercise your metacognition by trying to test your comprehension
of your learning experience or the skills you have acquired during learning.
a. rehearsing b. knowing your limits
c. skimming d. self-test
______ 6. Basically, this is browsing over a material and keeping an eye on keywords,
phrases or sentences.
a. self-appraisal b. self-management
c. self-esteem d. self-concept
______ 7. It looks at the scope and limitations of your resources so that you can work with
what you have at the moment and look for ways to cope with other necessities.
a. self-appraisal b. self-management
c. self-esteem d. self-concept
______ 8. This study strategy refers to distributing the learning over time, not cramming.
a. distributed practice b. elaborative interrogation
c. practice testing d. self-explanation
______ 9. This study refers to any form of testing for learning which a student is able to
do on his or her own.
a. distributed practice b. elaborative interrogation
c. practice testing d. self-explanation
______ 10. ____________ may be the first stage of a learning process, with other
techniques such as self-testing, and self-explanation come subsequently for review
a. self-explanation b. reflection
c. metacognition d. summarizing
Activity 17

Name: ____________________________________ Course & Year: __________

Direction. Make a goal setting plan (short term for one year only) using the SMART goal
Activity 18

Name: ____________________________________ Course & Year: __________

A. Multiple Choice. Write the letter of your answer in the space provided before the
_____ 1. The three stages of GAS (in their correct order) are
a. alarm, snooze, rest
b. alarm, rest, snooze
c. alarm, resistance, exhaustion
d. resistance, alarm, exhaustion
_____ 2. Moderators of stress include all the following except
a. pretending that stressors do not exist
b. psychological hardiness
c. sense of humor
d. predictability and control
_____ 3. Psychological hardiness consist of three characteristics. These include
a. expectations, humor, and control
b. power, control, and commitment
c. commitment, challenge, and control
d. confidence, competence, and efficacy
_____ 4. Refers to the outcome expectancies that good things rather than bad things will
happen to the self.
a. optimism b. personal control
c. self-esteem d. social support
_____ 5. Individual’s self-perception of his or her abilities, skills, and overall qualities that
guides and/or motives specific cognitive process and behaviors.
a. optimism b. personal control
c. self-esteem d. social support
_____ 6. In the General Adaptation Syndrome, the length of this stage is dependent upon
the body’s innate and stored adaption energy reserves and upon the intensity of the
a. alarm stage b. resistance stage c. exhaustion stage
In an essay form. Write the life lessons you learned throughout the course of our subject.

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