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Grade 7 revision

Mathematics paper 2

1.a) Write the number 5007 in words.(1)

b) Write eight million and eighty in words.(1)

2.Round off 8 386 239 to the nearest ten thousand.(1)

3.The average mass of 4 boxes is 20kgs.If the fifth box is added,the mass rises to 22kgs.Find the mass of
fifth box.(3)

4.7/8-5/16= (2)

5.5 2/510÷2 1/4 = (3)

6.On a bus carrying 75 passengers,21 were men and the rest were women and children.What
percentages were:

a) men ? (3)

b) women and children.(2)

7.5 1/2×1/2÷1 3/4 = (3)

8.Find the loss when three blankets are bought at a total cost of $55,50 and later sold at $17.25

9.A shirt was bought for$8.00.The percentage profit after it was sold was 25%.

a) what was its selling price (2)

b) what is the profit?(3)

10.Mr Nhoro bought a house for $15000,he paid a deposit of 10%.He was also charged 15%
interest on the balance which he paid back in 12 equal monthly installments.Calculate

a) the deposit (1)

b) the balance (1)

c) the interest on the balance (1)

d) the instalments per month (2)

11.Mr Amith borrows $4000 to buy a car from the bank.He is charged 25% interest per annum
for two years.

a) calculate the interest charged.(2)

b) calculate the total amount he pays back to the bank at the end of two years.(3)

12.Find the number of grams in

a) 3/4 tonnes (2)

a) 0,3 tonnes (2)

13.A rectangle has a perimeter of 72cm.Its width is 12cm.

a) find its length (2)

b) calculate the area of the rectangle (3)

14.How many hours and minutes are there between 25 minutes past 11am and 5
minutes to 5 pm the same day.(2)

15.The sides a cube measures 15cm.

a) find the volume of the cube.(2)

b) calculate the total surface area of the cube.(2)

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