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• The term yoga is derived from the root Yuj or

Yujir which means union (Yujir Yoge).

• The union denotes that the individual soul(
jivatman) with cosmic soul (Paramatman).
• According to another derivation word Yoga
means concentration (Yuj Samadhi).
• In Bhagavad-Gita, the word yoga is used to
express a sense of divine power and glory.
• It is an ancient practice that may have
originated in India. It involves movement, and
breathing techniques to promote mental and
physical wellbeing.
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Yoga= Process of yoking; union
Citta= conciousness
Vrutti= patterning,movements
Nirodha= Cessation, restriction ; Pantanjali in
his yogasutra defines Yoga as cittavrutti is total
of mental functions and Nirodha means
cessation or control.
Yoga can be simply defined as the process of
gaining control over mind.
 Rajayoga is referred as mental yoga, or the yoga
of the mind, because of its emphasis on
awareness of ones state of mind. It is through
this practice that one learns to calm the mind
and bring it to the point of focus. We can achieve
this by following the eight-fold path of Raja
Yoga, which includes ;
(1) Yamas ( Abstentions):

(i) Ahimsa(non-injury)
To avoid causing pain or hurting any living being
mentally, verbally, or physically.
(ii) Satya (Truth)
The literal meaning of satya is truthfullness. One
must be truthful in his speech, act and thought.
(iii) Asetya (Non-stealing)
It refers to the negation of the tendency of utilizing
the wealth, belongings or thoughts of other in once own
interest or benefits.

(iv) Brahmacharya (chastity)

Brahmacharya means not to deviate from ones own
Svadharma or ones own original nature. It is not only
abstinence from sexual pleasure although same is an
important aspect of Brahmacharya as it helps as
aspirant to progress efficiently on the path of yoga.

(v) Aparigraha(non-greed)
The tendency of lustfully hoarding wealth and
consumable material in ones own self interest is called
Parigraha and negation of this tendency is Aparigraha.
2)Nityamas (moral observations):

(i) Shaucha (Purity)

Shauch refer to observance of cleanliness in
physical, mental and social aspects of life.
(ii)Santosha (contentment)
It means remaining contented with whatever
facilities and cirumstances , one is put to
continuing the duties and remaining contented .
Tapas produces purity of body and Indriya , Mana
Shuddhi etc. Tapas is a practice of body and mind
to perfect them.
(iv) Svadhyaya (study of the scriptures or self
A regular time is to be devoted for the study of
scriptues texts.
(v) Ishvara Pranidhana (Surrender to god)
Dedicating to eshvara one can attain ultimate
(3) Asana ( Steady pose, posture or seat)
Asana is third part of yoga which includes
different yogic postures, it helps to attain
furthers steps of yoga . Control over physical
body leads to control over mind, which enhance
all over development of being.

(4) Pranayama (Control of vital energy through

breath work.)
The word Pranayama is a combination of
“Parana” and “Ayama Prana means breath and
Ayama means to extent.
(5) Pratyahara (Withdrawal of the mind from
external objects.)
(6) Dharana( concentration of the mind on one object.)
The fixing of the mind o a something external or
(7) Dhyana (Meditation)
When after achieving Dharana on some point, one’s
mind has succeed for a sufficient time in holding itself
before itself under the form of the meditation, without
any interruption caused by the intrusion of any other
function, one attains Dhyana.
(8) Samadhi (Enlightenment, union with the divine)
The fruits of meditation is Samadhi .Samadhi is super
conscious state, where in the Yogi gets super intuitional
or super sensual knowledge and super sensual bliss.
-The union of mind and soul is called as Rajayoga.
-The yogi becomes the creator and destroyer of the
universe, like god.
 Hatha yoga is a system of physical exercises and
breathing control used in yoga.
 Science of body purification and awakening of
pranic energy.
 The word Hatha is a combination of two Bija
Mantra ha and tha. Ha means Pingala Nadi or sun
principle. Tha means Ida or moon principle.
 Ha represents mind,& mental energy and Tha
represents Pranika, Life force energy. Hathayoga
means the union of Pranika and mental forces.
 The imbalance of pranic & mental force cause
physical or mental unrest.
 The yogi opens the door of Moksha by
opening Kundalini by means of hatha yoga
 It has four components-
(1) Asanas
(2) Shatkarma
(3) Mudras
(4) Bandhas
-along with Pranayam helps in kundalini
awakening leading to higher state of
1.Dhauti :-
 Help in clearing impurities of he body.
 It cures all the diseases of abdomen and
enhances agni.
2. Basti :-
 Contrasting and relaxing of anal sphincter in
different positions.
 It cures urinary disorders , constipation, gulma,
cures Amavata.
3. Neti :-
 Cleansing with water.
 It helps in kapha roga and gives clear vision.
4. Nouli:-
 It is Yogic abdominal process for cleansing of
abdominal Viscera .
 Cures all variety of diseases and increases body
5. Tratak :-
 One should continue look at some small object
till eyes tear.
 Gives good vision and destroy eye diseases.
6. Kapalabhati :-
 The exhalation sounds like that of the bellow of
the black smith.
 Hence the particular name kapalabhati is given
to this cleansing process.
Bandhas :-
Word bandha means binding, tying a
bond, to catch , arrest , stop, redirect etc.
There are three classic bandhas:
i) Jalandhara bandha,
ii) Uddiyana bandha and
iii) Moolabandha.
 When practiced together they are called Tri-

 They are situated respectively, in the throat ,

abdomen and perinium.
Mudra us a term with many meaning.
It is used to signify a gesture, a mystic position
of the hands, a seal, or even a symbol.There are
eye position, body posture, and breathing
techniques that are called Mudras.
1. Hasta Mudra (hand)
2. Mana Mudra ( head)
3. Kaya Mudra (postural)
4. Bandha Mudra (lock)
5. Adhara Mudra (Perineal)
 Ayurveda and Yoga have been connected for
thousand of years ago because of the ancient
system that is concerned in the healing of mind
and body. Yoga and Ayurveda are the unique
science of antiquity.
 Both are developed and practiced in similar
circumstances with similar objectives in the same
land. The both science aim to achievement of
 Health is the main root through which, one can
achieve Moksha (liberation from cycle of Death &
 Besides spiritual path Yoga also teaches the uses
of the drugs for chitta shuddhi (Purity of mind).
 Charak Samhita, one of the foremost
Ayurvedic classics deals with highest category
of yoga.
 Acharya charaka has been given detailed
account of Bahiranga practice like Yama,
Niyam etc. in the contest of sadavritta and
Acahara Rasayana.
5 Aims of Yoga
1. The aim of yoga is to control the mind.
 A man who cannot control his mind will find it
difficult to attain divine communion, but the self-
controlled man can attain it if he tries hard and
directs his energy by the right means.
2. The main aim of yoga is to integrate the body,
mind and thoughts so as to work for good ends.
3. By practicing yoga, the mind will get sharpened
and concentration and memory power may develop.
 Thus, mind could be canalized for thinking the
right good thoughts. Then the good and healthy
thoughts will develop in the right direction.
4. Yoga will pave the way for an individual to do any
action peacefully and perfectly.

5. Through systematic and regular yogic practices, the

body may be made healthier and its resistance power to
fight against the diseases could be enhanced.
Objectives Of Yoga
-The main objectives of the yogic practice are to make
one free from
 Diseases
 Miseries
 Ignorance
 Egoism
 The Affiliations of Old Age, And
 Fear of Death Etc.

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