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Information request to the manufacturer


Information request to the manufacturer

1.- Electrical energy production process with the MTG generator.

The operation of the MTG refers to its maneuvering procedures for the
commissioning of energy production (Example: Manufacturer's Operation
Manual for the start of the operation, Operation Manual for the assembly - of
one above the other - of the 02 MTG equipment, etc.).


2.- Description of operation.

It refers to the principle of operation (Example: The electromotive force of the
battery activates the magnetic fields which induces a magnetic flux that
positions the rotor in dynamic rotation by levitation and this in turn, through
rotation for each degree, generates a voltage up to reaching a synchronous
speed generates an effective voltage that is captured by its load coils and
subsequently conducted to the connection terminals, etc.).


3.- MTG generator assembly procedures.

(MTG equipment assembly manual, lifting points, characteristics of the bases,
etc.). we will deliver, install, and operate the MTG

4.- Dimensions of the MTG generator. 1 MW is 2.6m height, 2.3m wide,

and weight is 895 kg.

5.- Plate data and Data Sheet of the MTG generator. attached

6.- Requirements for own consumption of the MTG generator. ???

7.- Additional requirements for maintenance, control, operations,

protections and communications. Example: Needs for auxiliary services of

Information request to the manufacturer

energy, water, lighting, sanitation and/or any other for maintenance purposes
(Cleaning, maintenance of terminal busshiings, spaces for maintenance).

The MTG will be installed inside small room on 10” concrete floor with
ventilation system, no colling system is required.

Maintenance will be after 5 years to replace the bearings, everything else will be
covered by 5 years warranty.

8 .- Requirement for measurement system.

The MTG team needs local monitoring of measurements, implement a small

Scada to monitor temperatures, speeds, cameras or the need for a control
room. The MTG will be provided with GPS, cameras and sensors, and also
small computer system to monitor the operation and the breakdown of any
parts, in addition to the power consumption.

9.- Factory tests to which the MTG was subjected.

They are the results of the rigorous tests carried out by the manufacturer on the
MTG equipment, dynamic tests that loads can withstand (short circuits, ground
fault, full load, overload, etc. ). The MTG will have transformer and regulator
bult in that will be able to control the current and to prevent any power lose.

11. Recommendations and requirements for the grounding system. We

will take care of that with the installation.

12. Any recommendation from the manufacturer for the civil,

electromechanical works of the substation, telecommunications, the fire-
fighting system, control and measurements. The MTG is very safe to
operate and doesn’t have any emissions or radiation, and no fire

Information request to the manufacturer

13.- Guarantees of good operating practices 24 hours a day and 8760

hours a year, throughout its useful life. (Example: Start-up test protocol and
continuous operation of the MTG generator, Maintenance plan, Periodic
maintenance, Preventive maintenance, Predictive maintenance, etc.)

the MTG start operating with small 12v batter, and then the batter could be
disconnected, and the MTG will keep working continuously without interruption,
even if any of the components was defected, it will not stop the full generator,
but the only damaged part will be replaced so only small portion of the outlet will
be lost temporary.

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