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Many rich people and large companies seem to manage to avoid paying tax.

When this happens, a

country has less money to provide essential services; it also makes it difficult for smaller, tax-paying
businesses to compete, and creates a society where there seem to be different rules for the rich. To
prevent these things from happening, holes in the system that allow businesses and individuals to
avoid tax must be closed.

Governments make most of their money through taxes. They use them to pay for hospitals, schools,
police, transport systems, care for the elderly and disabled, etc. If tax payment can be avoided, there
will not be as much money as planned for these vital services.

Large online companies currently find it easy to avoid tax because they are not in the countries
where they do business. Their local competitors, however, have to pay tax, and so are at a
disadvantage. When wealthy individuals avoid tax, it increases the gap between them and the
ordinary people who earn less money but still have to pay tax – this creates a less fair society.

In order to fight the problem, governments must ban schemes where people can hide their money
without paying tax. It needs to chase big companies and the wealthy in the same way as ordinary
people who have not paid their tax.

If a government was determined enough to create a fair system and to punish the richest in society
for avoiding tax, then the amount of tax it received would greatly increase, and traditional, local
businesses would be better able to compete against global online giants.

In conclusion, there are many reasons why we dream. Dreaming helps us to process confusing
experiences and difficult emotions. It also assists us in structuring memories, and even has a role to
play in building creativity. Although nightmares can clearly have a negative influence on our life,
especially if they occur repeatedly, it seems that dreams have a very positive impact in general. They
not only help us with essential processes, but also improve our performance. It seems strange, then,
that dreams are often talked about as if they were mysterious and even frightening. Perhaps by
discussing dreams more positively, we can help young people develop a positive attitude to sleep
and so to dream a little more.

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