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</style><p class="s3"><a name="_heading=h.gjdgxs"></a><span class="s2">New Gold 2
Final Review</span></p><style type="text/css">
.s4.s4.s4 {font-weight:bold;}
.s5.s5.s5 {margin-bottom:0; line-height:1.200000; margin-top:0; text-
</style><p class="s5"><span class="s4">1) Read this article about makeup. For
questions 1.1 to 1.6, choose from sentences A-G the one that fits each gap. There
is one extra sentence which you do not need to use.</span></p><p
class="s5"><span>&nbsp;</span></p><style type="text/css">
.s6.s6.s6 {font-weight:normal; font-size:15;}
</style><p class="s5"><a name="_heading=h.30j0zll"></a><span class="s6"><span
class="bumpedFont15">This Girl Almost Died Because She Didn't Wash Her Makeup
Brushes</span></span></p><style type="text/css">
.s7.s7.s7 {text-align:justify;}
</style><p class="s7"><span>There are two rules in the beauty world that basically
everyone breaks: 1.1 _______. Katie Wright, a 21-year-old from Austin, TX, broke
both rules and could have died because of it.</span></p><p class="s7"><span>1.2
_______ She popped it, as one does, but instead of that disgusting moment of
satisfaction, her face began to swell and intense pain set in. 1.3
____________.</span></p><p class="s7"><span>She immediately went to the ER, where
she found out the wound wasn't a zit at all. 1.4 _______ she explained. "It affects
the deep cellular tissues with no main source to attack." The doctors told her that
if she had let the infection go untreated for much longer, there was a high risk of
it spreading to her brain or eyes, which could have caused her to go blind or even
killed her. 1.5 ______________ "This most likely happened from bacteria getting
into my eyebrow pencil brush. I'm super strict on washing my face/beauty
blender/brushes, but I never thought to disinfect my eyebrow spoolie." 1.6
___________________.</span></p><p class="s7"><span>&nbsp;</span></p><p
class="s7"><span>A. "It felt like something was going to burst out of my skin," she
wrote on Facebook.</span></p><p class="s7"><span>B. It all started when Wright felt
what she "thought was a giant under the skin pimple" next to her
eyebrows.</span></p><p class="s7"><span>C. Now that she's all healed up, Wright
warns against using dirty makeup brushes. </span></p><p class="s7"><span>D. Start
disinfecting now, people.</span></p><p class="s7"><span>E. My eyes started to
sting.</span></p><p class="s7"><span>F. "They said it was a very serious case of
Cellulitis, which is a version of a Staph infection,"</span></p><p
class="s7"><span>G. 1. wash your makeup brushes on the regs, and 2. don't pop your
pimples</span></p><p class="s7"><span>&nbsp;</span></p><p class="s7"><span
class="s4">2) For questions 2.1 to 2.7, complete the second sentence so that it has
a similar meaning to the first sentence. You must use the word given.</span></p><p
class="s7"><span>2.1 She went back to her hometown because the landlord was very
rude. (SUCH)</span><span><br></span><span>The landlord was __________________ that
she went back to her hometown.</span><span><br></span></p><p class="s7"><span>2.2 I
think this game is very easy. (CAKE)</span></p><p class="s7"><span>I think this
game is ______________________________.</span><span><br></span></p><p
class="s7"><span>2.3 I don’t understand Shutter Island, even though I watched it
twice. (SENSE)</span></p><p class="s7"><span>I watched Shutter Island twice but it
still _____________________________.</span><span><br></span></p><p
class="s7"><span>2.4 He only became champion because he went to Europe.
(IF)</span></p><p class="s7"><span>___________________________________, he wouldn’t
have become champion.</span></p><p class="s7"><span><br></span></p><p
class="s7"><span>2.5 The reason they win all the time is because they are very
good. (SO)</span></p><p class="s7"><span>They win all the time because they are
__________________________. </span></p><p class="s7"><span>&nbsp;</span></p><p
class="s7"><span>2.6 Finding him is harder than it looks. (DONE)</span></p><p
class="s7"><span>Finding him is ____________________________________.</span></p><p
class="s7"><span>&nbsp;</span></p><p class="s7"><span>2.7 The box was empty when I
got there. (HAD)</span></p><p class="s7"><span>Someone
_____________________________ the box when I got there.</span></p><p
class="s7"><span>&nbsp;</span></p><p class="s7"><span>2.8 I’m eating at that new
restaurant today. (OUT)</span></p><p class="s7"><span>I’m
__________________________ today.</span></p><p class="s7"><span>&nbsp;</span></p><p
class="s7"><span class="s4">3) For questions 3.1 to 3.6, decide which answer (A, B,
C or D) best fits the gap.</span></p><p class="s7"><span>Disagreements are a
necessary part of adult life. Sometimes you may 3.1 ___________ over something you
didn’t really mean to. You may even back 3.2 __________ from a discussion when you
see a disagreement coming. That is, put simply, a sign of maturity. Unfortunately,
not everyone is like this. Some people are 3.3 ______ immature they look like
children.</span></p><p class="s7"><span>No one is perfect however. It’s possible so
slip up and act in a childish way if you dont mean to. Just hope no one 3.4
___________. If they do, they’ll probably find it 3.5 ______. And, if that happens
at work, make sure it’s not a 3.6
_______!</span><span><br></span><span><br></span><span class="s4">3.1</span><span>
A assault B Fight C Protect D Destroy </span><span style="padding-
left:36;"></span><span class="s4">3.4</span><span> A notices B notes C believes D
pretends</span><span><br></span><span class="s4">3.2</span><span> A On B Away C Off
D Into</span><span style="padding-left:36;"></span><span style="padding-left:36;">
</span><span class="s4">3.5 </span><span>A intolerable B misleading C raw D
blue</span><span><br></span><span class="s4">3.3</span><span> A such B pretty C so
D much</span><span style="padding-left:36;"></span><span style="padding-left:36;">
</span><span class="s4">3.6</span><span> A teenager B friend C customer D
fireman</span></p><p class="s7"><span>&nbsp;</span></p><p class="s7"><span>4) What
is the secret to a healthy life? Tell us the advantages of having a healthy life
and the biggest obstacles/challenges to reach it.</span></p><p

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