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Name: _______________________________________________ Class: _____________ Date: __________

Directions: After reading Act 1, write your best answers in the columns corresponding to each
question. Make note of the lines suggested for each question. Answers must be thorough and
complete answers are best although not all will require one.

“The Crucible” by Arthur Miller - Act 1

Questions/Main Ideas/Vocab. Notes:
1. Describe the mood or
atmosphere of the opening
Lines 19-24

2. What do you think it means

when Susanna says to the
Rev. Parris that the doctor
wants Parris to “look to
unnatural things” for the
cause of this problem.
Lines 33-34

3. Why do you think Abigail

and Parris do not want
Susanna to speak of the
doctor’s suspicions in the
Lines 35-37

4. What do you think Abigail

and Tituba were doing in the
Lines 39-61

5. What does it mean when

Parris asks Abigail, “Your
name in the town – it is
entirely white, is it not?”
Lines 62-69

6. When Putnam asks Parris

if he has sent for the Rev.
Hale of Beverly, Parris says
as a “precaution only.” What
does the arrival of the Rev.
Hale foreshadow based on
his reputation?
Lines 88-90

7. When Abigail is asked by

Parris about conjuring spirits,
she says, it was not her, that
it was Tituba and Ruth. Why
does she do this?
Lines 109-110

8. Mary Warren pleads with

Abigail that the girls must tell
because “witchery’s a hangin’
error.” She says the girls must
tell the truth. From this
dialogue, describe Mary
Lines 142-147

9. When Abigail and John ABIGAIL (Lines 165-166)–

Proctor are alone and she
says, “Gah! I’d almost forgot
how strong you are,” what do
you realize about how Abigail
JOHN PROCTOR (Lines 173-206)–
and John feel about each
other now?
Lines 173-206

10. When Abigail speaks ill of

Proctor’s wife, Elizabeth,” she
says, “Oh, I marvel how such
a strong man may let such a
sickly wife …” before Proctor
cuts her off. This exchange
between Abigail and Proctor
about his wife shows Abigail’s
characterization of Elizabeth.
Why do you think Abigail
would speak of Elizabeth this
Lines 173-206

11. How do you think the

people of Salem view
Rebecca Nurse? Look at what
people say to her and what
she says in order to come up
with a logical answer.
Lines 216-249

12. When Thomas Putnam

and Proctor argue, Putnam
says Proctor does not attend
church. Why does Proctor say
he does not attend church?
Lines 251-257

13. What does Reverend

Parris’ preaching of “hell” and
“damnation” remind you of?
(Think back to the fall
14. Does the Rev. Hale truly
believe in the Devil?
Lines 305-337
YES or NO (Circle one)
15 Find one line in the text
that proves your answer for

16. When Abigail is

questioned by Hale about
what she did in the woods,
Hale says, “Did you call the
Devil last night?” and Abigail
says, “I never called him!
Tituba, Tituba!” Explain what
Abigail is doing here?
Lines 378-407

17. Tituba, of course, denies

that she has dealt with the
Devil. What is it that makes
her suddenly say that she is
in league with the Devil?
Lines 407-477

18. In the end of Act 1, why

do Tituba and the girls name
women in the village as being
in compact with the Devil
when they know it’s not true?

Summary, Reflection, Analysis - Write 3 sentences that summarize, reflect, and/or analyze the act.



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