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Dakota State University

College of Education

Name: Brenna Byer

Grade Level: 1st Grade

Lesson Goal(s) / Standards:

1.RF.2 Demonstrate understanding of spoken words, syllables, and sounds (phonemes).
b. Orally produce single-syllable words by blending sounds (phonemes), including
consonant blends.
c. Isolate and pronounce initial, medial vowel, and final sounds (phonemes) in spoken
single-syllable words.
d. Segment spoken single-syllable words into their complete sequence of individual
sounds (phonemes).

Lesson Objectives:
1) In a whole class lesson students will sound out and blend letters to read CCVC
words with 90% accuracy.
2) Students will be able to write and blend CCVC words from our class lesson with
90% accuracy.
3) During centers, students will use Jamboard to practice putting together the onset
and rime together to create CCVC words we learned in our lesson and new

Student Friendly “I can” Statement/s:

I can say and blend consonants and vowels to read new words.
I can write new words by writing the blended sounds.

Connection(s) to Research & Theory (what learning theory or research-based method

supports your chosen methodology or assessment? All from page 174-175)
● Good phonics instruction incorporates phonemic awareness. This awareness
improves skills and helps with introducing individual sounds/spellings.
● We need explicit instruction on sound blending using various methods to ensure
students can practice sounding out and read words.
● Good phonics instruction provides sufficient practice in reading words.

Materials Needed:
Slam! Materials for lesson in Jamboard
Word Blender Phonics in Jamboard
Lesson Jamboard
Center Jamboard
Contextual Factors/ Learner Characteristics:
The Lesson
● Introduction (include time allotment)
○ getting attention: Say: Hocus Pocus, Students Reply: Everybody Focus. I
will signal for my students to come to go into their reading centers while I
take a small group and meet them at the teacher table.
○ creating a need to know: 1st graders, we have been working on a lot of
letter sounds and have been blending CVC words like cat, bid, or peg. We
are going to use what we've learned and add another letter to our words to
create special blends to sound out.
○ relating to past experience and/or knowledge: First we are going to review
using our say it and move it board. Our letter tiles are not in the right order
we are going to say the word and then we are going to move the letters in
the right spot. Our first word is Mat. Following words: sat, map, lap, fat. I
will praise the students for going through those words as a warm up.
○ sharing objective, in general terms (I can): I am so excited for our lesson,
we are going to talk about what we are going to learn today. Our eye can
statement is going to be I can say and blend consonants and vowels to
read new words.

● Content Delivery (include time allotment & instructional methodologies)

○ Time: 10-15 minutes
○ Instructional Methodology: Explicit Instruction
○ I do it: Today I'm going to show you how to sound out some words. Watch
me as I blend the sounds of our first word
■ The word is slam projected on the jamboard. I will use my mouse to
drag under the letter sounds as I sound out my word.
■ To my students: I'm going to keep saying this sound until I point to
the next letter. Let's begin!
■ I will move my hand under the s, l, a, and m.
■ Now, watch as I say the whole word, I will take my mouse and go
straight under the word and say slam. Slam means to shut
something hard. When you slam a door it makes a loud sound.
● I want to emphasize that my sound never stops when I'm
reading and sounding out the letter sounds. Almost like my
sound is on a huge string that doesn't stop until the whole
word is red.
■ I am going to do one more example! My example word will be trap,
following the same process.
○ We do it: Now, I am going to lead you in sounding out another word. You
are going to sound out the word along with me, remember we'll be saying
the sound until I move to the next letter. Let's blend our sounds and create
our words.
■ My word is flat, I will move my mouse under f l a t. Lastly I will point
to the left of the word flat and say let's read this word. We will then
repeat the same process with the word plan.
■ Possible check for understanding would be to call on some
students to read through and blend the sounds again. I will also
take some time to prompt by saying what sound does this make?
Do we stop our sounds in between our letters? Of course we don't!
We don't stop saying a word in the middle of the word! Remember
the string!
○ You do it, I Watch: Now first graders, it is your turn to sound out these
words. This time I will point to the letter and I want you to say what it
sounds like. Keep saying it until I point to the next letter when I sweep my
finger under the word say the whole word let's start!
■ I will do this with the word flag, grab, and clap.
■ If I notice students mispronouncing letter sounds, blending errors,
or pausing between sounds I will stop and redirect and make sure
to model the correct process.
■ “All right students, now we are going to read these words without
saying each sound out loud. I'm going to model it for you first.”
● What I'm going to do is write the word trap. Then I will loop
my letters and whisper or say to myself the sounds then I will
say what's the word and with my finger all sweep quickly
from left to right saying trap. I will repeat with plan.
● Then we will do this new skill together, we are going to point
and loop from letter to letter and I want you to sound out the
word to yourselves. I will emphasize that this is a low volume
activity that is to ourselves. We will go from letter to letter
and once students have sounded out each letter we will
sweep quickly under the word snap.
○ We will do the same thing for flat, I will correct if need
be if students are not whispering, or they are
mispronouncing our words.
○ You do it: Lastly, it is your turn to sound out your words on your own.
When I point to a word, sound it out yourself then I'll sweep my finger
under the word and we'll see the whole thing. I will give students a
moment to look at each word, we will have words like slam, slap, brat,
**Depending on how far the students get and if we are working on word work words:
● We will also work on having students write out the word that is spoken.
○ Each student will be given a whiteboard and markers and given a word
■ Example: slam
○ First we will break down the sounds slowly together in order for students
to write down the sound letters and create the word.
○ I will call on students to help assure letter/sound correspondence and
check for understanding throughout this portion.
● Closure (include time allotment): 3 minutes
○ All right first graders! We have been working very hard on our I can
statement which is to say and blend consonants and vowels to read new
words and to write those new words by writing the blended sounds. In our
center work today, we are going to practice sounding out some words and
matching them with their correct picture. In jamboard we are going to draw
a line between our word and what picture it shows. Make sure to take your
time, many pictures are repeated and are some words that we've worked
with in class and are some new words! Make sure you listen to all of the
sounds you are reading to create the word. If you are stuck on
instructions, the link is in SeeSaw. You guys have been doing amazing
work so I'm excited to see how centers go!
● Assessments Used

● Differentiated Instruction

● Resources
○ Core Reading Sourcebook
○ Florida Center for Reading Research
○ Jamboard

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