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By: Alex Torrez, William Allan

Every child is different and what works for one may not work for another. This is

particularly true if you have a preschooler with special learning or behavior needs. The

following three considerations can help you get a head start on finding the right setting

for your preschooler. Things that should consider in choosing right setting for

preschooler are the quality preschools hire teachers with credentials. Well trained

preschool teacher has taken classes in early childhood education which includes an

understanding how to nurture important foundation reading readiness skills. A preschool

classroom should engage the students, spark their imagination and make student curious

about learning. The walls should display student artwork and writing that is is creative

and interesting.


Preschool classroom was an excellent structured setting for him. Pupils can really

learn to share, follow instructions, and began the foundation for learning that he now uses

in kindergarten. Preschool really helped with his emotional and social development.

Helps matured a lot within a year. Pupils also learned a lot of independence, such as

making his own choice and taking care of itself and knowing others. I have to tell you the

most important aspect of preschool experience by far was having an incredible teacher

really and truly. Having a good relationship teacher and being able to trust and respect

another person is huge. As a future parent it is important to know that work as early

childhood educators are important and that what do matters. Families’ memories of their

children’s preschool experiences can give us fresh insight into what we do in the

classroom. It can help us think clearly about why we make certain decisions and how we

work in the classroom. This can lead to powerful change and professional growth

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