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Assignment 1 Maritime Law

After reading and understanding the module uploaded, answer the following in not more than 200
words per question.

1. What is the purpose of the Special Trade Passenger Ships Agreement (1971)?

I my own understanding this agreement is all about The carriage of large numbers of unberthed
passengers in special trades such as the pilgrim trade in a restricted sea area around the Indian Ocean
is of particular interest to countries in that area. It was regulated by the Simla rules is the Application
for the (SOLAS) Convention in relation to Muslim, 11 June 1931. The Simla rules provided for suitable
safety requirements in ships engaged in certain special trades in the Far East which involve the
carriage of large numbers of unberthed passengers.

I think, the purpose of this agreement is to ensure the health, security and safety of the
Unberthed passengers, based on my research Unberthed passengers means a passenger of the age of
twelve years or upwards for whom no separate accommodation in any cabin, state room or saloon is
reserved, and in the computation of passengers for any of the purposes of Part VIII, two persons of
the age of one year or upwards and under the age of twelve years shall be reckoned as one unberthed
passenger. With regards of their concern they cooperated with some organization, particularly the
World Health Organization. This agreement put a standard on any passenger vessel who engage on
special trade. In order to comply with this agreement the particular passenger vessel must carry the
required certificates.

2. What is the effect to the Maritime industry of the said Agreement?

This agreement put a standard on any passenger vessel who engage on special trade. They must
follow and pass the qualifications in order to comply with this agreement the particular passenger
vessel must carry the required certificates such as passenger ship safety certificate, An exemption
certificate, A special trade passenger ship safety certificate, A special trade passenger ship space
certificate & A certificate “B”.

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