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Subject : Research Methodology Date : Thursday, October 13 2022

Lecturer : Prof. Dr. Suliyanto, SE, MM Time : 10.00 WIB
Class : Economic Education Room : A.025
Nature : Duration :

Media's Impact on United States Diplomatic Wire

(Study of Wikileaks Media Leakage between State Relations)


A. Background
International Relations is a branch of science which continues to develop.
Based on The Dictionary of World Politics International Relations is defined as the
term used for looking at all the interactions between state actors that cross boundaries
country. This means that International Relations is defined as the study of interactions
between actors across national boundaries. The end of the cold war gave a new color
to Relations International. International relations are becoming increasingly complex.
Connection International is not only limited by the interaction of state actors, but
rather is seen as an interaction between several actors in international politics, be it
state actors and non-state actors such as international organizations, organizations
non-government, and individuals. With this studying the study of international
relations means studying international behavior including actors state and non-state in
the international arena. On the other hand, amidst the hectic issues that are
increasingly affecting relations between countries in the order of International
Relations today, present Wikileaks as a leaker of information the world wants the
existence of a freedom of information and a transparent world order.
Based on some of the conditions above, with high-tech support and the
capabilities of Wikileaks activists, Wikileaks seeks to reveal information that has been
covered up so far. The problems that arise later are started when on one side
Wikileaks succeeded in leaking diplomatic cables from the United States and on the
side On the other hand, the media are even more aggressive in publishing information
the. This leakage phenomenon became a hard blow to the United States as well as
countries involved in Wikileaks reporting. Wikileaks launched its latest action by
disclosing 251,287 secret documents United States diplomatic cables. The document
was sourced from 274 Embassiet Great United States.
The cables reveal various activities of the United States and his views on other
countries, such as one when The United States spies on its allies in the United Nations
and turns a blind eye acts of corruption and human rights violations in dependent
countries to him. Then it was also revealed how the United States gave names to
several world leaders, such as German Chancellor Angela Markel with "teflon" and
Russia as a "mafia state". Next unfold the wire secret that the United States sent to the
Holy See in the Vatican regarding opposition to Turkey joining the European Union.
Then there are too leaks about the bomb attack on Al-Qaeda, related leaks with Saudi
Arabia and Iran, including leaks related to Indonesia.
In addition, the leak of the diplomatic wire also revealed Other information
that will be discussed in this paper, namely news regarding the personal life of Libyan
leader Muammar Gaddafi, regarding Mexican President Felipe Calderon's leadership
in tackling drugs in his country, assessment of Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip
Erdagon, leadership of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, assessment of
Singapore towards Malaysia, and the assessment of US Ambassador Heather Hodges
against the government of President Rafael Correa. The leak of the United States
diplomatic cables certainly had an impact on the relations of countries whose names
are included in the news Wikileaks, including the United States. Hilary Clinton
himself revealed immediately that this Wikileaks leak will not only harm national
security, but also impact on the international community, either in the form of
alliances and partnerships as well as in the form of negotiations. The end result will of
course affect the relationship between the United States and the United States other
Therefore, the author tries to see and analyze how far the impact of media
coverage originating from Wikileaks leaks on state diplomatic relations. Wikileaks
presence is inseparable from Julian Paul Assange, a Australian citizen known as
journalist, journalist, internet activist and as someone who is considered to have the
ability as a hacker creating a new breakthrough that moves in the form of leaking sites
secret documents. The Wikileaks leader holds this in high esteem democratic values
and open government and made Wikileaks as a tool to struggle in upholding justice, a
government that clean, open, and reveal what has been stored and felt necessary
recognized by the global community.
B. Formulation of the problem
Wikileaks leader, highly respected democratic values and open government
and made Wikileaks as a tool to struggle in upholding justice, a government that
clean, open, and reveal what has been stored and felt necessary recognized by the
global community. The problems that arise later are started when on one side
Wikileaks succeeded in leaking diplomatic cables from the United States and on the
side On the other hand, the media are even more aggressive in publishing information
the. This leakage phenomenon became a hard blow to the United States as well as
countries involved in Wikileaks reporting. Wikileaks launched its latest action by
disclosing 251,287 secret documents United States diplomatic cables. The document
was sourced from 274 Embassies. Great United States.Based on the background
above, the author raises the formulation of the problem, namely "how is the impact of
media coverage originating from leaks United States diplomatic cables by Wikileaks
against diplomatic relations between countries (countries involved in the Wikileaks
leak) ? ”
C. The Scope of research
The material to be discussed in this study is the impact of news coverage
media on diplomatic relations originating from Wikileaks leaks. Previously, the writer
did not focus on diplomatic relations on one relationship but includes several relations
between countries. This is because the author does not only want to know the impact
that occurs, but also see how the pattern is formed. With this it takes multiple country
relationships to see overall impact patterns. To limit the discussion so that it is not too
far from the purpose of writing to be achieved, then the author gives the limitations
that is started with the emergence of Wikileaks in the period 2006 to 2011.
D. Research purposes
In writing entitled "The Impact of Media Reporting on State Diplomatic Relations
Studies on Diplomatic Wire Leakage United States of America by Wikileaks” aims
- Know the Wikileaks profile, including the history of its formation, how as well as
the purposes of Wikileaks.
- Know the reaction of the countries involved in the leak Wikileaks.
- Know the impact of Wikileaks leaks on inter-relationships countries published by
the media.
E. Benefit of research
The benefit of this research theoretically is to know the study of knowledge
about International Relations as well as relations between countries, especially the
United States. Meanwhile, the practical benefits that can be obtained from this
research are as reference material and can also be used as a reference for further


A. Literature review
Dian Pratiwi Rahmat's research entitled “Propaganda Strategy United States
Through VOA (Voice of America) Media in Indonesia, with study on VOA (Voice of
America) Indonesia Reporting on Islamic issues Barack Obama's Administration.
This research in outline describes the role of the media in the implementation of
propaganda. How The United States launched its propaganda action in Indonesia to
achieve its national interests. One of them is through VOA (Voice of America),
America wants to shape public opinion among Indonesian people that The United
States during the reign of Barack Obama American policy The union is very
supportive of Islam. It can be seen from various reports that it seems indicates a pro-
Islamic policy direction. This is also done to improve the image of the United States
during the reign of George W Bush.
Research on “US Propaganda Strategy Through Media VOA (Voice of
America) in Indonesia” basically has an essential value the same as this research.
Through the media VOA (Voice of America), America The Union launched its
propaganda action with the aim of creating a positive image good in Indonesian.
Thus, the public discourse that is created among the Indonesian government and
society also leads to a good image against the United States. The same is true of this
study, although with different results, but basically the two studies are the same shows
that relations between countries can be influenced by news media. On research on the
United States' propaganda strategy through VOA media (Voice of America) in
Indonesia shows how the relationship between The United States and Indonesia were
influenced by America's image formation United States through the media VOA
(Voice of America). Meanwhile in this research shows that the conditions of relations
between countries are related in Wikileaks reporting after the Wikileaks leak can also
be influenced by media reports.
Based on the two studies above, if connected with This research, basically has
the same portion, namely equally shows if the publication from the media contributes
to the interaction International Relations. In research studies regarding VOA reporting
(Voice of America) Indonesia regarding the issue of Islam in the Obama
administration aims to create a view among the people of Indonesia that during
Barack Obama's administration, the United States strongly supported Islam. This
shows that in this context VOA's reporting (Voice of America) succeeded in
influencing relations between Indonesia and America Union. Then Suud Fitria in his
writings tried to show the role media in international politics through Al-Jazeera TV.
Meanwhile on In this study, the authors describe the magnitude of the influence of the
news media on state diplomatic relations.
B. Hypothesis development
1. Diplomatic relationship
Between diplomatic relations and international relations have close
relationship, where diplomatic relations is one way used to interact in international
relations. The interaction What is meant is the relationship between countries that
is formally established through diplomacy. In International Relations, diplomatic
relations are seen as realization of official relations between the two countries. So
the representatives of a countries that are stationed in other countries as envoys of
their countries have a share large in determining the quality of relations between
the two countries because officially recognized position. So every action and
behavior of country representatives become very influential on the relationship
being going on. The definition of diplomatic relations itself is one of the methods
used in International Relations, by using the diplomatic method or negotiation.
Diplomatic relations here are an illustration of how relations are between
countries (related countries) after reporting and publication from various media
sourced from Wikileaks leaks. Relations between these countries described
through several conditions that occurred after the publication of the media. So the
impact of media publications sourced from Wikileaks depends how and to what
extent vulnerabilities arise in relations between countries whose name is included
in the Wikileaks leak. There are several actions taken by a state against the state
others to describe situations and conditions that occur as a result of media
publications sourced from Wikileaks, namely:
1. Persona Non Grata.
Article 9 of the 1961 Vienna Convention mentions Persona Non Grata as a
refusal / expulsion of diplomatic envoys to end diplomatic duties. Persona Non
Grata occurs when existence diplomatic staff in the receiving country perform the
considered action recipient country is intolerable. Apart from existence the
diplomat is no longer liked by the receiving country. So that in this case a
diplomatic staff who is subject to Persona Non Grata must end his diplomatic
duties and leave the country receiver.
2. Recall.
Withdrawal of diplomatic envoys by the sending country or based on the
request of the government of the country where the diplomat staff placed.
Cessation of a staff because called home by sending state (recalled) itself occurs
with several reasons as following, namely being dismissed from office, called
home for consult because there has been tension, transferred assignments and
preemptive action for dismissal.
3. Diplomatic Notes, consisting of objection notes and protest notes.
Diplomatic note is a note sent by a government to other governments. Diplomatic
note can also be referred to as memorandum used in the case of official
correspondence between government with a diplomatic representative in the
receiving country
4. Official statement to the press.
2. International Communications Propagandistic Perspective
In this perspective, international communication is more directed at planting
ideas into the minds of other countries or communities international law to direct
public opinion, including influencing thoughts, feelings, and actions of governments
and people in other countries. The goal of course to strengthen support for the desired
object, change perspective on an idea or foreign policy of a particular country and
weaken a policy. There are several definitions of propaganda, including according to
Harold D. Laswell who defines propaganda as opinion control is carried out through
symbols that have meaning, or convey opinions that are concrete and accurate through
a story, rumor report, pictures and other forms that can be used in social
Sourced from Encyclopedia International stated that Propaganda is a type of
communication that seeks to influence views and reactions, without justifying the true
or false value about the message conveyed. From that understanding, in essence,
propaganda is a process dissemination of information aimed at influencing attitudes,
opinions and behavior. However, the problems that arise later are that propaganda is
often seen as something synonymous with terror, manipulation, and other lies to get
the desired goal. Whereas propaganda is not always used for things that are not good.
Therefore it would be better to see propaganda from the basic meaning of the
propaganda, that is interpreted as a process of communication between the sender and
receiver of the message.
So that the good or bad value of propaganda depends on the purpose the
propagandists want to achieve. In this discussion the role of the media as a
disseminator of information is seen through an international communication approach
from a propagandistic perspective. Where The basic concept from this perspective is
shaping, directing and influence public opinion. Media activities that publish various
information sourced from Wikileaks leaks in communications international
propagandistic perspective seen when the media began to flourish published the
Wikileaks leak. The results of this publication are growing increase the number of
people who know so as to influence public opinion finally got a reaction. The process
of media work is then seen as a propaganda activity. Starting from the media
spreading the news, quantity the public regarding Wikileaks leaks is increasing,
respectively have a perspective on leaked news, which then has an impact at the birth
of an action. All of these are seen by the author as a form of propaganda.

A. Research Design
1. Types of research
This research uses descriptive research type. Study Descriptive research is
research that is used to find out or investigate a social problem by presenting the final
results through exposure and analysis of phenomena within a clear theoretical
framework. Descriptive research equipped with data and a clear description of the
phenomena that occur. The completeness of the data and the description of this
phenomenon can be obtained from various sources sources, including from literature
studies. Through descriptive research, the writer tries to explain and explain clearly
how it turns out in the relationship setting. Internationally, the course of relations
between countries is influenced by many factors. Wrong one is the role of the media
as a publication tool and Wikileaks as a source leakage of information. Accompanied
by data relating to Wikileaks as well as data relating to the entire writing as a
complement in achieving the final results of the research.The influence of Wikileaks
leaks and media publications on Relations International to the diplomatic relations of
the countries shown through several cases as a reference to see how much impact the
influence has that occurred in the relations between these countries. Also included are
data relating to Wikileaks, Wikileaks reporting and countries' responses to Wikileaks
reporting as a complement in achieving results end of research.
2. Object of research
What is meant by the object of research, is the thing that is the target research
According the object of research is a set of elements that can be in the form of people,
organization or item to be studied. Then it was emphasized the object of research, is
the subject matter to be studied to get more targeted data. The research object in this
paper includes: 1. US diplomatic cables, 2. Wikileaks publications, 3. Relations
between countries.
3. Subject of research
What is meant by research subjects, are people, places, or objects observed in
the context of tracing as a target. The research subjects in this paper are the United
States and Media Wikileaks.
4. Research site
In this study, the research locations tested were at the Wikileaks media
office, and also the United States.
5. Data source
The source of the data for this study is from books as well as the internet
which has included research similar to the title in this study.
6. Method of collecting data
In obtaining the required data, the authors use data collection method that
is literature study to be more accurate scientific research. This method is carried
out by searching for data related to the topic of the problem raised through
research to books, writings, articles, print and electronic media as data sources in
order to complete the material requirements of this paper. In this study the data
collection used is secondary data collection. Where the information obtained is not
direct from the source, but obtained through literature studies such as from
journals scientific knowledge, books and media sources such as newspapers and
the internet.
7. Population and sample
The research population is all individuals who will be subjected target
generalization of samples taken in a study. The population in this study were all
employees and actors from the Wikileaks media. According to Sutrisno Hadi, a
sample is an example or part of it individuals studied, due to the large number of
research populations and cannot be fully investigated. In this study, a sample of
50% of Wikileaks media employees was used.

B. Conceptual Definition
Publication of various information whose contents are related to wire
United States diplomatic media by media sourced from Wikileaks turns out has
affected the diplomatic relations of several related countries in the Wikileaks leak.
Diplomatic relations of several countries to be disturbed. This is evidenced by the
various reactions from related countries, such as reprimands, protest notes,
recalling state representatives, resignation and expulsion of state representatives.
The diversity of reactions. This emergence makes the essence of the value of
"disruption" of diplomatic relations countries cannot be generalized. For this the
author sees that the impact generated is varied. So the impact of the publication of
information by the media sourced from Wikileaks is the disruption of several
countries' relations where the impact varies. Some are high reactive and some are
low reactive.
C. Analysis Tools
The author seeks to collect data as completeness and support research, then
carried out data processing, then entered the stage data presentation. After that,
enter the process of explaining the phenomena that become core research and
analysis of the phenomenon with descriptive method qualitatively within a defined
theoretical framework. The level of analysis in this study is inductionist. In this
research unit the explanation is media coverage originating from leaks Wikileaks
and its unit of analysis are relations between countries as an international system.
Through inductive research the writer trie analyze that currently relations between
countries are affected a lot factors, one of which is media publication through its
reporting affect some of the relations between countries whose names are included
in Wikileaks leak.

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