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Mary Grace T.

Paquibot STAS111
BSACC 1-YA-1 Assignment – The Good Life

Watch the documentary short film 'That Sugar Film (2015). Answer the following

1. What is the relationship between the good life and science?

I think that there is a relationship between the good life and science. Their
relationship can be distinguished in many ways, and the most common or usual way that
interconnects good life and science is in our hierarchy of needs. Our basic needs which
are first that must be satisfied in the hierarchy are our source of food, water, clothes, and
so on. We wouldn’t recognize or find out right foods that we need for nutrition or health
if science will not be involved. Same to our clothes, we wouldn’t be able to produce a
mass amount of clothes for many people if we will not use technology (which was also
made through science). Also, science is the one that helps people to discover phenomena
that will be useful to develop a lot of things that will be helpful to people. An example
can be a discovery or experimentation of finding a cure to some diseases, how our mind
and body work, and how people’s lives could be a lot easier through making robots or
machines. All the things that science discovers and created, it will help people to achieve
or acquire a good life. Because our quest or desire to have a good life is what fuels or
drive science to find or even invent one.

2. Based on the short film, does technology always lead us to the good life? How and

Even though the movie is obviously all about the effects of sugar on the human
body, I can say from what I have watched that technology can both lead us and not lead
us to the good life. Technology such as gadgets, machines, or the internet plays a big role
in helping people to achieve their desired needs both physically, mentally, and socially.
We can be able to make or do things quicker and easier than before, which we can say
that it really helps us achieve a good life. We can make or produce more delicious and
available foods, and more amount of quality products, build properties, connect
ourselves to people that could be our partners someday, etc. But those efficient and
convenient things that technology does for us could also be destroying for people if not
used appropriately and morally. Sometimes, the easier that we get or make things, could
also be harmful to people. It could make people more lazy, dependent, lack of skills, and
have low self-confidence which could be a hindrance for people to continue to
successfully achieve what they are desiring to have. Because basically and obviously, it
will still depend on people how he or she will do things in order to have a good life. Some
could make use of technology to have it, and some could also not use technology just to
achieve a good life.

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