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The Artificer A New Character Class for AD&D by David Marsh The Artificer is featured in this issue's AD&D scenario, Star of Darkness ‘The Arica isthe herala ofthe new technological age which i destinedinever to reach the ADED world. is(or her) experise'sin the eidofthingsmechanieal and the small ealecrantion: the Artficeria anonginoer intnewidest posaible sense of the wore, Hesableto turn fis hand to making alock, hinge, box, door or jewel, he can design ewweeponsoreven cts ar'erchitectInshort the Artficerwiltry his hand at sirost anything and wil always etempt to further the ‘cause of technology whenever he has the opportunity “The range of alent ar Arifcar wil gain Somands a high evel of ity rom the outset: Strength must be greater than 12 and Intel ‘gene, Wisdom and Dexterity mustallbe 1Bor greater No experience int Bonuses are avalleble, nor may an Arificer be multiclassed) Fowever any allgnmentis sllowable, with the proviso thatthe Aetlicer remembers the cause he fights for “Arifcers may wear any armour except for plat or sarge helm (un tess made by nimsel), but may only pertorm their specific tievish abilifes in esther armour or lees. They may only use the fllowing ‘weapons: dagger shorsword, hammer, pick hand exe and sli bowe intial golds te some as fora Cleric and the Artiicer uses he samo roto) andcambai progression insclass Gecause oftheir eve forthot sor of thing, ino stution whore 9 weepon might normaly break weapon chosen of made by an Arifieerieentiledta a saving throw the roll of 9 d20 cess than or equal tothe Artifice’ level then itis aved. These weapons cost no more than Usual ‘Ahuman, dwar, helfelf or gnome may be an Arifice: inthis case ‘adwarfcan vsaspéllebecauee of thei pragmatic and parialy erica! ature rote that NBC dwarven Clerics usespels Infact dwaris us ally make the best Anificers, Level ExperiencePoints HitDice(d6) Title 02400 Apprentice ‘Soumeymen Technician Grofeman ‘Arison Engineer Crahtamaster fren Master Articar Master Anficer (othievel). 2401-4800, ‘4901-11000 {3001-22000 22001-45000 ‘46001-10000 00001-10000 ‘0001-20000 240001400000, ‘400001-750000, 400,000 experience points per level for each additional level beyond woth, ‘Anifcers gain 2HP per level after the th, COMMON ABILITIES ‘Ariticers have the following talents arising from their taining Detect Trape/Mechanisms (OT). H alert and wary (+30% f concen- {yang eludes pits, sifting walls, spring loaded trepe, sly nen-magieal FinaiRemove Traps RT). As a Thief, + DEX bonuses. ‘pon Lacks (LI. As Thief,» DEX bonuses. Soe rraguiarity (31). Noticing eracks, peepholes, secrot doors. 20° range, 40% to chance f concentrating, ‘Know Value (KV). Knowledge of the actuel market value of gems, jowollery ete, Doesn't identify magical properties. Bonuses of + 18% fin special area, +8% if part specialist. ilaston immunity (i). Inadaitian to eaving throws: Artiicorshavea ‘reat dake of lutions and lusionists, Subtract the level of the lu. Sion spel from the 8 chance to resist. ARTIFICER FUNCTION TABLE Level OF Ability Anificer OT F/RT OL St 1 25 5 10 20 30 38 a5 50, 55: *Plas 1% per level after the th **Plus 2% per level after the Sth Racial Adjustments Race OT F/RT OL St oo 8 ease eS! Hatet = 5 is = SPELL USAGE ‘Anificers also have limited spell-using capabilites, although no ‘nificer will ever admit to using magic. inmany cases, however, the ‘Ariticer will ook as fhe is carrying out a normal task whilst the spel 'steast~yorbal components ean often bo passed off as singing while you work ‘Arificers wil, atall times, try to pass off every spell si the task was completed by non-magical moans. The subtie warkings of Artifica ‘agte results nt not registering under detect magie. non s Master Anificet sends his spprentice off forthe frsttime, he willgive hima the evel t spells, Each ime the young Ariificer wishes. toprogrese aleve, he must return for training fora period aqual to is level in months. the apprentice willbe given all the level 2 spolis on lttaihing 4th levelif hehas shown sufficient promise, Once the charac {errezenes th level he mustspend three months working on his wn, ina sultabla envirenment, to progrese further. A mastor ill nat give him the level 3 spells inese mus| be found. Each time the Artiicor ‘achieves a-new level (above 6th), he has a (lavellechence of finding ‘one of his choice. Spells are not written down, but ara passed an by ward of mouth of gained intuitively. When used, a spell is forgotton 4nd must be regained by resting, #s for other magic-using classes. ‘SPELLS USABLE PER DAY ‘Artiicer’s Level Gnome 43. ef & Airglass Detect Mechanism Enhance Cubrica Mend Mattie Reduction Seal Disassomble Dispeltusion Enhancelt Operate Rostore Reset ust Rustproot Detseh Enhancelll Know. Malleable Sabotage Level 15 Atesass {Conjuration, Alteration) Range: 1” Casting Time: 3 segments Components: V,S ‘ron ofetiect:1'clmeter disc Baration: 7 turnevel Sewing Throw: None {Causes aiscol si toforminto alent wlan magn fies objects oo power! 10xlevelof caster Only thecaster may se the lenswhich he Fay move as wished. Theres no optical dctorion through the lens Detect Mechanism (Divination) Range: Costar Casting Time: 2seqmente Components: VS Arouol Effect 9" sphere Duration: 7 turnievel Saving Throw: None ‘Makes the caster aware of the position, size end complexity ofall mechanisrsin range. (Arrechenim is anything wih 1 moving paris Enhance (Chant, Alteration) Range: Touch, Components: V,S ‘Areaol Effect: 1 objoct Duration: Permenent Saving Throw: Non ‘Normally an Artifice can combine materials andineraase the value ofpartsby TS/iovel. fhe chantsthiswhilstworking then he does so at rovel, or with 223% saving throw ita working pica has oon Casting Tima: Varies Lubricate (Summoning) Range: Touch Casting Time: 8 sogmonts Components: V.S.M ‘Areuol Effect: 6a" lev Duration’ 1 yearlevel ‘Saving Throw: None ‘Needs asmall blob of grease, Causesthe area chosen to be covered ina thin film of high quality, non-flammable lubricant. THE ARTIFICER ‘Mend (Alteration) - Hange: Touch Casting Time: 1 round Components: V.S.M Area ofeftect: objoct Buration: Permanent Saving Throw: None pasa earsiyreaksinone objet making ase. Reauirese ‘special needle and thread or glue (as applicable) ‘Muffle (Alteration, Abjuration) Range:0 Casting Time:4couments Components: V,S,M Rreaof effect "sphere Duration: ZWurng/evet ing Throw: None ‘Muff sound 80 that an Antfier’s work cannot be heard outside thesphere. The material component, preceof cloth, sbound around the Artifice’ implements Reduetion (Alteration) 10. gesting Time: Components: V,S Area ofttect: object Duration: Permanent Saving Throw: None "animate, nan-magical object aected by this spell can be reduced in size 1 (1/Arificer'slevelth ofits original size within 2 ‘umber of turns equal tothe casters aval Iteannot be used against ‘an opposing Force. The spel 's used to get very fine detal into work Seal (Alteration) Reversible Range: Touch Components: V,S,M. Casting Time: 1 roundivear ‘Area of Effect: | object Duration: 1 yeotiievel Saving Throw: None. Hermatially seals existing joints and seams of a casing, making them stronger than tie parent material, Molten wax is used as the ‘material component. The reverse of the spell unseais joints, loosens ‘ails rvels ete, and requires no material component Level2 Spells Disassemble (Divination) Range: Touch Casting Ti Components: V,S Area ofEect: | object Duration: 2rourda!level Saving Throw: None ‘Makes the caster aware of how objects can be taken apart ~ each component to be removed wil nturn, be seen by the Artficer to. ‘glow. For example, east on a Box it would enable the Arificar to take Spent the pieces hiding a secret compartment, but the tap present sight need removal fret ime: | round Dispel usin: Ashe Musionist spall, but consider he Arion as ESfRgentslonscof2tevl higher han fractal evel Enhancell: As enhance /but gives 2 40% increase or a 28% saving. ‘Operate (evocation Divination) Range:0 Casting Time: 2seqments Components: V,S ‘Areuol Effect: 120° are," radius Duration: Variable Saving Threw: None Detects stim required to activate any mechenism in range which the easter ie aware of and provides alevel 10s chance of success. (2: magical, eg magie mouth). Failure results in nathing happening, Restore/Reset (Divination) Range: Touch Casting Time: t round Gompononts:V.S real titect | cbjectimechaniam Baration’?roungaevel Saving Throw: None Works 2s the roverse of disassomb, but inaludos reserting traps. Incorporster mandifjointsreed tobe fad, butnot naw charges ieny thave been expended ust (Ait Range: Te ‘Components: VSM Buration: Permanent on) fy Casting Time: 1 round ‘Arouol Effect: Special Saving Throw: Special “This enabies the caster to make one sttack (within atime equal to +Lroundilevel) as rust monet, with the same saving throws. The ‘material component's ¢rust monster's antenna caried in the hard Rustproof (Adjuration/Chant) Range: Touch Casting Time: Special ‘Componants: ,S ‘Area of Effect: cbjocumechanism Duration: Special Saving Throw: None Proofs objects against ustfor2 yearsievel, or against one etack by arustmonster perlevel. Caster must chart whilst creating the object. Level Spells Detach (Evocation) Range: Touch, Components: V,S Casting Time: 1 round ‘Aros of Ect: 1 blade Duration: 2rounds! Saving Throw: None “This instills into a blade the power to part the nearest joint living or dead} on the nox thing touches. Double ligatures are doubly ‘severed, The object tobe severed shouldbe fouched withinthe dura- tion of the spell Enhenee Mt: As enhance | but S0%/level or a 33% saving. Can be cast with eustproof, mingling the two chants Know (Divination) Range:3” Casting Time: 1 round Compononts: VS Areaof Effect: 1 mechanism Duration: Permanent Saving Throw: None "The easter becomes aware of exectly how a mechanism works, what does and how and why it le constructed Matleable (Aitoration) Range: Touch Casting Time: 1 round ‘Compononts: Vs ‘Areal Effect: Special Duration: | tuenllevel Saving Throw: Non: "Any rion-magical metal that the caster touches becomes soft and pliable to his fingers. The area affected is as much as the caster can. foueh (Avjuration) Casting Time: round ‘Arenof Effect: 1 mechanism Saving Throw: None ty mechanism natto function such that tneeds a number of complete overhauls equal tothe evel of the caster to work again ‘The materi component is an ron spike. ‘SPECIAL SKILLS ‘The Anica receives an education in tumerous fields, butthere ie stil to9 much for one porson to assimilate, Each Ariificor starts wth two Specialist areas of mowledgeto which hecan addore (althermaterial ‘skill a each training period prior to advancing ¢ level ‘Specialist Materials Bea sl Glass (any 2 Motale/Alloystany 2) Elements ‘Wood Hard, Softor Bone} Cloth (Fur, FabricorLeather) Poperink Clubs, Pelearms or Artery) Sewaliery ‘Architecture (Strongholds, Domesticor Mines! alchemy cartography Transport Armour Wards [Traps orLocks) For example, an Apprentice Artficer could start with Locks and Fardwoods, and take Sofwroude apon resching second eval “The Know Value sil ofan Artifice lnked in with these fads of Inowiedge: the s 8% bonus applies the objects partly mede of a ‘atonal be specialise in: the e155 one if # wholly conetructed of Suche materiel An artis’ with e pertculerclas of kil coulé pasa imaeioff este best ofthat profession. Coch sillormateraiconveys Special bonuses Matori! Specialties Rost Incdes maconry sil Grates ier geet OMG) n chosen mater rol for stil raters ‘Mal alloys. Light met sTRtoe tor Smithy Elements. all substances not covered elsewhere Wood Includes general carpentry sills. Goth. Ince taioring sk Foperink Making scot, roll 6 ifless than Artifcer's level then scrlisideltor marie Given 1 Gay, with Alchemy sil, can denthy Skill Specialities Weaponry. Bows include al fighted weapons, Clue includes ‘maces, hammersand pickin the ela, an Artisan can design + non tenchanted weapons: & Master Artficer with this kil ean design =2 weapons. Inboth cases, materials must be of # specialist area 2d wil tka two months to make Jewellery. Working with specialist materials adds 4%/levelto value: itpartepecialist, thon 2% Ade 1% to KV for jewollory estimates. ‘Architecture. With Stronghold and using specialist materials, the Atiicar adde S¥sevel to the dafencive points of structures (OMG), Choosing Mine gives dwarven detection ebilites, «1% per level; Bomestie gives fing secret door at at the FIRT chance (115% for eon- cealed) and the ability to gauge distances up to 80" to within an inch lemonte speciality. Given ? hour, the 1g8pation. The skill also con- \Veys.aKVe chance of owing beforehand potion miscibility (OMG). artography. The character can judge elevations accurately of and above this distance fo within +2% Mis neraased by 15% against hallucinatory terrain. The skill also includes trigonometty functions. ‘Trangport Includes design ofcar~and shipwright skills, Frochand, the Anifcercan draw a perfect cirele ofup to Tyard radius, With Rock sil the Ariffcer can build roads. ‘Armour. Working wholly in special'st materials and taking twice the normal time (DMG), an Aftificar {with 16+STR) can ereste armour hich is +1 (anenehanted) if sth level, or +2 if 8th level or above. Wards, Adds 10% to PRT oF OL chanoes depending on whether TrapsorLocks is chosen. working wholly in specialist materials, the artfcer can make traps or locks which are detectedipicked ata 3% Teval penalty, except by Righer level Arificers.() working sklls in those chosen. Need

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