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NIGRT'S DARK AGENTS Ninja and Ninjutsu in Chris Elliott and Richard Edwards He whose sable arms, Black ashi pur: Dose, did the night resemble Hamlet Iii For the most part. introducing elements of Japanese society into RPGs doesn’t present too many problerns. It's fairly ‘asy to gat information fram libraries on the samurai, and provided appropriate allowances are made for the etfects of thoJapanese cocial syztom, players and referees can draw on European feudal models for commoners, the priesthood, magicians and thieves without going too badly astray. The ninja, however, are different. They have no real counterpart inv European history, and despite their continuing popularity as subjects for books, films and television series, reli- able information about them is nard to ‘come by. This is notreally surprising; all feudal Japanese institutions were obsessively secret, and the nature of Rinjuteu moans it would be doubly 20, ‘This series of articles is desianed to ex plain who the ninja were, how they oper ated, and how they can be incorpardiad into role-playing games. ‘The Art of Steatth Some estimates pit Phe haginnings of finjutsu as early 28 S0BC, and they are recorded as having been hired 2s spiagg by Prince Regent Shotoku Taishi iggig 6th century AD. Theirlast major yaiWas. 1m 1637, during the Shimbara yaiiegainst Christian rebels on Ryugh ug thoro ic 00d reason to believe nMlmnia wore. active in government silica Taisho era, 1812 2zgmapereeen pth, Showa era, wien Meso Rts Still contingstgiBMy. Ninjutad ts there- Tore proggiAPes old as Japanese his- tory, buffthas not remained unchanged, NIGHT'S DARK AGENTS arfS#H!s helps to explain the conflicting adugas of is origins. Like most “Idpaglese institutions, ninjutsu seems to inggflflome from Chinese influence on a nap@tradition, with the resulting pro UgEBBIng unigdely Japanese. Prince Shei Taishinot gpiynived ninja, he wah a kegrtsualaaftet of Buddhism, intr 6Qpbac sboutilaiy years berore ne canyon ME nese learning in gendi Weth ofl, indiregy, were SReNee Celalbycot opis Tho Cie claci iad Tzu gt haf of War ese ly takAcheiba amet generalp\ ay s.eqe? ami gtispIOaE which SMaifo evel CineRe exis gabe es 44 acai Me piSRattars Tony. Sueanbetee ° 2: Srinobijutsuitive, “Ai IOF Waste we A “ef OF stealth hO dng .2/v\ aody Gem ‘pel Wars Detweis. the |ai'3,andiMine ‘frotoelansh. VikO.1TE=. heMinamote 3.dsaids> 94 alledne avily one. Sosa hos Oc OGeR oUF OF nally oo A ee ae BPM cliogodiy had ‘Seeeliaining ap njoD EAR nin ae. a ee [2h fe WERE: BPR ‘a 'Ound the ath andes ser tunes US Le Pasha rrvo Tami MBE Rig segs wore