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Even with everything going on right now, Henriette makes sure to keep up movie

nights with Rose. It's one of the few islands of normalcy she can get now that
she's on the run, hiding from her own side and from the people she was raised to
trust. Henriette hopes that things can go back to normal soon-hiding from
everything, having to worry that any camera might be watching them with hostile
intent-it's not something she likes. The NWO are already creepy enough as friends-
trying to think of them as enemies is just aggravating. So something like movie
night-a time when she can just forget about everything happening around her-is an
opportunity she's unwilling to miss.

It's also a chance for her to be nice for once.

"So what's with you and Donald anyways?" Henriette asks. "I'm curious."

"Hmm?" Rose hums quietly, turning from the movie to look at Henriette.

"You don't have to answer if you don't want to." Henriette clarifies hastily. "I'm
just curious what's going on between you."

"I like him." Rose says happily. "I think. That's how this romance thing works,
right?" She glances somewhere else for a moment but returns her gaze on the movie.

"I... guess?" Henriette replies. "I'm not an expert on it either." She isn't sure
who is. It seems like the kind of thing you should have experts on, but apparently
not. The NWO see it as a weakness to be exploited, the Syndicate deny its existence
in favor of lust, Iteration X's relationship with romance is... questionable to say
the least, and the Syndicate think it's a matter of waving around designer clothes
and fat wallets. That leaves the Void Engineers, and as much as she's heard all the
jokes about "boldly coming where no man has come before" she's seen the new face of
the Void Engineers and even Elsa's comeons can't disguise that there's none of
[i]that[/i] left anywhere in their identity anymore. "But why him?"

Rose ponders for a moment. "Because this is a decision I've made. Not one forced on
me." Rose says. "I've been ordered around for my entire life-to have a decision I
can make on my own, good or bad, that's a luxury." She sighs. "It's hard for us."
Constructs, she means. "Even my brothers and sisters are-they're people, but

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