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Choosing a Topic  Collecting a Background Formulating Problem and

(We think about the most Information Hypothesis
popular issue faced by the (We make some research (We make some brainstorming
Philippines that about the impacts of teenage about the positive and negative
affecting student’s pregnancy to academic effects of teenage pregnancy on
academic performances) performance of students in academic performance of a
GSTC) female student

Finishing all in the Designing for the Survey

     manuscript               Question
(We finish all the (We make questions that can
unfinished part of our help us to gathered data about
study) our study)

  Main discussion, analysis  Gathering Materials for

   and computation Survey
 (We analyzed the gathered data (We choose google forms
and make a concussion about it)    and surveyed online)

Making the data table and Conducting the Survey

recording the data table (We conducted the survey
(We make the data table with different respondents
using the gathered data) from Granby Colleges of
Science and Technology)

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